WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards

This section contains general policies, plans, laws and service standards around children and youth.  By general we mean a policies, plans, law or service standards which cover more than two or three big areas or domains, for example a child policy, plan or law that covers education, health, protection, human rights etc.
This section does not include child or youth policies, plans and laws which are focused on one specific area/domain (eg. education, child justice, on violence against children, on sexual exploitation of children etc.).
This section does however include child or youth policies, plans and laws related to child protection.

459 items in this collection.


Sierra Leone National Youth Policy

Government of Sierra Leone (2003)

Sierra Leone

National Early Childhood Care and Development Policy

Government of Papua New Guinea; Department for Community Development and Religion, Government of Papua New Guinea (2020)

Papua New Guinea

Interagency Child Protection Protocol 2019

The Government of Anguilla; Department of Social Development (2020)

United Kingdom » Anguilla

National Youth Policy 2020-2030

Republic of South Africa; Department of Women, Youth & Persons with Disabilities (2020)

South Africa

The National Alternative Care Policy for Children in Sri Lanka

Government of Sri Lanka; Department of Probation and Child Care Services, Government of Sri Lanka (2019)

Sri Lanka

National Child Care And Protection Policy 2019

Republic of South Africa; Department of Social Development (2019)

South Africa

The Act Relating to Children, 2075 (2018)

Government of Nepal; Nepal Law Commission (2018)


Children’s Second Amendment Act 18 of 2016

Government of Republic of South Africa (2018)

South Africa


Government of Sri Lanka; Department of Probation on and Child Care Services, Ministry of Women and Child Affairs, Government Sri Lanka (2018)

Sri Lanka

Solomon Islands National Youth Policy 2017-2030

Ministry of Women, Youth, and Family Affairs (2017)

Solomon Islands

Child Safeguarding National Action Plan

Ministry of Health and Social Development; Government of Anguilla (2017)

United Kingdom » Anguilla

Child Protection Act 2018

The Government of Anguilla; The Government of Anguilla (2017)

United Kingdom » Anguilla, Child Rights Legislation

Healthcare that counts: A framework for improving care for vulnerbale children in Victorian health services 2017

State Government of Victoria; Victorian Department of Health & Human Services (2017)

Australia » Victoria

Queensland Youth Strategy 2017

Government of Queensland; Queensland Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (2017)

Australia » Queensland

The National Child and Youth Development Plan 2017 - 2021

Ministry of Social Development and Human Security; Government of the Kingdom of Thailand (2017)


Co-operating to Safeguard Children and Young People in Northern Ireland

Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (2016)

United Kingdom » Northern Ireland

Children (Care and Adoption) Act 2015

The Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda (2016)

Antigua and Barbuda

National Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy 2015

Republic of South Africa; UNICEF & Department of Social Development (2015)

South Africa

Children (Amendment) Act 2015

Government of Ireland (2015)


Children First Act 2015

Government of Ireland (2015)


National Youth Policy 2072 (2015)

Government of Nepal (2015)


Barn som lever i fattigdom - Regjeringens strategi mot barnefattigdom 2015 – 2017 (Children who live in poverty – The government’s strategy against child poverty 2015-2017)

Government of Norway; Barne-, Likestillings- og Inkluderingsdepartementet (Ministry of Children, Equality and Inclusion) (2015)


Fiji Ministry of Youth and Sports Annual Corporate Plan 2015

Fiji Ministry of Youth and Sports (2015)


At Risk Youth Strategy 2015-2018

Government of Western Australia; Department for Child Protection and Family Support (2015)

Australia » Western Australia

National Youth Policy 2015–2020

The Presidency; Republic of South Africa (2015)

South Africa

Lei nº 13.046 (Law nº 13.046)

Presidency of the Republic; Brazil (2014)


Σχέδιο Δράσης για τα Δικαιώματα του Παιδιού (Action Plan for the Rights of the Child)

Υπουργείο Δικαιοσύνης, Γενική Γραμματεία Διαφάνειας και Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων (Ministry of Justice, General Secretariat for Transparency and Human Rights) (2014)


Afghanistan National Youth Policy (2014)

Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Ministry of Information and Culture; Office of the Deputy Ministry of Youth Affairs (2014)


Child Protection Regulation 2011

Government of Queensland; Austrailia (2014)

Australia » Queensland

Lei nº 13.010 (Law nº 13.010)

