WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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National Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2012-2016

Suriname; Ministry of Health Country Resources General Health Strategies and Plans Suriname 2012 Guidelines

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The Ministry of Health (MOH), in collaboration with partners from within and outside the health sector, has developed a plan, which outlines the course of action for Suriname to combat the NCD epidemic that is profoundly affecting the population.

The plan describes the epidemiological situation for NCDs in Suriname and provides an overview of the risk factors underlying these NCDs, clearly demonstrating the need for an effective coordinated response. The plan also describes the input incorporated from global and regional strategies and initiatives as well as from local stakeholders engaged in the efforts to reduce the burden and impact of NCDs in Suriname. The plan focuses on four priority areas identified by these stakeholders, namely Public Policy and Advocacy, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention,
Integrated Management of Chronic Diseases and Surveillance. Within these priority areas a set of objectives, activities and targets are identified which will form the basis of the multisectoral approach required to affectively address NCDs in Suriname. This approach also includes a reorientation of the national primary health care systems to be able to take on a role in the prevention, early detection and management of NCDs.


English, 594.3 kB pdf

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