WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

General Health Legislation

This section contains general health legislation from countries.  Health legislation encompasses the laws, ordinances, directives, regulations and other similar legislative instruments that deal with all aspects of health protection and promotion, disease prevention, and delivery of health care in a country.

454 items in this collection.

National Health Programme 2021-2025

Government of Poland (2021)


Law of Georgia on Public Health

Government of Georgia; Government of Georgia (2021)


Public Health Act 2016

Government of Western Australia (2020)

Australia » Western Australia

Public Health Act 1997

ACT Government, Health Directorate (2020)

Australia » Australian Capital Territory

Health Services Act 2016

Government of Western Australia (2020)

Australia » Western Australia

Canada Health Act (Loi canadienne sur la santé)

Minister of Justice; Government of Canada (2020)


Public Health (Amendment) Act 2020

Government of Papua New Guinea (2020)

Papua New Guinea

Decreto Supremo Nº 3813. 2019/ Supreme Decree Nº 3813. 2019

The Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (2019)

Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Ley Nº 1152.2019/Law Nº 1152.2019

The Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (2019)

Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Public Health Regulation 2000

ACT Government, Health Directorate (2019)

Australia » Australian Capital Territory

Health Act 2007 - Revised

Government of Ireland (2019)


Law on Health Coverage

Government of Lao People’s Democratic Republic (2018)

Lao People's Democratic Republic

Medical Director of Health and Public Health Act, No. 41/2007

Government of Iceland; Ministry of Health (2018)


Public Health Act Chapter 15:17

Government of Zimbabwe; Ministry of Health and Child Care (2018)


The Public Health Service Act, 2075 (2018)

Government of Nepal; Nepal Law Commission (2018)


Public Health (Amendment) Act 2018

Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda (2018)

Antigua and Barbuda

Resolución 1013 / 2018. (Resolution 1013/2018)

Argentinean Ministry of Health (2018)


Health Insurance Law

Government of Cayman Islands (2018)

United Kingdom » Cayman Islands

Health Practice Law (2017 revision).

Government of Cayman Islands (2017)

United Kingdom » Cayman Islands

Public Health (Amendment) Act 2017

Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda (2017)

Antigua and Barbuda

National Health Act, 2015

Parliament of Namibia (2015)


Public and Environmental Health Act, 2015

Parliament of Namibia (2015)


Law on Health Care, 2014

Government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic (2015)

Lao People's Democratic Republic

National Health Act 2014

Federal Republic of Nigeria (2014)


Decreto Presidencial n.º 279/14

Presidency of the Republic; Angola (2014)


Medical Act, 2014

Parliament of the Bahamas; Commonwealth of the Bahamas (2014)


Health Ombudsman Act 2013

Queensland Parliamentary Counsel (2014)

Australia » Queensland

Despacho n.º 1114/14

Ministry of Health; Angola (2014)


Code de la santé publique (Public Health Code)

National Assembly; Government of French Polynesia (2014)

France » French Polynesia

Alberta Health Act

Alberta Queen's Printer; Government of Alberta (2014)

Canada » Alberta

Health Service Act, No. 40/2007

Government of Iceland; Ministry of Health (2014)


Decreto Presidencial n.º 178/13

Presidency of the Republic; Angola (2013)


Health Act

Government of Malta (2013)


Health Insurance Law

Governor in Cabinet; Cayman Islands (2013)

United Kingdom » Cayman Islands

Ministry of Health Act 2013

Alberta Queen's Printer's Representative; Cook Islands (2013)

Cook Islands

Code de la Santé (Health Code)

Legislation Service Central; Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (2013)


The Health Practice (Amendment) Law 2013

Governor of the Cabinet; Cayman Islands (2013)

United Kingdom » Cayman Islands

Decreto-Lei nº 3/2013 (Decree-Law 3/2013)

Government of East Timor; Timor Leste (2013)

Timor Leste

Закон за здравствена заштита -пречистен текст (Law on Health Protection - Consolidation)

Министерството за здравство (Ministry of Health Republic of Macedonia); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Government) (2013)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Закон о правима пацијената (Patient Rights Law)

Министарство здравља Србије (Ministry of Health); Република Србија (Republic of Serbia) (2013)


Health and Social Care Act 2012

Parliament of United Kingdom (2012)

United Kingdom

Public Health Protection Act

Government of Maldives; republic of Maldives (2012)


The Punjab Health Care Commission Act 2010

Provincial Assembly of Punjab; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (2012)


Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992

Government of South Australia; Australia (2012)

Australia » South Australia

Законот за јавно здравје 2010 (Public Health Law 2010)