Presidency of the Republic; Brazil (2014)


Children First Act

Government of Alberta (2014)

Canada » Alberta

Quality Recommendation for Child Welfare

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (2014)



Royal Government of Cambodia; Cambodia National Council for Children, Cambodia (2014)


영유아보육법 (Infant Care Act)

Government of the Republic of Korea (2014)

Republic of Korea

National Youth Policy Sri Lanka

Government of Sri Lanka; Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skills Development (2014)

Sri Lanka

Looking Forward to 2017: Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador; Child, Youth and Family Services (2014)

Canada » Newfoundland and Labrador

Child Protection Act, 2014

Government of Malta (2014)


Virgin Islands National Youth Policy

Ministry of Education and Culture; Government of the British Virgin Islands (2014)

United Kingdom » British Virgin Islands

Child Protection Act

Government of Prince Edward Island (2013)

Canada » Prince Edward Island

Macau Youth Policy 2012-2020

Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Government of Macau (2013)

China » Macau

청소년보호법 (Juvenile Protection Act)

Government of the Republic of Korea (2013)

Republic of Korea

Lei No. 12.852 (Act No. 12.852)

Presidency of the Republic; Brazil (2013)


National Youth Policy

Ministry of Youth and Sports (2013)


Afghanistan National Youth Policy

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Ministry of Information and Culture, Office of the Deputy Ministry of Youth Affairs (2013)


Youth Sector Strategic Plan 2013-2018

Republic of Rwanda (2013)


아동복지법 (Child Welfare Act)

Government of the Republic of Korea (2013)

Republic of Korea

Jugendstrategie, Strategische Ziele 2013-2020 (Austrian Youth strategy, Strategic Goals 2012-2020)

Government of Austria; Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth (2013)


청소년기본법 (Framework Act on Juveniles)

Government of the Republic of Korea (2013)

Republic of Korea

Children, Young People, and Family Welfare Act

The Government of Kiribati (2013)


The National Policy for Children 2013

Government of India; Ministry of Women and Child Development (2013)


Plan Priorite Jeunesse (Plan Priority: Youth)

French Government; French Cross-ministerial Committee for Youth (2013)


Ley de la juventud (Youth Act)

Legislative Assembly; Plurinational State of Bolivia (2013)

Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Child Rights Legislation

Jugendstrategie - Ziele, Erfolge, Pläne 2012/2013 (Youth strategy - Goals, Achievement, Plans)

Government of Austria; Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth (2013)


Plan territorial jeunesse/Regional Youth Plan

Department of Youth, Sport and Social Cohesion of Guadeloupe (2013)

France » Guadeloupe

National Youth Development Policy 2012-2022 and Strategic Plan of Action 2012-2015

Ministry of Youth Development, Sport and Training (2012)


Policy in Child Protection in Schools

Government of Fiji; Ministry of Education, National Heritage, Culture & Arts (2012)


The National Child and Youth Development Plan B.E. 2555 - 2559 (2012 - 2016)

Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, Government of the Kingdom of Thailand (2012)


Ontario's Youth Action Plan

Government of Ontario (2012)

Canada » Ontario

The Children Act 2012

Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (2012)

Trinidad and Tobago

National Standards for the Protection and Welfare of Children

Government of Ireland; Health Information and Quality Authority (2012)


China National Program for Child Development(2011-2020)

National Working Committee on Children and Women, State Council of China (2012)


Namibia’s National Agenda for Children

The Government of Namibia; The Government of Namibia (2012)


National Youth Development Policy of Belize

Government of Belize; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (2012)


Agenda de igualdad para la Juventud 2012-2013 (Equality Agenda for Youth 2012-2013)

Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion; Ecuador (2012)


Politique nationale de la Jeunesse du Gabon (National Youth Policy of Gabon)

Government of Gabon; Presidency of the Republic of Gabon (2012)


Pacte pour la jeunesse 2012-2014 (Youth Pact 2012-2014)

Government of Luxembourg; Ministry of Family and Integration (2012)


Youth Law and The Vietnamese Youth Development Strategy 2011-2020

Department of Youth Affairs, Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2012)

Child and Youth Policy Programme 2012–2015

Government of Finland; Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö (Ministry of Education and Culture) (2012)


National Children Policy 2011

Ministry of Women and Children Affairs; Republic of Bangladesh (2011)


