WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

National Drugs Policy

Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity, Malta Country Resources Substance Abuse Policies Malta Policy document

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National Drugs Policy

This document was adopted in February 2008. It aims to streamline the actions of government and non-government bodies responsible for delivering services to drug users. It seeks to: (i) improve the quality and provision of drug-related services; and (ii) provide a more coordinated mechanism to reduce the supply of and demand for drugs in society. The strategy’s main objectives are to ensure a high level of security, health protection, well-being and social cohesion. It is primarily concerned with illicit drugs, but it also considers the abuse of prescription medications. The strategy is built around six main pillars addressing: (i) coordination; (ii) the legal and judicial framework; (iii) supply reduction; (iv) demand reduction, including harm reduction; (v) monitoring evaluation, research, information and training; and (vi) international cooperation and funding.


National Drugs Policy
English, 508.5 kB pdf

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