WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Mental Health Act 1996

Australia Government of Tasmania Country Resources Mental Health Legislation, Regulations and Implementation Guides Tasmania 31 December 1996 Legislation/regulation

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Mental Health Legislation for Tasmania containing the following objectives;

(a) to provide for the care and treatment of persons with mental illnesses in accordance with the best possible standards while at the same time safeguarding and maintaining their civil rights and identity; and
(b) to ensure that involuntary patients, forensic patients and persons subject to supervision orders or community treatment orders who have mental illnesses are provided with appropriate information about their statutory and other rights; and
(c) to provide for the making and review of orders for the involuntary admission, treatment and detention of involuntary patients with mental illnesses; and
(ca) to provide for the authorising of medical treatment by the Forensic Tribunal; and
(d) to provide for the monitoring and review of the mental health system; and
(e) to ensure that the services provided for persons with mental illnesses are equitable,
comprehensive, coordinated, accessible and free from stigma and in particular to ensure that standards of care and treatment for those persons are at least equal to the standards of care and treatment for physical illnesses and disabilities; and
(f) to promote recognition in the community of the right of persons with mental illnesses to the best possible standards of care and treatment; and
(g) to ensure that all practicable measures are taken to prevent mental illness or to arrest or impede its progress at an early stage; and
(h) to reduce the adverse effects of mental illness on family life; and
(i) to encourage and contribute to the highest possible standards of –
(i) care and treatment for persons with mental illnesses; and
(ii) research into the causes of, and treatment for, mental illnesses; and
(j) to encourage the care and treatment of persons with mental illnesses in the community and to design and coordinate an integrated system of community support services for persons with mental illnesses who are being cared for in the community; and
(k) to ensure that, in relation to patients, all appropriate measures are taken to protect the
safety of the patients and other persons.


English, 1.3 MB pdf

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