WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Loi no.2002-07 Portant Code des personnes et de la famille (Law no.2002-07 Code of Persons and the Family)

Republic of Benin National Assembly Country Resources Capacity related legislation Benin 7 June 2002 Legislation/regulation

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Article 557: Le juge ne peut prononcer l’ouverture d’une tutelle que si l’altération des facultés mentales ou corporelles du malade a été constatée par deux médecins spécialistes choisis sur une liste établie par le procureur de la République.

Article 557: The judge may decide to open a guardianship if the impairment of mental or physical faculties of the patient was seen by two specialists selected from a list drawn up by the prosecutor.


French, 1.8 MB pdf

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