WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

General Health Strategies and Plans

This section contains general health strategies and plans of countries. This includes strategies and plans that cover health generally, but not policies on a specific disease, disorder or vulnerable groups.  The exception to this is that this section does include broad Non Communicable Disease strategies and plans (ie. we do include broad NCD strategies and plans covering many areas, but do not include strategies and plans which focus on one specific NCD area).

603 items in this collection.

Planificacion Estrategica 2009-2013 (Strategic Planning 2009-2013)

Ministry of Public Health and Social Wellbeing; Paraguay (2009)


Community-Based Health Care Policy and Strategy 2009 - 2013

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Ministry of Public Health (2009)

Afghanistan, General Health Policies

The National Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy and Plan of Action 2009-2015

Ministry of Health and Quality of Life; Republic of Mauritius (2009)


National Health Information System: Strategic Plan 2010-2014

Government of Belize; Ministry of Health (2009)


Health Sector Strategic Plan III July 2009 – June 2015

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Health; The United Republic of Tanzania (2009)

United Republic of Tanzania

Health Sector Strategic Plan

Ministry of Health; Republic of Rwanda (2009)


National Strategic Health Plan 2009-2014

Ministry of Health and Social Development; Government of Anguilla (2009)

United Kingdom » Anguilla


Ministry of Health and Social Welfare; Republic of Liberia (2009)


Subacute Care Plan - Western Australia 2009-2013 National Health Partnership Agreement Schedule C

Government of Western Australia; Department of Health; Innovation and Health System Reform Division (2009)

Australia, Australia » Western Australia

National Health Sector Strategic Plan 2008-2013

Ministry of Health; WHO; Kingdom of Swaziland (2009)


Vision 2035 and Health Strategy

Ministry of Health; Nation of Brunei Darussalam (2009)

Brunei Darussalam

Plan National de Développement Sanitaire 2009-2018 (National Health Development Plan 2009-2018)

Ministry of Health and Medical Prevention; Republic of Senegal (2009)


Србија Стратегија јавног здравља и Акциони план 2009-2013 (Serbia Public Health Strategy and Action Plan 2009-2013)

Министарство здравља Србије (Ministry of Health); Република Србија (Republic of Serbia) (2009)


Националната стратегија за NCDs (National Strategy on NCDs)

Министерството за здравство Македонија (Ministry of Health Macedonia); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) (2009)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

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