WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Substance Abuse Strategies and Plans

227 items in this collection.

Rights, respect and recovery: action plan

Population Health Directorate; Scottish Government (2019)

United Kingdom » Scotland

National Drug Master Plan 2019 to 2024

Republic of South Africa; Department of Social Development (2019)

South Africa

Rights, Respect and Recovery: alcohol and drug treatment strategy

Population Health Directorate; The Scottish Government (2018)

United Kingdom » Scotland

Western Australian Alcohol and Drug Interagency Strategy 2018-2022

Government of Western Australia; Mental Health Commission (2018)

Australia » Western Australia

National Drug Strategy 2017-2026

Commonwealth of Australia; Australian Department of Health (2017)


National Anti-Drug Strategy 2017 - 2021

The Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas (2017)


Inter-Ministerial Substance Use Response Strategy For Lebanon 2016 – 2021

Government of Lebanon الحكومة اللبنانية (2016)


VicHealth Alcohol Strategy 2016–2019

State Government of Victoria; Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (2016)

Australia » Victoria

National Drug Control Master Plan 2015-2019

National Drug Law enforcement Agency (2015)


National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Peoples Drug Strategy 2014-2019

Commonwealth of Australia; Australian Department of Health (2014)


Plan de Acción sobre Drogas 2013‐2016 (Drugs Action Plan 2013- 2016)

Ministra de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad (2013)


Plano Estratégico 2013-2015 (Strategic plan 2013-2015)

Portugal; Serviço de Intervenção nos Comportamentos Aditivos e nas Dependências (2013)


Програма за здравствена заштита на лица со болести на зависности во земјата во 2013 година (Health care program for people with addictions in the country in 2013)

Министерството за здравство (Ministry of Health); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Government) (2013)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Plan de Trastornos Adictivos de Galicia 2011-2016 (Plan for Addictive Disorders of Galicia 2011-2016)

Galician Ministry of Health Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Sanidade. (2013)

Spain » Galicia

Plan de Trastornos Adictivos de Galicia 2011-2016 (Plan for Addictive Disorders of Galicia 2011-2016)

Galician Ministry of Health Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Sanidade. (2013)

Spain » Galicia

Guam State Prevention Enhancement (SPE) Comprehensive Strategic Plan 2014-2018

The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention; Prevention Education And Community Empowermen (2013)

United States » Guam

Nationales Programm Alkohol 2013-2016; Programme national alcool 2013 – 2016 (Alcohol National Programme 2013-2016)

Government of Sweitzerland; Federal Bureau of Health, Department of the Interior (2013)


Tasmanian Drug Strategy 2013-2018

Government of Tasmania; Interagency Working Group on Drugs (2013)

Australia » Tasmania

National Drug Master Plan 2013 – 2017

Department of Social Development, Republic of South Africa (2013)

South Africa

A State Plan: Reducing Prescription Drug Abuse in Oklahoma 2013

State of Oklahoma; Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (2013)

United States » Oklahoma

Sacramento County, Alcohol and Drug Services Strategic Plan: 2012-2014

Department of Health and Human Services, Behavioral Health Services Division; Sacramento County (2012)

United States » California

Texas Behavioral Health Strategic Plan

Texas Department of State Health Services: Mental Health and Substance Abuse Division (2012)

United States » Texas

National Anti-Drug Strategy 2012-2016

Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas; Commonwealth of the Bahamas (2012)


Drug Abuse Control Master Plan 2012 -2014

Minsitry of Narcotics Control/ Anti Narcotics Force; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (2012)


A Shared Path Towards Wellness: Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan 2012-2015

Department of Health and Social Services, Government of the Northwest Territories (2012)

Canada » Northwest Territories

Substance Misuse Strategic Framework and Action Plan

The Scottish Government; Information Services Division (2012)

United Kingdom » Scotland

The Government's Alcohol Strategy

Government of the United Kingdom (2012)

United Kingdom

Estrategia Nacional de Lucha Contra las Drogas 2012-2016 (National Strategy for the Fight Against Drugs 2012-2016)

Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros; Comision National para el Desarrollo y Vida Sin Drogas (DEVIDA); Republic of Peru (2012)


Plan Nacional de Prevencion Integral de Drogas 2012-2013 (National Plan for Drug Prevention 2012-2013)

Consejo Nacional de Control de Sustancias Estupefacientes y Psicotropicas; Ecuador (2012)


National Drug Control Strategy

Executive Office of the President of the United States (2011)

United States

2011-2012 Queensland Drug Action Plan

Queensland Health; Australia (2011)

Australia » Queensland

Drug and Alcohol Interagency Strategic Framework for Western Australia 2011-2015

Drug and Alcohol Office, Government of Western Australia; Australia (2011)

Australia, Australia » Western Australia

National Drug Strategy 2010-2015

Commonwealth of Australia; Ministerial Council on Drugs Strategy (2011)


Comprehensive State Plan 2012-2018

Commonwealth of Virginia; Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (2011)