Министерството за здравство Македонија (Ministry of Health); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) (2012)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Medical Services Act

Government of Northern Territory; Australia (2011)

Australia » Northern Territory

Decreto do Governo nº 11/2011 (Government Decree 11/2011)

Government of East Timor; Timor Leste (2011)

Timor Leste

Portaria No. 2.488 (Ordinance No. 2.488)

Ministry of Health; Brazil (2011)


Nursing Decree 2011

Fiji Government (2011)


Código Sanitario (Health Code)

Ministry of Health; Government of Chile (2011)


Portaria nº 1.654 (Ordinance nº 1.654)

Ministry of Health; Brazil (2011)


Loi no.2011-002 - Code de la Santé (Law no.2011 - 002 Health Code)

Republic of Madagascar; The Parliament of Madagascar (2011)


Decreto No. 7.508 (Decree No. 7.508)

Presidency of the Republic; Brazil (2011)


The Norwegian Public Health Act

Ministry of Health and Care Services (2011)


Sundhedsloven (Danish Health Care Act)

The Danish Parliament (2010)


Patients’ Bill of Rights: Public Health Law(PHL)2803

The New York State Legislature; New York State Department of Health (2010)

United States » New York

지역보건법 (Regional Public Health Act)

Government of the Republic of Korea (2010)

Republic of Korea

Health Services Act 1991

Queensland Parliamentary Counsel; Australia (2010)

Australia » Queensland

Carer Recognition Act 2010

Commonwealth of Australia; The Parliament of Australia (2010)


Health Services Authority Law (2010 Revision)

Governor of the Cabinet; Cayman Islands (2010)

United Kingdom » Cayman Islands

Health Act

Government of British Columbia (2010)

Canada » British Columbia

Zakon o Zdravstvenoj Zaštiti (Health Care Act)

Ministarstvo Zdravlja (Ministry of Health); Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) (2010)

Bosnia and Herzegovina

United States Global Health Act 2010

United States of America (2010)

United States

Health Act 2009

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (2010)

United Kingdom

Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Proclamation (2010)

Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (2010)


Health Care Act (No. 1326/2010)

The Finnish Parliament (2010)


Health Care Decisions Act

General Assembly of Virginia (2009)

United States » Virginia

Public Health Act 2009

Government of Tanzania; United Republic of Tanzania (2009)

United Republic of Tanzania

Decreto-Lei n.º 281/2009 (Health Decree-Law 281/2009)

Portugal; Government of Portugal (2009)


Supported Residential Facilities Regulations 2009

Government of South Australia; Australia (2009)

Australia » South Australia

Законот за социјална заштита 2009 (Law on Social Protection 2009)

Владата на Република Македонија (Government Of Macedonia); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Government) (2009)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Public Health Rules (Gujarat)

Government of Gujarat, India (2009)

India » Gujarat

The Public Health Act

Legislative Assembly of Manitoba; Government of Manitoba (2009)

Canada » Manitoba


Министарство здравља Србије (Ministry of Health Serbia); Република Србија (Republic of Serbia) (2009)


Хеалх Нега Закон (Health Care Act)

Влада Србије (Government of Serbia); Република Србија (Republic of Serbia) (2009)


Gujarat Public Health Act 2009

Government of Gujarat, India (2009)

India » Gujarat, India

Law No. (47) of the 2008: Public Health Act

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2008)


Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008

Parliament of Victoria; Australia (2008)

Australia, Australia » Victoria

Zakon: O Zdravstvenoj Zastiti (The Health Care Act)

Parliament of the Republic of Croatia (2008)


Wet Publieke Gezondheid (Public Health Act)

Government of the Netherlands (2008)


Patients' rights and responsibilities

Health Authority of Anguilla; Anguilla (2008)

United Kingdom » Anguilla

Regulamento Sanitário Internacional (International Health Regulations) - 2005

World Health Organization; Ministry of Health (2008)


Public Health Act

Government of Nunavut (2008)

Canada » Nunavut

Gesundheitsverordnung (By-law on health)

Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein; Principality of Liechtenstein (2008)

Principality of Liechtenstein

Gesundheitsgesetz (Health Law)

Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein; Principality of Liechtenstein (2008)

Principality of Liechtenstein

Portaria nº 154 (Ordinance 154/2008)

Ministry of Health; Brazil (2008)


Traditional Health Practitioners Act, 2007

Government of South Africa (2008)

South Africa

Health Care Act 2008

Government of South Australia; Australia (2008)

Australia » South Australia

Health Facilities Licensing Act 2007

President; Guyana (2007)


