WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Закон РФ от 27.04.1993 N 4866-1 - Об обжаловании в суд действий и решений, нарушающих права и свободы граждан (Law of the Russian Federation of 27.04.1993 N 4866-1 - On appeal against the actions and decisions that violate the rights and freedoms of citizens)

Russian Federation Country Resources Human Rights Legislation Russian Federation 27 April 1993 Legislation/regulation

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Закон регламентирует процесс защиты прав человека в суде. Закреплены вопросы подачи жалобы и ее рассмотрения, вынесения судом решения по жалобе и его исполнения. Закон поправками 09.02.2009.

The law regulates the process of human rights protection in court. Ii issues complaint processes, their review, the court's decision making and its execution as stated and described. Law amended on 09.02.2009


WHO collates and provides external links to resources focusing on mental health, disability, general health, human rights and development but does not specifically endorse particular laws, policies, plans or other documents from countries or organisations. WHO also does not warrant that the information in this record is correct or refers to the most up-to-date version. Please read the site disclaimer for further details. If this record contains an error or is outdated, please notify us.