WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Kenya National e-Health Strategy 2011-2017

Government of Kenya; Ministry of Medical Services and Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation Country Resources General Health Strategies and Plans Kenya Policy document

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"The E-Health Strategy is anchored on the achievement of Vision 2030, whose overall goal in health is to have an “equitable and affordable healthcare at the highest achievable standard” to her citizens. It is informed by the strategies and results emanating from the implementation of the Kenya Health Policy Framework,1994-2010, the health sector strategic plans and the e-Government and Shared Services Strategies implemented through the e-Government Directorate and the ICT Board respectively.

The implementation of the e-health strategy will accelerate the ongoing reforms that are geared towards consolidating and strengthening the gains witnessed in the sector since 2003, when a reversal of health indicators started to be seen. The strategy will also address some of the key challenges experienced during the implementation of the Kenya Health Policy Framework, 1994-2010 and the health sector strategic plans, that include disparities in access between the urban and rural areas and especially the hard to reach areas; the inadequacies of the health infrastructure across the country; the shortages of the human resources for health; the high cost of accessing health for majority of the Kenyans and the limitations in the availability of financial resources. It will accelerate the decentralisation of quality health services to rural areas, a factor that will also
be reinforced through the implementation of the New Constitution and devolution."


English, 853.6 kB pdf

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