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A Basic Package of Health Services for Afghanistan 2010/1389

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Ministry of Public Health Country Resources General Health Service Standards Afghanistan Policy document

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The newly revised Third Edition of the Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) 2010/1389. This version reflects the evolution in the health system since 2005 and includes new approaches to improve both the access to and the quality of the basic health services. The MoPH believes that by continuing to focus on a Basic Package of Health Services, it will be able to concentrate its resources on reducing mortality among its most vulnerable citizens, especially women of reproductive age and children under five. The BPHS continues to serve as the foundation of the Afghan health system and remains the key instrument in making sure that the most important and effective health interventions are made accessible to all Afghans.

This edition of the BPHS continues the format used in previous editions. It clearly identifies what services need to be available at each level of the primary health care system -health posts, health sub centers, basic health centers, mobile health teams, comprehensive health centers, district hospitals- and lists the staff, equipment, diagnostic services, and medications required to provide the services at each level. More attention is given to the wide range of actual conditions experienced in the field in Afghanistan, due to geographical, cultural and security factors, allowing flexibility in implementation in order achieve maximum impact given the local conditions.


BPHS 2010
English, 1.4 MB pdf

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