National Youth Policy of Barbados

Government of Barbados; Ministry of Family, Culture, Sports and Youth (2011)


Ley Organica de la Juventud (Youth Act)

National Assembly; Ecuador (2011)


National Youth Policy

Government of Fiji; Ministry of Education, National Heritage, Culture & Arts and Youth & Sports (2011)


Strategic Plan for Integrated Child Rights Policy in Rwanda

Ministry of Gender & Family Promotion; The Government of Rwanda (2011)


Standards and Guidelines for the Care, Support and Protection of Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation; Kingdom of Cambodia (2011)


National Policy on Youth Development

Royal Government of Camboda; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (2011)


The Child Care and Protection Act of Bhutan 2011

Parliament of the Kingdom of Bhutan (2011)


Kind 2011 (Child 2011)

Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein (2011)

Principality of Liechtenstein

Ley Foral 11/2011 de Juventud (Youth Act 11/2011)

Autonomous Community of Navarra; Spain (2011)


At risk youth strategy 2011-2014

Government of Western Australia; Department of Child Protection (2011)

Australia, Australia » Western Australia

Early Childhood Development Policy Rwanda

Ministry of Education; The Government of Rwanda (2011)


Politica Nacional de Primera Infancia (National Early Childhood Policy)

Government of Reconciliation and National Unity; Nicaragua (2011)


Plan Nacionale de Juventudes 2011-2015 (National Youth Plan 2011-2015)

Consejo Nacional de Politicas Sociales; Uruguay (2011)


Samoa National Youth Policy

Ministry for women and children (2011)


National Youth Policy (2011-2015)

Government of Kiribati (2011)


Approving the National Program on Child Protection in the 2011-2015 period

Ministry of Labor, War Invalid, and Social Affairs (2011)

Viet Nam

Children and Youth with Special needs: A Framework for Action - Making it work!

Ministry of Children and Family Development & Ministry of Education & Ministry of Health Services (2010)

Canada » British Columbia

Child (Protection and Adoption) Act, 2010

Government of Grenada (2010)


Strategy to Strengthen the Rights of the Child in Sweden

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Government of Sweden (2010)


Politica Nacional de Juventud 2010-2015 (National Youth Policy 2010-2015)

UNFPA; Secretaria Planification y Programmacion; Guatemala (2010)


Child Welfare Decree 2010

Government of Fiji (2010)


Fiji Child Welfare Decree 2010

Fiji Government (2010)


National Youth Policy of Ghana

Ministry of Youth and Sports; Republic of Ghana (2010)


The national strategy for child exploitation prevention and interdiction

Government of the United States; U.S. Department of Justice (2010)

United States

Revised National Youth Policy 2010

Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture; Republic of Botswana (2010)


II Pla Jove 2010-2012 (Second Youth Plan 2010-2012)

Government of the Balearic Islands; Spain (2010)


Vision for Children and Young People

Government of Japan (2010)


Children and Youth Care and Protection Act

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (2010)

Canada » Newfoundland and Labrador

National Plan of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (2010-2012)

Republic of Ghana; Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare (2010)


National Children's Policy with National Plan of Action

Ministry of Women, Youth & Children Affairs (2010)

Solomon Islands

Ministry of gender and child welfare strategic plan

Ministry of gender and child welfare; The Government of Namibia (2010)


The Pacific Youth Strategy - Youth empowerment for a secure, prosperous & sustainable future

Secretariat of the Pacific Community; Government of Nauru (2010)


National Youth Policy 2010

The government of Nepal; The government of Nepal (2010)


National Youth Policy

Royal Government of Bhutan; Ministry of Education, Department of Youth and Sports (2010)


National Action Plan for Youth 2010-2016

Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture; Republic of Botswana (2010)


National Policy for Children of Samoa

Ministry for Women, community and social development. (2010)


2010-2020 National Youth Plan of Catalonia

Generality of Catalonia; Spain (2010)


Strategic Plan 2010-2014

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador; Department of Child, Youth and Family Services (2010)

Canada » Newfoundland and Labrador

Youth Law of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

House of Peoples of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; House of Representatives of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2010)

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina » Bosnian Federation

Mauritius National Youth Policy 2010-2014

Ministry of Youth and Sports (2010)


Protection of Children Act (2009)

Government of Guyana (2009)


The Law of the Child Act

Government of the Republic of Tanzania (2009)

