WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

خطة العمل للإصلاح الإقتصادي والإجتماعي 2012- 2015 (Economic and Social Development Plan)

Government of Lebanon الحكومة اللبنانية Country Resources Development and Poverty Strategies Lebanon Report

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سبعة محاور لتنفيذ الإصلاح الإقتصادي والإجتماعي في لبنان
1- إدارة الدين العام وإصلاح المالية العامة
2- تنمية القطاع الخاص
3- إعادة تأهيل البنية التحتية (الطاقة, النقل,المياه والصرف الصحي, البيئة, الإتصالات)
4- التنمية البشرية
5- التنمية المناطقية والبلدية
6- الإصلاح المؤسساتي والاداري
7- عوامل مساعدة أخرى

The seven pillars for the implementation of economic and social reform in Lebanon are:
1. public debt management and fiscal reform
2. Private Sector Development
3. infrastructure upgrade and development (energy , transport , water and sanitation , environment , telecommunications )
4. Human Development
5. regional and municipal development
6. institutional and administrative reform
7. Other helpful factors


WHO collates and provides external links to resources focusing on mental health, disability, general health, human rights and development but does not specifically endorse particular laws, policies, plans or other documents from countries or organisations. WHO also does not warrant that the information in this record is correct or refers to the most up-to-date version. Please read the site disclaimer for further details. If this record contains an error or is outdated, please notify us.