The South African Library for the Blind Act
Country Resources
Disability Legislation
South Africa
2 November 1998
Government of South Africa
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The South African Library for the Blind Act, 1998The objective of the Library for the Blind is to provide a national library and information
service to serve blind readers and other people whose disability does not enable them to
read printed materials in South Africa. The functions of the Library for the Blind are to:
• build up a balanced and appropriate collection of South African and other documents for
the use of blind and print-handicapped readers
• record its collections appropriately
• provide a bibliographic service to those readers
• provide access to documents nationally and internationally to those readers
• provide library and information services on a national basis to those readers
• co-ordinate and preserve the national audio and Braille literary heritage
• produce documents in special media, such as Braille and audio, as required by users.
The functions must be performed solely in respect of documents for the use of or relating to
blind and print-handicapped readers.
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