WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

General Health Policies

This section contains general health policies of countries. This includes policies that cover health generally, but not policies on a specific disease, disorder or vulnerable groups.  The exception to this is that this section does include broad Non Communicable Disease policies (ie. we do include broad NCD policies covering many areas, but do not include policies which focus on one specific NCD area).

170 items in this collection.

National Policy on Patient Safety in Health Facilities

Department of Health; Government of Philippines (2020)


National Health Promotion Policy Revised 2019

Federal Ministry of Health (2019)


Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Universal Health Care Act (Republic Act No. 11223)

Government of Philippines; Philippines Department of Health (2018)


National Health Policy 2017

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India; Government of India (2017)


National Health Policy 2016

Federal Ministry of Health (2016)


National Policy on Alcohol Control 2016

Government of Sri Lanka; Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka (2016)

Sri Lanka

Politique Nationale de Santé 2016-2025 (National Health Policy 2016-2025)

Gouvernement du Burundi; Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Lutte Contre le Sida (2016)


National Policy and Strategic Plan on Health Promotion 2016 - 2021

MOH, Dr. Bernice T. Dahn, Minister of Health; Mrs. Yah Zolia, Deputy Minister of Health-Planning, Research and Development; Mr. Tolbert Nyenswah, Deputy Minister of Health- Disease Surveillance and Epidemic Control; and Dr. Sampson Arzoaquoi, Assistant Mi; World Health Organization; Republic of Liberia; Healthy Life (2016)

Liberia, General Health Strategies and Plans

National Health Policy of Sri Lanka 2016 - 2025

Government of Sri Lanka; Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka (2016)

Sri Lanka

Política Nacional de Salud 2015-2030 (National Health Policy 2015-2030)

Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social (2015)


National Community Health Policy 2015

Ministry of Health Rwanda (2015)


Non Communicable Diseases Policy 2015

Ministry of Health Rwanda (2015)


Health Sector Policy 2015

Ministry of Health, Rwanda (2015)


Política Nacional de Salud 2015-2019

Government of El Salvador (2015)

El Salvador

Nepal Health Sector Strategy

Ministry of Health, Nepal; Government of Nepal (2015)



Government of Nepal; Ministry of Health and Population, Nepal (2015)


Pacto Nacional da Saúde (National Health Pact)

Ministry of Health; Cape Verde (2014)

Cape Verde

Sri Lanka National Migration Health Policy

Ministry of Health; Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (2013)

Sri Lanka


Government of Papua New Guinea; National Department of Health, Government of Papua New Guinea (2013)

Papua New Guinea

Policy Framework 2013-2016

Ministry of Health, Republic of South Sudan (2013)

South Sudan

Community Health Post (CHP) Policy

Government of Papua New Guinea; National Department of Health, Government of Papua New Guinea (2013)

Papua New Guinea

National Nursing Policy for Anguilla

Ministry of Health and Social Development; Anguilla (2013)

United Kingdom » Anguilla

Thrive! A plan for a healthier Nova Scotia

Department of Health and Wellness; Government of Nova Scotia (2012)

Canada » Nova Scotia

Kenya Health Policy 2012-2030

Government of Kenya, Ministry of Medical Services and Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation (2012)


Quality Policy

Ministry of Health Grenada; Government of Grenada (2012)


National Health Policy

Ministry of Health, Zambia (2012)


Politique Nationale de Santé (National Policy on Health)

Ministry of Public Health and the Population; Republic of Haiti (2012)


En folkhälsopolitik med människan i centrum (A People-Centered Public Health Policy)

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Government of Sweden (2012)


Landelijke nota Gezondheidsbeleid: Gezondheid Dichtbij (National Policy on Health: Health Close to people)

Government of the Netherlands; Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (2012)


National Health Policy: “Health is Wealth” (2012-2020)

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare; Republic of The Gambia (2012)


