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The Punjab Borstal Act 1926  

Islamic Republic of Pakistan Provincial Assembly of Punjab Country Resources Child Rights Legislation Pakistan 27 August 1926 Legislation/regulation

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1. Short title, extent and commencement.
2. Definitions.
3. Establishment of Borstal Institutions.
4. Appointment of Director of Borstal Institutions, officers and visiting committees.
5. Powers of courts to pass a sentence of detention in a Borstal Institution in the case of convict under twenty-one years of age in lieu of transportation or rigorous imprisonment.
6. Special powers of District Magistrate.
7. Detention of prisoners confined in the Lahore Borstal Jail.
8. Power of Superintendent of Jail to present prisoner less than 21 years of age before District Magistrate for detention in a Borstal Institution.
9. When action may not be taken under section 8.
10. Application of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 and the Limitation Act, 1908 and provisions for appeal and revision.
11. No person who has been once detained to be detained again.
12. Release on furnishing security.
13. Enquiry to be made regarding the age of the offender before the passing of an order of detention.
14. Magistrate to give grounds of his opinion before ordering detention.
15. Power to release on license.
16. Absence under license to be counted towards period of detention.
17. Form of license.
18. Suspension and revocation of licenses.
19. Penalty for escape.
20. Incorrigibles.
21. Inmates appointed officers to be public servants.
22. Extra-mural custody, control and employment to inmates.
23. Penalty for introduction or removal of prohibited articles into or from Borstal Institutions and communication with inmates.
24. Power to arrest for offences under section 23.
25. Publication of penalties.
26. Officers-in-charge of Borstal Institutions to detain persons duly committed to their custody.
27. Officers-in-charge of Borstal Institutions to return orders, etc., after execution or discharge.
28. Powers for officers-in-charge of Borstal Institutions to give effect to orders of certain courts.
29. Warrant of officers of such Courts to be sufficient authority.
30. Procedure where officer incharge of Borstal Institution doubts the legality of order sent to him for execution.
31. Lunatic inmates, how to be dealt with.
32. Application to Borstal Institution of certain provisions of the Prisons Act, 1894; and the Prisoners Act, 1900.
33. How punishment of whipping may be inflicted on an inmate.
34. Power to make rules under the Act.
35. Powers of the Provincial Government to vary age limit, and to apply the Act to females.
36. Whipping not to be inflicted on females.


The Punjab Borstal Act 1926  
English, 319.4 kB pdf

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