WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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Ley 23.462 – Aprobacion del convenio sobre la readaptacion professional y el empleo de personas invalidas (Law 23.462 Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities Law)

The Government of Argentina Country Resources Disability Legislation Argentina 29 October 1986 Legislation/regulation

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La ley incluye los definiciones y campo de aplicacion como, se entiende por 'persona inválida' es toda persona cuyas posibilidades de obtener y conservar un empleo adecuado y de progresar en el mismo quedan substancialmente reducidas a causa de una deficiencia de carácter físico o mental debidamente reconocida. Tambien, la ley contiene los principios de politica de readaptacion professional y de empleo para personas invalidas y medidas a nivel nacional para el desarrollo de servicios de readaptacion professional y empleo para personas invalidas.

The law includes definition and the scope of application like, the term ‘disabled person’ is an individual whose prospects of securing and retaining suitable employment and progress in it are substantially reduced because of a recognized physical or mental disability. The law also has the principle policies of the professional rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons, and the national measures for the development of services for the professional rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons.


Spanish, 15.5 kB pdf

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