United Republic of Tanzania, Child Rights Legislation

The Swedish Government's Youth Policy

Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality, Government of Sweden (2009)


The Child Welfare Act

Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion (2009)


National Youth Policy 2009 – 2014

Government of the Republic of South Africa (2009)

South Africa

Politique Nationale de la Jeunesse

Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2009)

Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Child Act, 2008

Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan; Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (2009)

South Sudan

Kinder- und Jugendgesetz (Children and Youth Act)

Government of the Principality of Leichtenstein; Principality of Leichtenstein (2009)

Principality of Liechtenstein

Niue National Youth Policy 2009

Secretariat of the Pacific Community; The Government of Niue (2009)


Children's Act

Republic of Botswana (2009)


Swaziland National Youth Policy

Ministry of Sport, Culture and Youth Affairs. Government of Swaziland (2009)


National Youth Policy (2009-2018)

Ministry of Youth and Sports; Republic of The Gambia (2009)


III Plan Joven 2009-2012 (III Youth Plan 2009-2012)

Youth Institute of Castilla la Mancha; Spain (2009)


Youth Action Strategy 2009-2014: Investing in Youth; Empowering Quebec's Future

Government of Quebec; Secrétariat à la jeunesse (2009)

Canada » Quebec

National Youth Policy

Government of Pakistan; Ministry of Youth Affairs (2008)


National Youth Development Policy

Government of Japan; Headquarters for Youth Development (2008)


National Youth Strategy 2009-2024

Government of Hungary (2008)


Care and protection of children act 2007

Northern Territory; Department of Children and Families Child Protection (2008)

Australia » Northern Territory

Children's Amendment Act 2007

Government of South Africa; Republic of South Africa (2008)

South Africa

New directions for child protection in Tasmania: An integrated Strategic Framework January 2008

Tasmanian Government; Department of Health and Human Resources (2008)

Australia » Tasmania

Lesotho National Youth Policy

Government of Lesotho; Ministry of Gender & youth, sport & recreation (2008)


Ministry of youth, national service, sport and culture strategic plan

Ministry of youth, national service, sport & culture; The Government of Namibia (2008)


Politique Nationale de Jeunesse (National Youth Policy)

Government of Burkina Faso; Ministry of Youth and Employment (2008)

Burkina Faso

Plan Nacional de Juventudes: “Jóvenes unidos/as por el cambio” 2008-2012 (National Plan for Youth: "Youth United for change" 2008-2012)

Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health and Sports; Ministry of Planning and Development; Ministry of Education and Culture; Ministry of Labour; Bolivia (2008)

Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

The National Strategic Plan for Early Childhood Development in Jamaica

Government of Jamaica; Early Childhood Commission, Ministry of Education (2008)


The National Children Policy (2008)

Government of Kenya; National Council for Children’s Services (2008)


الخطة الوطنية للطفل الفلسطيني 2009-2011 (National Plan for Palestinian Children)

وزارة التخطيط الفلسطينية (Palestinian Ministry of Planning) (2008)

occupied Palestinian territory

Early Childhood Act

Government of Jamaica (2007)


National Youth Policy of Timor-Leste

Secretary of State for Youth and Sport; Timor-Leste (2007)

Timor Leste

Youth Societies and youth development act

The Government of Malaysia; Malaysian Government (2007)

Malaysia, Child Rights Legislation

Decreto n.º 20/07

Cabinet Council; Angola (2007)


Ley 6/2007 de Juventud de la Region de Murcia (Youth Act 6/2007 of the Region of Murcia)

Presidency of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia; Spain (2007)


Ley de Juventud de Aragon (Youth Act of Aragon)

Government of Aragon; Spain (2007)


Ministry of State for Youth Affairs Strategic Plan (2007-2012)

Government of Kenya; Office of the Vice President; Ministry of State for Youth Affairs (2007)


National Youth Development Strategy 2007/08 – 2011/12

Department of Social Development, Republic of South Africa (2007)

South Africa

Child Protection Standards in Ontario

Government of Ontario; Ministry of Children and Youth Services (2007)

Canada » Ontario

National Policy on Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (2007)


Antigua and Barbuda National Youth Policy

Government of Antigua and Barbuda; Department of Youth Affairs; Ministry of Health, Sports & Youth Affairs (2007)

Antigua and Barbuda

National Plan of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (2007-2010)

Government of Kenya; Department of Children Services, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development (2007)


