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National Youth Policy 2000

National Youth Commission, Republic of South Africa Country Resources Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards South Africa 9 December 1997 Policy document

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The National Youth Policy represents a major and historical milestone in youth development and is an expression of the Government's commitment to the full development of all young women and men. Through this policy an environment will be created wherein all stakeholders in youth development can work toward common goals and a better South Africa for all.

In preparing the National Youth Policy, the National Youth Commission has undergone an extensive process of consultation with youth organisations, sectoral groups, provinces as well as young women and men themselves. Through the participation of these groups in the policy formulation process, the National Youth Policy has been designed to address the major needs, challenges and opportunities of young men and women, accommodating provincial variations and specific sectoral issues. In adopting South Africa’s first National Youth Policy, the Government of the Republic of South Africa not only acknowledges the value and significance of its young people but also draws on international experience which clearly demonstrates the fundamental need for a comprehensive and holistic national youth policy providing a framework and focus for youth development by all stakeholders.

The National Youth Policy endeavours to ensure all young women and men are given meaningful opportunities to reach their full potential, both as individuals and as active participants in society. The Policy addresses the major concerns and issues critical to young men and women and gives direction to youth programmes and services provided by government and nongovernment organisations. Through the National Youth Policy, the Government declares the importance of the active involvement of young people in national development, demonstrating the distinctive and complementary roles of all Government ministries, the non-government sector and youth groups in youth development; providing a framework with common goals for development and promoting a spirit of co-operation and coordination. All of South African society will benefit through the implementation of the National Youth Policy. By placing young people in the broader context of reconstruction and development the National Youth Policy highlights the importance of youth development to nation building and the creation of a democratic, productive and equitable society.

Although this policy was never adopted, it largely informed the Cabinet’s decision to endorse and adopt the National Youth Development Policy Framework. It also gave direction on action steps that need to be undertaken by the state and society at large to meet the challenges faced by the
country’s youth.


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