WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Mental Health Outcomes: Indicators and Examples of Evidence

Mental Health Commission; Government of Western Australia Country Resources Mental Health Service Standards Australia, Western Australia 2000 Guidelines

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Each person is unique and what each person considers a good life to be for them will differ; their needs, goals, aspirations, what they value and the type and level of outcomes they achieve will also differ. To ensure that funded services are consistent in their approach and practices to support people’s achievement of a good life, the Mental Health Commission, in consultation with the sector, developed six mental health outcomes statements. These Outcome Statements describe the main aims people are seeking to achieve in their lives. All six outcomes relate to ‘quality of life’ – a key principle of the Western Australian government’s strategic policy Mental Health 2020: Making it personal and everybody’s business. The six outcome areas (the Outcomes) are:
1. Health, wellbeing and recovery
2. A home and financial security
3. Relationships
4. Recovery, learning and growth
5. Rights, respect, choice and control
6. Community belonging


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