National Child and Youth Development Promotion Act B.E. 2550 (2007)

Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, Government of the Kingdom of Thailand (2007)


National Youth Action Plan

Republic of Montenegro (2007)


Child Welfare Act

Government of Finland (2007)


Youth Act No 70/2007

Iceland (2007)


Il Piano Nazionale Giovani (National Youth Plan)

Italy; Il Ministero per le Politiche Giovanili e le Attività Sportive (The Ministry for Youth and Sports) (2007)


Politique Nationale de la Jeunesse (National Youth Policy)

Ministry of Youth Affairs; Government of Cameroon (2006)


Ley 10/2006 Integral de la Juventud (Law 10/2006 Integrated Youth Act)

Presidency of the Balearic Islands; Spain (2006)


Children and Young Person's Act, 2006

Nation of Brunei Darussalam (2006)

Brunei Darussalam

Children’s Act 38 of 2005

Government of the Republic of South Africa (2006)

South Africa

Children and Community Services Act 2004 (WA)

Government of Western Australia; Department of Child Protection (2006)

Australia, Australia » Western Australia

Jeugdbeleidsplan Curaçao 2006 - 2009 (Youth policy Curacao 2006-2009)

Government of Curaçao; Dienst Cultuur en Educatie, Federatie Antilliaanse Jeugdzorg (2006)

Netherlands » Curaçao

The Republic of Rwanda National Youth Policy

The Government of Rwanda (2006)


Guia de Politicas Publicas de Juventude (Youth Public Policy Guide)

Secretary-General of the Presidency of the Republic; Brazil (2006)


Kenya National Youth Policy (2006)

Government of Kenya; Ministry of Youth Affairs (2006)


Finland’s Family Policy

Government of Finland; Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (2006)


Children’s Act 2005

Republic of The Gambia (2005)


Ley 7/2005 de Juventud de La Rioja (Law 7/2005 of Youth in La Rioja)

President of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja; Spain (2005)


Status of Children Reform Act

Government of Barbados (2005)


Politique Nationale de la Jeunesse (Nationale Youth Policy)

The Republic of Rwanda; Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sports (2005)


National Plan for Action for Children 2005

Government of India; Department of Women and Child Development (2005)


National Integrated Plan for Early Childhood Development in South Africa 2005–2010

UNICEF & Department of Health, Republic of South Africa (2005)

South Africa

Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005

Parliament of Victoria; State Government of Victoria (2005)

Australia » Victoria, Child Rights Legislation

National Youth Policy 2004 - 2010

Federated States of Micronesia Department of Health, Education and Social Affairs (2004)

Micronesia (Federated States of)

National Youth Strategy for Jordan 2005- 2009

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Higher Council for Youth (2004)


National Strategy for Children ‘at- risk’

Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs Martyrs and Disabled (2004)


National Gender and Children Policy (2004)

Republic of Ghana; Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs (2004)


قانون الطفل الفلسطيني 2004 (Palestinian Children Act)

Palestinian National Authority السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية (2004)

occupied Palestinian territory

Plan de Accion de Juventud (Youth Action Plan)

Ministry of Planning; Chile (2004)


National Youth Policy (2004-2010)

Federated States of Micronesia; Department of Health, Education and Social Affairs (2004)

Micronesia (Federated States of)

Child Care and Protection Act

Government of Jamaica (2004)


National Youth Policy (2004)

Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture (2004)


Ministry of Youth Development and Training Corporate Plan 2004 to 2006

Government Of The Republic Of Vanuatu; Ministry of Youth Development and Training (2004)


Politica Publica de Juventud de Panama (Panama's Public Policy for Youth)

Dirección Nacional de la Juventud; Panama (2004)


Early Childhood Care and Development Policy (2004)

Republic of Ghana; Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs (2004)


National Youth Policy

Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica; Youth Development Division (2004)


The National Youth Policy

National Centre for Youth Development, Ministry of Education, Youth & Culture (2003)


Ombudsperson for children act 2003

The Government of Mauritius; Republic of Mauritius (2003)

Mauritius, Child Rights Legislation

Families and Children Subsidiary Act - Revised Edition 2003

Government of Belize; Government of Belize (2003)


Child Protection Act, B.E. 2546 (2003)

Government of the Kingdom of Thailand (2003)


Polish Youth Strategy 2003-2012

The Government of Poland; Ministry of Education & Sport (2003)


