WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

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Gesundheit 2020 - Gesundheitsstrategie der Schweiz; Santé2020: une stratégie globale en faveur du système de santé; Salute 2020:Una strategia globale per la sanità pubblica (Health 2020 - Swiss Health Strategy)

Government of Switzerland; Swiss Department of the Interior Country Resources General Health Strategies and Plans Switzerland 1 January 2013 Policy document

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Gesundheit2020 ist eine Gesamtschau, welche die Prioritäten der Schweizer
Gesundheitspolitik für die nächsten acht Jahre festlegt. Der Bericht beinhaltet 36 Massnahmen in vier gesundheitspolitischen Handlungsfeldern, die schrittweise umgesetzt werden. Sie sind auf insgesamt zwölf Ziele ausgerichtet und sollen das bewährte Schweizer Gesundheitssystem optimal auf die aktuellen und kommenden Herausforderungen ausrichten. Der Bericht Gesundheit2020 wurde am 23. Januar 2013 vom Bundesrat verabschiedet

La stratégie globale Santé2020 fixe les priorités de la politique sanitaire suisse pour les huit prochaines années. Le rapport comprend 36 mesures, qui sont réparties entre quatre domaines d’action et seront mises en œuvre progressivement. Ces mesures se fondent sur douze objectifs et permettent d’aménager de manière optimale le système de santé fiable de la Suisse, en fonction des défis actuels et à venir. Le Conseil fédéral a approuvé le rapport Santé2020 le 23 janvier 2013.

Sanità2020 è una concezione globale che fissa le priorità della politica sanitaria svizzera per i prossimi otto anni. Il rapporto comprende 36 misure che, ripartite in quattro aree d’intervento della politica sanitaria, saranno messe in atto in modo graduale. Fondate su complessivamente dodici obiettivi, queste misure si propongono di preparare l’efficiente sistema sanitario svizzero ad affrontare al meglio le sfide attuali e future. Il Consiglio federale ha approvato il rapporto Sanità2020 il 23 gennaio 2013.

Health2020 is an overview of the priorities which have been set in the field of health policy in Switzerland for the coming eight years. The report describes 36 measures in four priority areas for health-policy action which will be gradually implemented. They are directed at achieving a total of twelve objectives and are intended to align the proven Swiss health system optimally with current and future challenges. The Health2020 report was approved by the Federal Council on 23 January 2013.


WHO collates and provides external links to resources focusing on mental health, disability, general health, human rights and development but does not specifically endorse particular laws, policies, plans or other documents from countries or organisations. WHO also does not warrant that the information in this record is correct or refers to the most up-to-date version. Please read the site disclaimer for further details. If this record contains an error or is outdated, please notify us.