WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Public Health Proclamation

Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Country Resources General Health Legislation Ethiopia 9 March 2000 Legislation/regulation

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WHEREAS, the active participation of the society in the health sector has become necessary for the implementation of the country's health policy;
WHEREAS, it is believed that the attitudinal change of the society through primary health care approach can solve most of the health problems of the country;
WHEREAS, the issuance of public health law is believed to be an important step for the promotion of the health of the society and for the creation of healthy environment for the future generation thereby enabling it assume its responsibility.

This law consists of the following chapters:
1. General (Definitions)
2. Advisory Board
3. Inspections
4. Public Health (re: food, water and occupational health quality control; hygiene and sanitation practices; disposal of dead bodies; control at entry and exit ports; communicable diseases; health permits for construction etc.)
5. Miscellaneous Provisions

Enacted on: 09.03.2000

This document was uploaded to MiNDbank on 07.07.2014.


English, 821 kB pdf

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