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The National Policy & Strategic Framework for Prevention and Control of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases

Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition Sri Lanka Country Resources General Health Policies Sri Lanka 16 December 2009 Policy document

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The Vision of this policy is as follows: A country that is not burdened with chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), deaths and disabilities.

The overall goal of the National NCD Policy of Sri Lanka is to reduce the burden due to chronic NCDs by promoting healthy lifestyles, reducing the prevalence of common risk factors, and providing integrated evidence-based treatment options for diagnosed NCD patients.

The objectives of this policy is to reduce premature mortality (less than 65 years ) due to chronic NCDs by 2% annually over the next 10 years through expansion of evidence-based curative services, and individual and community-wide health promotion measures for reduction of risk factors.


NCD Policy in English
English, 83.7 kB pdf
NCD Policy in Tamil
Tamil, 163.1 kB pdf
NCD Policy in Sinhala
Unspecified, 157.8 kB pdf

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