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Revised National Youth Policy 2010

Republic of Botswana Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture Country Resources Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards Botswana 1 August 2010 Policy document

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This document is a revised version of the 1996 National Youth Policy. The revision was necessary due to the changes in the socio-economic, socio-cultural and demographic structure of Botswana’s society. New challenges such as HIV/AIDS, environmental conservation and protection, science, information and technology are addressed.

The target population for this policy are youths ages 15-35.

“The overall aim of the policy is to mainstream and promote youth participation in community and civic affairs ensuring that youth programmes engage the youth and are youth-centered.”

1. Ensure that youth interest and potential are incorporated in all policies and programmes
2. Ensure the establishment of an efficient institutional structure within Government/NGOs and the Private Sector to implement youth programmes and activities.
3. Promote mutual understanding and trust between young people and adults within society.
4. Promote specific youth programmes and activities that are essential for youth development
5. Ensure compliance with regional and international conventions that the country has ratified or acceded to and make contributions towards their realization.


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