WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Normas Nacionales para la Atencion en Salud Mental (National Standards for Mental Health)

Dominican Republic Secretary of State for Public Health and Welfare Country Resources Mental Health Service Standards Dominican Republic 31 December 2004 Guidelines

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Las Normas Nacionales para la Atención en Salud Mental fueron publicadas en agosto de 2004 por la Secretaria de Estado de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social de la Republica Dominicana. El objetivo del documento es proporcionar los criterios técnicos y administrativos generales que orienten la atención en salud mental en los distintos niveles de atención en salud, basada en la atención primaria y con participación de la familia y la comunidad, en un marco de respeto a los Derechos Humanos y Libertades Fundamentales de las Personas con Discapacidad Mental.

The National Policies on Mental Health Care were published in August 2004 by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Care of the Dominican Republic. The aim of the document is to provide administrative and technical criteria that guide mental health care in different levels of health care. That criteria is based on primary care, allows families and community involvement and respects the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms for people with mental disabilities.


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