An Act to amend the Medical Practice Act of 1982

House of Representatives; Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (2007)

United States » Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of)

Public Health Act

Government of Malta (2007)


Landsverordening zorginstellingen (Legislation on health care institutions)

Government of Sint Maarten; The Ministry of Health and Social Development (2007)

Netherlands » Sint Maarten

National Health Act, B.E. 2550

Government of Thailand (2007)


Primary Health Care Act

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland (2007)


Health Promotion Foundation Act 2007

Parliament of Tonga (2007)


National Health Service Act 2006

Government of Samoa (2006)


Ministry of Health Act 2006

Government of Samoa (2006)


Ley Organica de Salud (Organic Health Act)

National Congress; Ecuador (2006)


The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (2006)

United Kingdom

Health Quality and Complaints Commission Act 2006

Queensland Parliamentary Counsel (2006)

Australia » Queensland

Portaria nº 648/GM (Ordinance nº 648/GM)

Ministry of Health; Brazil (2006)


Portaria GM nº 399 (Ordinance GM 399/2006)

Ministry of Health; Brazil (2006)


Medical and Health Council Regulations

Government of Bhutan (2005)


Public Health Act 2005

Queensland Parliamentary Counsel (2005)

Australia » Queensland

Public Health Regulation 2005

Queensland Parliamentary Counsel (2005)

Australia » Queensland

Law on Health Care

Government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic (2005)

Lao People's Democratic Republic

Health Act

Government of Nova Scotia (2005)

Canada » Nova Scotia

Regional Health Authorities Act 2005

President; Guyana (2005)


Ministry of Health Act 2005

President; Guyana (2005)


Traditional Health Practitioners Act, 2004

Government of South Africa (2005)

South Africa

Carers Recognition Act 2005

Government of South Australia; Australia (2005)

Australia » South Australia

Закон за здравето (Health Act)

Government of the Republic of Bulgaria (2005)


Protection of Persons in Care Act

Government of Nova Scotia (2004)

Canada » Nova Scotia

Zakon O Zastiti Prava Pacijenata (Patients' Bill of Rights )

Parliament of the Republic of Croatia (2004)


Lei nº 10/2004 (Law 10/2004)

National Parliament; Timor Leste (2004)

Timor Leste

Legge 24 settembre 2004 n. 123 (Act number 123 of September 24, 2004)

Great and General Council of San Marino; San Marino (2004)

San Marino

The Public Health (Amendment) Act, 2004

The Republic of Sierra Leone (2004)

Sierra Leone

National Health Act

Republic of South Africa (2004)

South Africa

Lei nº 41/VI/2004 (Law 41/VI/2004)

National Assembly; Cape Verde (2004)

Cape Verde

Закон о здравственој заштити (Law on Health Care)

Влада Црне Горе (Government of Montenegro); Република Црна Гора (Republic of Montenegro) (2004)


National Health Insurance Act

Government of Ghana (2003)


General Law (Health Professions) Amendment Act, 2003.

Parliament of the Republic of Namibia (2003)


Health Care Professions Act

Government of Malta (2003)


The Punjab Court of Wards Act 1903

Provincial Assembly of Punjab; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (2003)


The Medical and Health Council Act

Government of Bhutan (2002)


Regional Health Services Act, 2002

Government of Saskatchewan (2002)

Canada » Saskatchewan

Hospital and Health Care Facilities Act, 2002, Act 21 of 2002

The Parliament of Dominica; Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica (2002)


Loi relative aux droits des patients (Patient's Rights Act)

Belgian Federal Government (Kingdom of Belgium) (2002)


Public Health Act Chapter 15:09

Government of Zimbabwe; Republic of Zimbabwe (2002)


Ley General de Salud - Ley No. 423 (General Health Act - Act No. 423)

National Assembly of Nicaragua; Republic of Nicaragua (2002)


Decreto-Lei n.º 9/2002 (Health Decree-Law 9/2002)

Portugal; Presidency of Ministries Council (2002)


Consumer Health Protection Act

Government of Guam (2001)

United States » Guam

Mental Health Act 2001

Government of Malaysia (2001)


Public Health Act

Government of Quebec (2001)

Canada » Quebec

Medical and Dental Practice Act 2001

Government of Tonga (2001)


Medical Services Act Chapter 15:13

Government of Zimbabwe; Republic of Zimbabwe (2001)


인민보건법 (Public Health Act)

Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2001)

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Health Practitioners Review Act 2001

Government of Tonga (2001)


Medical Services and Institutions Act

Government of Belize (2000)


