WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Mental Health Legislation, Regulations and Implementation Guides

This section contains ‘stand alone’ mental health legislation as well as general health and disability legislation, where these have integrated mental health issues in a substantial way.  The absence of ‘stand alone’ mental health legislation or the absence of general health or disability legislation covering mental health in a substantial way, does not mean that mental health is not at all covered in a country’s general health or disability legislation.

 This section also includes, ordinances, directives, regulations, implementation guides for legislation and other similar legislative instruments.


529 items in this collection.

Mental Health Act

The Attorney General’s Chambers; Anguilla (2006)

United Kingdom » Anguilla

Законот за ментално здравје 2006 (Mental Health Law 2006)

Владата на Република Македонија (Government Of Macedonia); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Government) (2006)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Portaria GM No. 678 (Ordinance GM 678)

Ministry of Health; Brazil (2006)


Ley No. 12-06 - Ley sobre salud mental (Act No. 12-06 - Mental Health Act)

Secretary of Public Health and Social Welfare; Dominican Republic (2006)

Dominican Republic

Закон о заштити и остваривању права ментално оболелих особа (Law on Protection and Exercise of the Rights of the Mentally Ill)

Влада Црне Горе (Government of Montenegro); Република Црна Гора (Republic of Montenegro) (2006)


Mental Health Services Act

Department of Mental Health, California; California State Assembly (2005)

United States » California

Mental Health Amendment Act 2005

Governor of Tasmania; Tasmanian Legislative Council and House of Assembly (2005)

Australia » Tasmania

Portaria No. 395 (Ordinance 395)

Secretary for Health Care; Brazil (2005)


Portaria No. 1.174 (Ordinance 1,174)

Ministry of Health; Brazil (2005)


Mental Health Regulation

Government of Yukon; Commissioner of Yukon (2005)

Canada » Yukon

Portaria interministerial No. 353 (Interministerial Ordinance 353)

Ministry of Labour and Employment; Ministry of Health; Brazil (2005)


Portaria GM No. 245 (Ordinance GM 245)

Ministry of Health; Brazil (2005)


Portaria GM No. 246 (Ordinance GM 246)

Ministry of Health; Brazil (2005)


قانون الصحة النفسية رقم (١) لسنة ٢٠٠٥ (Iraq Mental Health Act 2005)

Iraq Government الحكومة الاتحادية العراقية (2005)


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