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Lege nr. 272/2004 privind protectia si promovarea drepturilor copilului (Law no. 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of the rights of the child)

Romania Parliament of Romania Country Resources Child Rights Legislation Romania 21 June 2004 Legislation/regulation

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Prezenta lege reglementeaza cadrul legal privind respectarea, promovarea si garantarea drepturilor copilului. Autoritatile publice, organismele private autorizate, precum si persoanele fizice si persoanele juridice responsabile de protectia copilului sunt obligate sa respecte, sa promoveze si sa garanteze drepturile copilului stabilite prin Constitutie si lege, în concordanta cu prevederile Conventiei Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite cu privire la drepturile copilului.

The present law regulates the legal framework concerning the observance, promotion and guaranteeing of the rights of the child. The public authorities, the authorized private institutions, as well as the natural and legal persons responsible for child protection must observe, promote and guarantee the rights of the child, as stipulated by the Constitution and the law, in accordance with the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


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