Medical Service and Institutions Act, Chapter 39, Revised Edition 2000

Government of Belize; Law Revision Commissioner (2000)


The HIPAA Privacy Rule, 2000

Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Secretary (2000)

United States

의료법 (Medical Care Act)

Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2000)

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Verordnung über die medizinische Grundversorgung (By-law on primary health care)

Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein; Principality of Liechtenstein (2000)

Principality of Liechtenstein

National AIDS Council of Zimbabwe Act Chapter 15:14

Government of Zimbabwe; Republic of Zimbabwe (2000)


Code de la santé publique (Public Health Code)

National Assembly; New Caledonia (2000)

France » New Caledonia

Medical Act 2000

Legislature of the British Virgin Islands (2000)

United Kingdom » British Virgin Islands

Public Health Proclamation

Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (2000)


Decreto-Lei 2/00 (Decree-Law 2/00)

Ministry of Health; Angola (2000)


The Protection for Persons in Care Act

Legislative Assembly of Manitoba; Government of Manitoba (2000)

Canada » Manitoba

Public Health Act

Legislative Counsel Office; Government of Prince Edward Island (1999)

Canada » Prince Edward Island

Medical Schemes Act, 1998

Parliament of the Republic of South Africa (1999)

South Africa

Public Health Act

Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick (1998)

Canada » New Brunswick

Ley Organica de Salud (Organic Health Act)

Congress; Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1998)


Hospitals and Health Care Facilities

Parliament of the Bahamas; Commonwealth of the Bahamas (1998)


Health Services Act 1997

New South Wales Government; Australia (1997)

Australia, Australia » New South Wales

Health Act 1997

Government of Tasmania; Australia (1997)

Australia » Tasmania

Codigo de Salud (Health Code)

Congreso de la Republica de Guatemala (1997)


Patients’ Rights Act, No. 74/1997

Ministry of Welfare (1997)


National Health Services Act

The Parliament of Jamaica (1997)


Ārstniecības likums (Medical Treatment Law)

the Parliament of Latvia; the Republic of Latvia (1997)


Ārstniecības likums 1997 (Medical Treatment Law)

The Parliament of the Republic of Latvia; the Republic of Latvia (1997)


Codigo de Salud (Health Code)

President of the Republic; Ecuador (1997)


Ley No. 26842 - Ley General de Salud (Act No. 26842 - General Health Law)

Congress of the Republic; Republic of Peru (1997)


Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance

Hong Kong Legislative Council (1997)

China » Hong Kong SAR

Code de la Santé Publique (Public Health Code)

National Assembly; Republic of Guinea (1997)


Nepal Health Service Act, 2053 (1997)

Nepal Law Commission (1997)


The Public Health Act

The Parliament of Jamaica (1996)


Medical Services Act (1996)

Government of The Republic of Kiribati (1996)


Public Health Act 1997.

government of tasmenia (1996)

Australia » Tasmania

National Health Insurance Act

Congress of the Philippines, Government of Philippines (1995)


Health and Community Services Act

Queen's Printer; Legislative Assembly of Newfoundland and Labrador (1995)

Canada » Newfoundland and Labrador

Resolução nº 4/95 (Resolution 4/95)

Council of Ministers; Mozambique (1995)


Public Health Act, 1994

Government of Saskatchewan (1994)

Canada » Saskatchewan

Regional Health Authorities Act

Ministry of Legal Affairs; Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (1994)

Trinidad and Tobago

Health Act 1993

ACT Parliamentary Counsel; Australia (1993)

Australia » Australian Capital Territory

Public Health Act

Government of Tonga (1992)


Lei nº 25/91 (Law 25/91)

Assembly of the Republic; Mozambique (1991)


Public Health (Amendment) Act 1991

National Assembly; Guyana (1991)


Codigo de Salud (Health Code)

National Congress; Honduras (1991)


Health Services Act 1991

Government of Tonga (1991)


Lei nº 8.142 (Law 8,142/1990)

Presidency of the Republic; Brazil (1990)


Lei nº 8.080 (Law 8,080/1990)

Presidency of the Republic; Brazil (1990)


Llei General de Sanitat 1989 (General Health Law 1989)

General Council; Principality of Andorra (1989)


中华人民共和国传染病防治法 (Prevention of Infectious Disease Act of the PRC)

The Central Peopole's Government of the People's Republic of China (1989)


Gezondheidsverordening (Health Law)

Government of Aruba (1989)

Netherlands » Aruba

Codigo de Salud (Health Code)

Republic of El Salvador (1988)