National Health Policy and Strategic Plan for the Cayman Islands 2012-2017

Ministry of Health, Environment, Youth, Sports and Culture; Government of the Cayman Island (2012)

United Kingdom » Cayman Islands, General Health Strategies and Plans

National Policy on Sexual, Reproductive and Child Health 2012

The Ministry of Health and Social Services (2012)


The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs’ priority issues

The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs (2011)


National Objectives for Health 2011-2016

Department of Health, Philippines (2011)


Lesotho National Health Policy 2011

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (2011)


National Health Policy (2nd Edition)

Government of Somaliland, Ministry of Health; Government of Somaliland, Ministry of Health (2011)

Somalia » Somaliland region of Somalia

Public health priorities in Sweden

The Swedish National Institute of Public Health (2011)


National Health Policy: Towards a Healthier Botswana

Ministry of Health; Republic of Botswana (2011)


National Health and Social Welfare Policy 2011 -2021

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare; Republic of Liberia (2011)


Health Policy 2011-2015: Health and Wealth

Government of the Republic of The Gambia (2011)


Policies for Tackling Non-Communicable Diseases and Risk Factors in Turkey

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Directorate General Primary Health Care (2011)


National Health Policy 2011

Ministry of Health; Royal Government of Bhutan (2011)


National Health Promotion Policy 2010 - 2015

Ministry of Health, Government of Samoa (2010)


National Health Policy Framework 2010-2020

Ministry of Health and Social Service Namibia (2010)


National Health Policy

Ministry of Health, The State of Eritrea (2010)


Plan Nacional de Salud 2010-2021 (National Health Plan 2010-2021)

Ministry of Health; Republic of Costa Rica (2010)

Costa Rica

Politica Nacional de Saúde (National Health Policy)

Presidency of the Republic; Angola (2010)


National Health Promotion Policy

Government of Sri Lanka; Ministry of Health, Sri Lankai (2010)

Sri Lanka

Bhutan National Policy and Strategic Framework on Prevention and Control of Non Communicable Diseases

e Life Style Related Disease Programme (LSRDP) Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health; Royal Government of Bhutan (2009)

Bhutan, General Health Strategies and Plans

Take Care New York 2012: A Policy for a Healthier New York City

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; State of New York (2009)

United States » New York

Community-Based Health Care Policy and Strategy 2009 - 2013

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Ministry of Public Health (2009)

Afghanistan, General Health Strategies and Plans

Health Sector Ministerial Policy Statement

Minister of Health; Uganda Ministry of Health (2009)


National Health Promotion Policy

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (2009)


Politica Nacional de Salud (National Health Policy)

Ministerio de Salud; Republic of El Salvador (2008)

El Salvador

Health Care In Denmark

Ministry of Health and Prevention (2008)


Politica Nacional de Salud (National Health Policy)

Ministry of Health; Republic of Nicaragua (2008)


Tackling Chronic Disease – A Policy Framework for the Management of Chronic Diseases

Government of Ireland; Department of Health and Children (2008)


National Health Policy and National Health Plan

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare; Republic of Liberia (2007)

Liberia, General Health Strategies and Plans

National Health and Social Welfare Research Policy (NHSWRP)

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (2007)


A policy on Quality in Healthcare for South Africa

National Department of Health, Pretoria, South Africa (2007)

South Africa

Policy, Vision and Action Plan

The Public Health Institute of Iceland (2007)

Iceland, General Health Strategies and Plans

National Health Policy 2007

Ministry of Health, Ghana; Republic of Ghana (2007)


Policy on Quality Assurance in Health Care Services (2007)

Government of Nepal; Ministry of Health and Population (2007)


Health Policy for the Government of Southern Sudan, 2006 - 2011

Ministry of Health, Government of South Sudan (2007)

South Sudan

The National Health Policy 2006-2015 and Strategic Plan 2006-2010

Government of Jamaica; Ministry of Health (2006)


