WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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Constitution of the Republic of Fiji (2013)

Fiji Government Country Resources Constitutions Fiji 6 September 2013 Legislation/regulation

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WE, THE PEOPLE OF FIJI, recongnising the indigenous people or the iTaukei, their ownership of iTaukei lands, their unique culture, customs, traditions and language; recognising the indigenous people or the Rotuman from the island of Rotuma, their ownership of Rotuman lands, their unique culture, customs, traditions and language; recognising the descendants of the indentured labourers from British India and the Pacific Islands, their culture, customs, traditions and language; and recognising the descendants of the settlers and immigrants to Fiji, their culture, customs, traditions and language, declare that we are all Fijians united by common and equal citizenry; recognise the Constitution as the supreme law of our country that provides the framework for the conduct of Government and all Fijians; commit ourselves to the recognition and protection of human rights, and respect for human dignity; declare our commitment to justice, national sovereignty and security, social and economic wellbeing, and safeguarding our environment, HEREBY ESTABLISH THIS CONSTITUTION FOR THE REPUBLIC OF FIJI.


Fiji Constitutional Decree 2013
English, 504.7 kB pdf

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