United States » Virginia

Leading Change: A Plan for SAMHSA’s Roles and Actions 2011–2014

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2011)

United States

National Anti-Drug Strategy of Grenada

Ministry of Health, Grenada; Government of Grenada (2011)


National Programme for Preventing and Resolving Alcohol-Related Problems for the years 2011-2015

Government of Poland; Ministry of Health The State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems; Poland (2011)


Mini Drug Master Plan

Ministry of Health; Republic of South Africa (2011)

South Africa

New Strategic Direction for Alcohol and Drugs: Phase 2, 2011-2016

Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (2011)

United Kingdom » Northern Ireland

South Australian Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2011 - 2016

Government of South Australia; South Australia Health (2011)

Australia » South Australia

Substance Abuse Prevention and Control Strategic Plan: 2011-2016

Department of Public Health; County of Los Angeles (2011)

United States » California

SPF-SIG State Strategic Plan

Government of Virginia; Department of Behavioural health and Developmental Services (2011)

United States » Virginia

Five-Year Prevention Statewide Strategic Plan

Department of Health and Human Services; The State of Nebraska (2011)

United States » Nebraska

A Cohesive Strategy for Alcohol, Narcotic drugs, Doping and Tobacco (ANDT) Policy

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs; Parliament of Sweden (2010)


Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services: Prevention Strategic Plan 2010 - 2014

New York State Office of Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Services; State of New York (2010)

United States » New York

New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services: Statewide Comprehensive Plan 2010-2014

New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services; State of New York (2010)

United States » New York

National Anti-Drug Strategy Plan 2010-2014

Government of Antigua and Barbuda; Republic of Antigua and Barbuda (2010)

Antigua and Barbuda

National Anti Narcotics Policy

Ministry of Narcotics Control/Anti Narcotics Force; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (2010)


National Anti-Drug Strategy 2011-2018

Government of Moldova; Republic of Moldova (2010)

Republic of Moldova

Healthy Minds, Healthy People: A Ten-Year Plan to Address Mental Health and Substance Use in British Columbia

Ministry of Health Services & Ministry of Children and Family Development (2010)

Canada » British Columbia

Koori alcohol action plan 2010-2020

Department of Health; State of Victoria (2010)

Australia, Australia » Victoria

National Drug Strategy 2010–2015

Commonwealth of Australia; Australian Department of Health and Ageing (2010)


National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016

Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Ireland (2009)


Estrategia Nacional sobre Drogas 2009-2016 (National Strategy on Drugs 2009-2016)

Ministry of Health and Social Policy; Government of Spain (2009)


National Drug Strategy 2009-2016

Government of Spain (2009)


National Drug Control Master Plan 2009-2013

Government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2009)

Lao People's Democratic Republic

Стратегије за борбу против наркотика 2009 - 2013 (Strategies to Combat Drugs 2009 - 2013)

Министарство здравља Србије (Ministry of Health); Ребублиц Србије (Republic of Serbia) (2009)


A Comprehensive Approach to Drug Control for the Cayman Islands: The National Anti Drug Strategy 2009-2013

Ministry of Health and Human Services and National Drug Council; Government of the Cayman Islands (2009)

United Kingdom » Cayman Islands

National Drug Abuse Control Council Plan 2009 - 2011

Government of Belize; Ministry of Health (2009)


Norwegian National Action Plan on Alcohol and Drugs

The Ministry of Government Administration and Reform, Norway (2008)


Aktionsplan Alkohol der DHS 2008 (Alcohol Action Plan of the DHS 2008)

Government of Germany; Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e.V. (German Centre for Addiction Issues e.V.) (2008)


Plan gouvernemental de lutte contre les drogues et les toxicomanies 2008-2011 (National Plan to fight against drugs and drug addiction)

Interministerial Mission for the Fight against Drugs and Drug Addiction; Government of France (2008)


National Amphetamine-Type Stimulant Strategy 2008-2011

Commonwealth of Australia; Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (2008)


Македонски стратегија за намалување на злоупотреба на алкохол 2008-2012 (Macedonian Strategy to Reduce Alcohol Abuse 2008-2012)

Министерството за здравство (Ministry of Health); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Government) (2008)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

National Anti-Drug Plan

Government of Trinidad and Tobago; Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (2008)

Trinidad and Tobago

Strategy to Reduce Harmful Effects of Abuse Of Alcohol on Health

Ministry of Health; The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (2008)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Alberta Alcohol Strategy

Alberta Health Services; Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (2008)

Canada » Alberta

Youth Alcohol Action Plan

Department of Health and Social Care; UK Government; The Home Office; Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008)

United Kingdom » England and Wales, United Kingdom, Child and Youth Substance Abuse/Alcohol policies/plans/legislations and service standards

The National Drug Prevention Strategy 2008

Ministry of Culture and Social Rehabilitation; Government of Bermuda (2008)

