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Adolescent Reproductive Health and Development Policy: Plan of Action (2005-2015)

Ministry of Planning and National Development; Ministry of Health Government of Kenya Country Resources Child and Youth General Health Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards Kenya 1 August 2005 Policy document

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To facilitate the successful implementation of the Kenya Adolescent Reproductive Health and Development (ARH&D) Policy, this Plan of Action (POA) has been developed in order to increase commitment, partnerships, collaboration and networking as well as resource mobilization efforts among stakeholders.

While the overall goal of the POA is to facilitate the operationalization of the ARH&D Policy through a national multi-sector approach, the specific objectives are to: spell out strategies of implementation; identify priority activities and major implementers of the national ARH&D programme up to 2015 based on the stipulations of the Policy; provide an avenue and basis for resource mobilization and management of a sustainable national ARH&D programme; and outline a logical framework for implementing the Policy that will also be used for monitoring and evaluation purposes.


English, 1.2 MB pdf

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