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Support in Suicidal Crises: The Swedish National Programme to Develop Suicide Prevention

Government of Sweden; The National Council for Suicide Prevention Country Resources Suicide Prevention Sweden 1 September 1995 Policy document

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The National Board of Health and Welfare and the National Institute of Public Health have established a National Council for Suicide Prevention, which began its work in February 1994 in collaboration with the National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention. This national programme to develop suicide prevention was first published, in Swedish, in September 1995.

The objectives of suicide prevention in Sweden are as follows:
1. Bring about a lasting reduction in the numbers of suicides and suicide attempts.
2. In addition, as far as possible, to eliminate circumstances that may result in children and young people taking their own lives.
3. To detect at an early stage, and try to arrest, the rising trends of suicides and suicide attempts in vulnerable groups.
4. To raise the general level of knowledge about suicide, so that human fellowship and social measures provide support people with suicidal thoughts or experiences of suicide and attempted suicide among relatives and close friends.


English, 5.3 MB pdf

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