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Ley Marco para el desarrollo integral de la Juventud (Framework Law for the integral development of Youth)

National Congress; Honduras Country Resources Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards Honduras 16 January 2006 Legislation/regulation

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Los objectivos de la presente Ley:
1) Procipiar que los jovenes asyman un papel protagonico y responsable en la transformation positiva de la realidad nacional; en el respeto y lucha por la vigencia de los derechos humanos; la proteccion, desarrollo y uso racional de los recursos naturales; en el respeto a toda forma de vida y la diversidad cultural asi como en la construccion de la paz y la unidad nacional e integration centroamericana y latinoamericana con una vision mundial, asi como de una patria prospera, desarrollada, democratica y justa.
2) Propiciar el crecimiento, desarrollo y la integracion armonica de los jovenes con Dios, con su familia, su comunidad y la sociedad hondurena en general, a traves del fomento de una actitud positiva ante la vida, que permita, en un marco de libertad, adoptar compromisos y responsabilidades.
3) Promover en los jovenes la erradicacion de patrones culturales negativos a traves de la formacion en valores civicos, espirituales, morales, democraticos y de compromiso social; asimismo promover su desarrollo integral, procurandoles el acceso a los beneficios de la ciencia, tecnologia y cultura, al trabajo y su involucramiento en actividades y servicios sociales.
4) Guarantizar a los jovenes el derecho a organizarse para el desarrollo de actividades de su interes.
5) Promover una vida saludable e integral a traves de la educacion, la ciencia, la technologia, el arte y la cultura en general; el deporte, el ejercicio fisico y otras actividades de sana recreacion.

The objectives of this Act are:
1) To ensure that youth take a leading and responsible role in the positive transformation of the national situation; in the struggle for respect and observance of human rights; protection, development and rational use of natural resources; on respect for all life and cultural diversity as well as in the construction of peace and national unity and Central and Latin American integration with a global vision, as a country that is prosperous, developed, democratic and just.
2) Promote the growth, development and the harmonious integration of young people with God, family, community and the Honduran society in general, through the promotion of a positive attitude to life, allowing in a framework of freedom to adopt commitments and responsibilities.
3) Promote the role of youth in the eradication of negative cultural patterns through the training in civic, spiritual, moral, democratic values ​​and social commitment, while also promote integral development, whilst procuring access to the benefits of science, technology and culture, work and promoting the involvement in activities and social services.
4) Guaranteeing youth the right to organize for the development of activities of interest to them.
5) Promoting healthy and integrated lifestyles through education, science, technology, art and culture in general; sports, physical exercise and other healthy recreation activities.


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