National Health Policy 2006

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare; Kingdom of Swaziland (2006)


National Health Promotion Policy 2006

Federal Ministry of Health (2006)


Politique Nationale de la Santé 2005-2015 (National Health Policy 2005-2015)

Republic of Burundi; Ministry of Public Health (2005)


Politique Nationale de Sante et d'Action Sociale 2006/2015 (National Policy for Health and Social Action)

Ministere de la Sante et des Affaires Sociales (Ministry for Health and Social Affairs); Islamic Republic of Mauritania (2005)


Gesundheitsziele NRW – 2005 bis 2010 (NRW Health Objectives - 2005 to 2010)

Government of North Rhine-Westphalia; Ministry of Health, Social Affairs, Women and Family (2005)

Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia

Health Sector Policy

Government of Rwanda; Republic of Rwanda (2005)


Health Policy of 2005

Bureau of Policy and Strategy, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand (2005)


Revised National Health Policy

Federal Ministry of Health; Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004)


A Healthier Rhode Island by 2010

Rhode Island Department of Health (2004)

United States » Rhode Island

National Policy for the Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles in Jamaica

Government of Jamaica; Ministry of Health (2004)


National Health Policy 2003

Ministry of Health; United Republic of Tanzania (2003)

United Republic of Tanzania

National Health Policy 2002

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (2002)


National Health Policy

Republic of Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation (2002)

Sierra Leone

Politique Nationale de la Santé (National Health Policy)

Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Democratic Republic of the Congo (2001)

Democratic Republic of the Congo

National Policy On Health Promotion For Papua New Guinea

Government of Papua New Guinea; Ministry of Health, Papua New Guinea (2001)

Papua New Guinea

Zehn vorrangige Gesundheitsziele für NRW - Gesundheitspolitisches Konzept (Ten Priority Health Targets for NRW - Health Policy Concept)

Government of North Rhine-Westphalia; Ministry of Women, Youth, Family and Health of North RhineWestphalia (2001)

Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia

健康日本21( Healthy Japan 21)

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (2000)


Cayman Island National Youth Policy 2009

Ministry of Community Affairs, Sports, Women, Youth & Culture; Government of the Cayman Islands (2000)

United Kingdom » Cayman Islands

Health Sector Reform White Paper (final)

Ministry of Health, Human Services, Family Affairs and Gender Relations; Government of Saint Lucia (2000)

Saint Lucia

National Health Policy

The Ministry of Health; The Republic of Uganda (1999)


Politique Nationale de Santé (National Policy for Health)

Ministry of Health; Republic of Togo (1998)


Priorities for Creating a State of Health: Policy Statement

State of Oklahoma; Oklahoma State Board of Health (1996)

United States » Oklahoma

Zehn vorrangige Gesundheitsziele für NRW (Ten priority health targets for NRW)

Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs; Government of North Rhine-Westphalia (1995)

Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia

A Synopsis of Health Policies & Legislation: 1994 - 2000

Department of Health, Republic of South Africa (1994)

South Africa

Santé Pour Tous (Health For All)

Ministry of Health; Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (1994)


Health Policy of the Transitional Government of Ethiopia

Transitional Government of Ethiopia (1993)


National Health Policy

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar; Ministry of Health and Sports, Myanmar (1993)


National Health Policy 1991

Government of Nepal Ministry of Health and Population (1991)


Canada Health Care Policy

Government of Canada (1985)


Programa Nacional de Atención Integral al Adolescente (National program of Comprehensive attention to adolescents)

Government of Honduras; Honduran Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud)

Politique Nationale de Santé (National Health Policy)

Government of Comoros; Union of the Comoros


Health, safety and wellbeing policy

Government of Queensland; Department of Health Policy

Australia » Queensland

My health, Queensland's future: Advancing health 2026

Queensland Health; The government of Queensland

Australia » Queensland

National Health Policy 2018-2022

Ministry of Health and Solidarity, Government of France; France


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