WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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O Plano Brasil Sem Miséria (Brazil without Poverty Plan)

Brazil Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger Country Resources Development and Poverty Strategies Brazil 2011 Policy document

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Este documento apresente o Plano Brasil Sem Miséria, que inclui os objetvos especificos seguintes:
1) Elevar a renda familiar per capita.
2) Ampliar o acesso aos serviços públicos, às ações de cidadania e de bem estar social;
3) Ampliar o acesso às oportunidades de ocupação e renda através de ações de inclusão produtiva nos meios urbano e rural.

This document presents the Brazil Without Poverty Plan, which includes the following specific objectives:
1) Raise the per capita family income;
2) Increase access to public services, actions of citizenship and social welfare;
3) Increase access to employment and income opportunities through productive inclusion initiatives in urban and rural areas.


Portuguese, 3.2 MB pdf

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