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Politique Nationale de la Jeunesse (National Youth Policy)

Government of Cameroon Ministry of Youth Affairs Country Resources Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards Cameroon 1 October 2006 Policy document

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La Politique Nationale de la Jeunesse est un outil de performance qui s’inscrit dans la dynamique globale de lutte contre la pauvreté. Elle prend en compte les préoccupations essentielles de la nation telles que la lutte contre les IST et le sida, l’approche genre, l’approche handicap, la maîtrise des TIC, le sport, la culture et les loisirs, la participation à la prise de décision, les droits humains, la culture de la paix et la protection de l’environnement.

Dans les faits, il s’agit pour l’Etat camerounais de se doter d’un cadre de référence pour l’action dans une triple visée : mieux prendre en compte les préoccupations spécifiques des jeunes ; assurer une plus grande synergie des compétences des intervenants du secteur de l’encadrement de la jeunesse ; mobiliser plus efficacement les ressources et les moyens d’action en faveur de la jeunesse.

The National Youth Policy is a performance tool that fits into the overall dynamics of the fight against poverty. It takes into account the essential preoccupations of the nation such as the fight against STDs and AIDS, gender mainstreaming concerns, disability, ICT skills, sports, culture, participation in decision making, human rights, culture of peace and protection of the environment.
The State of Cameroon developed a framework for action with a triple aim: taking into account the specific concerns of young people in a better manner; ensuring greater synergy of skills of workers in the youth field; The National Youth Policy thus appears as a performance tool that fits into the overall dynamics of the fight against poverty. It takes into account the essential of the nation such as the fight against STDs and AIDS, gender mainstreaming concerns, disability, ICT skills, sports, culture and recreation approach, participation in decision making, human rights, culture of peace and protection of the environment.
In fact, it is for the State of Cameroon to develop a framework for action in a triple aim: better take into account the specific concerns of young people; ensure greater synergy skills of stakeholders in the youth work; more effectively mobilizing resources and means for action for youth.


English, 747.3 kB pdf

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