El Salvador

Health Services Act

Legislative Counsel Office; Government of Prince Edward Island (1988)

Canada » Prince Edward Island

Public Health Act

Parliament of Montserrat; Parliament of Montserrat (1988)

United Kingdom » Montserrat

Yap State Code

Yap State Code Commission, Federated States of Micronesia (1987)

Micronesia (Federated States of)

Sağlık Hizmetleri Temel Kanunu (The Basic Law on Health Care)

Government of the Republic of Turkey (1987)


Decreto-Lei nº 24/86/M (Decree-Law 24/86/M)

Encarregado do Governo de Macau; Macau (1986)

China » Macau

Canada Health Act

Government of Canada (1985)


Loi Relative a la Protection et a la promotion De la Sante (Law on the protection and Promotion of Health)

Le Président de la République (The President of the Republic); l'Assemblée Populaire Nationale (National People's Congress) (1985)


Chapter 63:01 Public Health: Arrangement of Sections Part I

Government of Botswana; Republic of Botswana (1983)


Health Services Act 1983

The Government of the Marshall Islands (1983)

Marshall Islands

Medical Practice Act of 1982

Northern Marianas Commonwealth Legislature (1982)

United States » Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of)

Health Services Act

Government of Solomon Islands (1979)

Solomon Islands

Medical and Dental Practitioners Act

Government of Fiji (1978)


Public Health Act, Cap 194 (1976)

Ministry of Health and Social Development; Government of the British Virgin Islands (1976)

United Kingdom » British Virgin Islands

Public Health Law (Title 33)

Ministry of Justice (1976)


Public Health Act 1975

The Parliament of Saint Lucia (1975)

Saint Lucia

Ley General de Salud (General Health Law)

Legislative Assembly; Republic of Costa Rica (1973)

Costa Rica

Public Health Law (1972)

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar (1972)


Health Services Act

Government of Barbados; The Parliament of Barbados (1969)


Public Health, Safety and Welfare Act (Title 34)

Bureau of Health Services, Palau (1966)


Public Health, Safety and Welfare Act

Government of The Marshall Islands (1966)

Marshall Islands

Niue Laws Public Health Act 1965

Government of Niue (1965)


Health and Safety Code

The Legislature of the state of Texas; State of Texas (1963)

United States » Texas

Public Health Act

National Assembly; Republic of Seychelles (1960)


Public Health Act

The Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda; Republic of Antigua and Barbuda (1957)

Antigua and Barbuda

Health Act 1956

Parliament of New Zealand (1956)

New Zealand

National Health Act 1953

Commonwealth of Australia (1953)


Public Health Act 1949

Government of Bermuda (1949)

United Kingdom » Bermuda

Public Health Act (Cap: 34:01)

The National Assembly of the Republic of Malawi (1948)


医師法 (Medical Practitioners Act)

Government of Japan (1948)


医療法 (Medical Care Act)

Government of Japan (1948)


Health Act 1947

Government of Ireland (1947)


Department of Health (Constitution) Ordinance

Parliament of Malta; Parliament of Malta (1937)


Health Act 1937

Queensland Parliamentary Counsel (1937)

Australia » Queensland

Public Health Act

Government of Fiji (1936)


Public Health Act 1935 (Ch 281)

Government of Uganda (1935)


Public Health Act (Cap 295) 1930

Republic of Zambia (1930)


Hospitals and Health Services Act

Government of Western Australia; Australia (1927)

Australia, Australia » Western Australia

Laws of The Gilbert Islands Cap 80 Public Health Ordinance

Government of Kiribati (formerly known as the Gilbert Islands) (1926)


Public Health Ordinance

Government of Tuvalu (1926)


Public Health Regulations

Government of Tuvalu (1926)


Public Health Act (Cap 277)

Republic of Mauritius (1925)


Public Health Act

Government of Grenada (1925)


Title 15, Chapter 15:09 Public Health Act

Government of Zimbabwe (1924)

Public Hospital Regulations 2004

Legislature of the British Virgin Islands (1923)

United Kingdom » British Virgin Islands

Public Hospital Regulations

Government of the British Virgin Island (1923)

United Kingdom » British Virgin Islands, United Kingdom

Public Health Act

Government of Kenya (1921)


Health Services Act

Parliament of the Bahamas; Commonwealth of the Bahamas (1914)


Bills of Health Act, Chapter 49:03

The Parliament of Dominica; Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica (1907)


Ley General de Salud, No. 42-01 (General Health Law Number 42-01)

Government of the Dominican Republic; National Congress

Dominican Republic

Texas Administrative Code

State of Texas

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