WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Child Rights Legislation

This section contains national child rights laws which protect the rights of children

147 items in this collection.


Children (Scotland) Act 2020

Scottish Parliament (2020)

United Kingdom » Scotland


Government of Georgia; Government of Georgia (2019)


Child Protection Reform Amendment Act 2017

The government of Queensland (2017)

Australia » Queensland

Child Protection and Welfare Act

Republic of Nauru (2016)


Children Law

National Assembly (2016)

Viet Nam

Child Protection Act, No. 80/2002

Ministry of Social Affairs; Government of Iceland (2016)


Child Rights Protection Act 2015

Nitijela of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (2015)

Marshall Islands

Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989

Ministry of Social Development, New Zealand (2014)

New Zealand

Законот за заштита на децата (Law on Child Protection)

Government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) (2013)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Законот за заштита на децата 2013 (Law on the Protection of Children 2013)

Владата на Република Македонија (Government Of Macedonia); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) (2013)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Child Protective Act

Parliament of Guam (2012)

United States » Guam

Child protection act

The State of Nebraska (2012)

United States » Nebraska

Children Law (2012 Revision)

Governor of the Cabinet; Cayman Islands (2012)

United Kingdom » Cayman Islands

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Child Protection and Welfare Act 2010

Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (2012)


Children Act

Ministry of Legal Affairs; Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (2011)

Trinidad and Tobago

아동권리보장법 (Child Rights Security Act)

Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2010)

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Youth Protection Act

Government of Quebec (2009)

Canada » Quebec

The Law of the Child Act, 2009

Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (2009)

United Republic of Tanzania

Despacho n.º 31292/2008 (Decree 31292/2008)

Portugal; Ministry of Health (2008)


Code de l'Enfant Guinéeen (Child Code of Guinea)

National Assembly; Republic of Guinea (2008)


Lei n° 7/2008 (Law n° 7/2008)

Assembly of the Republic; Mozambique (2008)


The Child Right Act 2007

Government of Sierra Leone (2007)

Sierra Leone

Child Protection Act

Parliament of the Bahamas; Commonwealth of the Bahamas (2007)


Law on the protection of the rights & interests of children

Government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic; Lao PDR National Assembly (2007)

Lao People's Democratic Republic

Children's Status Act, 2006.

Parliament of the Republic of Namibia (2006)


Status of Children Act

The Parliament of Jamaica (2005)


Law on Child Protection, Care and Education

The National Assembly; Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2004)

Viet Nam

Commissioner for Children Act

Government of Malta (2003)


Children’s Commissioner Act 2003

Government of New Zealand (2003)

New Zealand

Child Rights Act, 2003

Government of Nigeria (2003)


Children's Act

Government of the Yukon (2002)

Canada » Yukon

Chapter 5:06 Children's Act

Republic of Zimbabwe (2002)


Children Act

Government of Kenya (2001)


Laws of Malaysia Act 611 Child Act 2001

Government of Malaysia (2001)


CHILD ACT No. 611, 2001

Government of Malaysia (2001)


National Child Protection Authority Act

Government of Sri Lanka; Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (1998)

Sri Lanka

Código de la Niñez y la Adolescencia (Child and Adolescent Rights Act)

Legislative Assembly; Republic of Costa Rica (1998)

Costa Rica

Child and Family Services Act 1997

Northwest Territories statutory instrument enacted for Nunavut (1997)

Canada » Nunavut

The Children's Law Act 1997

Government of Saskatchewan (1997)

Canada » Saskatchewan

The Children’s Act (Cap 59)

Government of Uganda (1997)


Women and Child Protection Program

Department of Health (Philippines) (1997)


Infants Act [RSBC 1996]

Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (1996)

Canada » British Columbia

(Law 12 of 1996 promulgating the Child Law) . القانون رقم 12 لسنة 1996 قانون الطفل.

National council for childhood and motherhood; The Arab Republic Of Egypt (1996)


Agreement on Child Rights

Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein (1996)

Principality of Liechtenstein

Children & Young Persons Act

Government of Singapore (1993)


Children's Law Reform Act 1990

Government of Ontario (1990)

Canada » Ontario

Children's Law Act

Legislative Assembly; Queen’s Printer, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada (1990)

Canada » Newfoundland and Labrador, Human Rights Legislation

Law No: 9/91-Law on the Protection of the Rights of Children

Government of Maldives; Republic of the Maldives Government (1990)


Child Protection Act

Legislative Counsel Office; Government of Prince Edward Island (1988)

Canada » Prince Edward Island

The Children Act 1974

Government of Bangladesh; Republic of Bangladesh (1974)


Chile Welfare Act 1961

Independent state of Papua New Guinea (1961)

Papua New Guinea

The Sindh Children Act 1955

Provincial Assembly of Punjab; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (1955)


The Punjab Borstal Act 1926  

Provincial Assembly of Punjab; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (1926)


Children's Law of Liberia 2011

Government of Liberia; Republic of Liberia


Child protection act

The State of Nebraska

United States » Nebraska

Child Protection Act, 2003

Government of Thailand


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