United Kingdom » Bermuda

Nationales Programm Alkohol 2008-2012; Programme National Alcool 2008 – 2012 (PNA) (Alcohol National Programme 2008-2012)

Government of Switzerland; Federal Bureau of Health; Department of the Interior (2008)


Youth Addictions - A PEI Youth Substance Use and Addictions Strategy

Department of Health and Wellness; Government of Prince Edward Island (2007)

Canada » Prince Edward Island

Principios estratégicos para la prevención de adicciones (Strategic principles for preventing addiction)

Secretaría de Programación para la Prevención de la Drogadicción y la Lucha contra el Narcotráfico (2007)


A Framework for The National Drug Policies and Master Plan

Ministry of Social Rehabilitation and The Department for National Drug Control; Government of Bermuda (2007)

United Kingdom » Bermuda, Substance Abuse Policies

Programa Nacional de Atención a Usuarios Problemáticos de Drogas (National Care Programme for Problematic Drug Users)

Ministry of Public Health; National Committee on Drugs; Oriental Republic of Uruguay (2007)


Plan Regional sobre Drogras 2007-2010 (Regional Plan about Drugs 2007-2010)

Consejería de Sanidad y Consumo, Dirección General de Atención al Ciudadano, Drogodependencias y Consumo,
Unidad de Coordinación de Drogodependencias (2007)

Spain » Murcia

Substance Abuse Prevention Strategic Plan, 2007-2011

the President’s Council on Substance Abuse Prevention (2007)


Strategy Paper for the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Ministry of Public Health Afghanistan; Drug Demand Reduction Department (2007)


Reducing Alcohol-Related Harm in Canada: Toward a Culture of Moderation - Recommendations for a National Alcohol Strategy

Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission; Health Canada; Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (2007)


National Drug Master Plan 2006 - 2011

Department of Social Development, Republic of South Africa (2006)

South Africa

Envision the Possibilities: An Integrated Strategic Plan for Virginia’s Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services System

Commonwealth of Virginia; Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (2006)

United States » Virginia

Maldives Drug Control Master Plan 2006-2010

National Narcotics Control Bureau; republic of Maldives (2006)


Anti-Drug Strategy of Georgia

Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs; Republic of Georgia (2006)


Strategies for Prevention of Substance Dependence in Bangladesh

National Institute of Mental Health; Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (2006)


New Strategic Direction for Alcohol and Drugs (2006-2011)

Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (2006)

United Kingdom » Northern Ireland

National Alcohol Strategy 2006-2009

Commonwealth of Australia; Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (2006)


National Drug Control Strategy

Ministry of Counter-Narcotics (2006)


Plan d’actions ProMeDro III 2006–2011, Aktionsplan MaPaDro III 2006–2011 (Action plan MaPoDro III 2006-2011)

Swiss Department of the Interior; Swiss Department of Health; Government of Switzerland (2006)


Oklahoma Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Comprehensive Plan

State of Oklahoma; Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (2006)

United States » Oklahoma, Mental Health Strategies and Plans

Tasmania Drug Strategy 2005-2009

Inter Agency Working Group on Drugs, Tasmania; Australia (2005)

Australia » Tasmania

The Alberta Drug Strategy: A Provincial Framework for Action on Alcohol and Other Drug Use

Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission; Government of Alberta (2005)

Canada » Alberta

South Australian Drug Strategy 2005-2010

Government of South Australia (2005)

Australia » South Australia

National Anti-Drug Strategy Romania 2005-2012

Government of Romania; Romania (2005)


National Drug Control Masterplan for the Year 2004-2009 for the Republic of Mauritius

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime; National Agency for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Substance Abusers (2004)


Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy for England 2004

Government of the United Kingdom; Prime Ministers Strategy Unit (2004)

United Kingdom

The Northern Regional Pacific Mental Health and Addictions Plan

Northern Regional Pacific Mental Health Sector, New Zealand (2003)

New Zealand, Mental Health Strategies and Plans

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Strategic Plan for British Columbia

the Government of British Columbia & Children’s and Women’s Health Centre of British Columbia. (2003)

Canada » British Columbia

Aktionsplan Drogen und Sucht (Action plan on drugs and addiction)

Government of Germany; The Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government of Germany (2003)


Plan Nacional Antidroga 2002-2006 (National Anti-Drug Plan 2002-2006)

Consejo Nacional de Lucha Contra las Drogas; Republic of Nicaragua (2002)


A National Framework for Alcohol and Drug Services

Ministry of Health, New Zealand (2001)

New Zealand

National Alcohol Strategy 2000-2003

Ministry of Health, New Zealand (2001)

New Zealand

Belize National Anti-Drug Strategy 2000-2004

National Drug Abuse Control Council, Belize (2000)


Landesprogramm gegen Sucht Teil 1 - Illegale Drogen, Alkohol, Medikamente (State programme against addiction Part 1 - Illegal drugs, alcohol, drugs)

Government of North Rhine-Westphalia; Ministry of women, youth, family and health of North Rhine-Westphalia (1999)

Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia

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