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The Northern Ireland Suicide Prevention Strategy Action Plan 2012 - March 2014

Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Country Resources Suicide Prevention Northern Ireland 1 June 2012 Policy document

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This Strategy refreshed the “Protect Life” prevention strategy 2006-2011. The “Protect Life” recognises that suicide is on the increase in Northern Ireland. It identifies that the reduction of suicide and the tragic consequences for families is a priority for statutory, community, and voluntary sectors alike.

The refreshed “Protect Life” Action Plan now includes a “red, amber, green (RAG) status” progress assessment and an overview of progress against each of the original actions. The availability of evidence for action carried forward from the 2006 Action Plan is also provided with priority ratings identified for each of the actions.

The actions are split between those which address population-wide issues in the wider context of suicide prevention and those which are targeted at sections of society most at risk of suicide and self-harm. While the actions have been allocated priority ratings, it is recognised that some actions may require additional unforeseen work to allow for completion of specific tasks.

This document has detailed the new actions resulting from the learning and reflecting the new objectives and outlined the actions which have been completed or progressed substantially.


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