WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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Etat de mise en oeuvre du plan d'action national pour la promotion des personnes agees 2006-2010 (State of implementation of the national action plan for the promotion of the elderly 2006-2010)

Republic of Mali; Minister for social development, solidarity and the elderly Country Resources Older Persons General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans and service standards Mali Policy document

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Le gouvernement a adopte un plan d'action national pour la promotion des personnes agees en 2006 afin de prevenir la marginalisation et l'exclusion des personnes agees dans la societe malienne en transition economique, culturelle et sociale.

Apres deux annees de mise en oeuvre de ce plan, une revue a mi-parcous s'est averee necessaire en vue de corriger les insuffisances du plan. La methodologie utilisee consiste a rappeler les differents points du documents et de voir les realisations faites au cours des deux annees.

The government adopted a national action plan for the promotion of the elderly in 2006 to prevent the marginalization and the exclusion of the elderly in the society of Mali which was in transition economic, cultural and social.

After two years of implementation, an evaluation was necessary to correct the deficiencies of the plan. The methodology used is to remind the different parts of the document and to give an overview the achievements made ​​during the two years.


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