Early Childhood Commission Act

Government of Jamaica (2003)


National Youth Policy

Government of Bangladesh; Department of Youth Development (2003)


National Youth Policy 2003

Government of Maldives (2003)


National Programme of action for the development and protection of children

The Government of Mongolia; United Nations Mongolia (2002)


New Zealand’s Agenda for Children

Parliament of New Zealand; New Zealand Ministry of Health (2002)

New Zealand

National Standards for the Protection of Children

Ministry of Community Development and Sports, Singapore (2002)


Kenya National Youth Policy (2002)

Government of Kenya; Ministry of Home Affairs, Heritage and Sports (2002)


Children Act 2001

Government of Ireland (2001)


Ley de la Juventud (Youth Act)

National Congress; Ecuador (2001)


Ley Nacional de la Juventud (National Youth Law)

National Assembly; Venezuela (2001)


Pla Jove 2001-2004 (Youth Plan 2001-2004)

Government of the Balearic Islands; Spain (2001)


Ratifying the Vietnam National program of action for children in the 2001-2010 period

Minister-Chairman of the Vietnam Committee for Child Protection and Care (2001)

Viet Nam

National Youth Policy and Strategic Plan of Action

Federal Republic of Nigeria (2001)


The National Youth Policy: A vision for Youth in the 21st Century

Janat Balunzi Mukwaya (MP) Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development. The Republic of Uganda (2001)


Families and Children Act - Revised Edition 2000

Government of Belize; Government of Belize (2000)

Belize, Child Rights Legislation

National Early Childhood and Development Strategy (2000)

Government of Jordan; The National Team for Early Childhood Development (2000)


National Youth Policy

Ministry of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment, Republic of Zimbabwe (2000)


Ley General de Juventud (General Youth Act)

National Congress; Dominican Republic (2000)

Dominican Republic

Youth Policy Framework

Government of British Columbia; Ministry for Children and Families (2000)

Canada » British Columbia

Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1997

Tasmanian Government; Department of Health and Human Resources (2000)

Australia » Tasmania

National Youth Policy

Ministry of Education; Government of St. Lucia (2000)

Saint Lucia

Standards for School Health

State of Oklahoma; Oklahoma State Department of Health (2000)

United States » Oklahoma, General Health Service Standards

Tasmanian Youth policy framework for local government

Tasmanian Government; Office of Youth Affairs (1999)

Australia » Tasmania

Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency 中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法

The Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress 第九屆全國人民代表大會 (1999)


Child Protection Act 1999

State of Queensland (1999)

Australia » Queensland

The Children’s Act (1998)

Parliament of the Republic of Ghana (1998)


Children Act 1998

Government of Bermuda (1998)

United Kingdom » Bermuda, United Kingdom

Burundi - Politique Nationale de la Jeunesse (National Youth Policy of Burundi)

Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture; Government of Burundi (1998)


National Early Childhood Development (ECD) Policy Paper and Action Plan

Ministry of Women, Family Welfare & Child Development (1998)


Child and Family Services Act

Government of the Northwest Territories (1997)

Canada » Northwest Territories

National Youth Policy 2000

National Youth Commission, Republic of South Africa (1997)

South Africa

Child Care Services Ordinance

Government of Hong Kong SAR (1997)

China » Hong Kong SAR

Child Development Policy

Government of the Republic of Tanzania (1996)

United Republic of Tanzania

Politica de Juventude (Youth Policy)

Ministerial Council; Mozambique (1996)


National Youth Development Policy

Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (1996)

United Republic of Tanzania

Prevention of Cruelty to Children Act

Government of Barbados; The Parliament of Barbados (1996)


Child Protection Act

The Government of Mauritius (1995)


National Children Policy, 1994

Ministry of Women and Children Affairs; Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (1994)


National Youth Policy

Department of Youth Development, Government of Zambia (1994)


Philippines National Youth Act

The Government of the Philippines (1994)


Children's protection act 1993

Government of South Australia; Minister for Education and Child development, Minister for Families and Communities (1993)

Australia » South Australia

An Act to provide for safeguarding the interests of children

The government of Nepal; The government of Nepal (1992)

Nepal, Child Rights Legislation

Child Care Act 1991

Government of Ireland (1991)


Children and Young Persons Act, Chapter 37:50

The Parliament of Dominica; Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica (1990)


Lei No. 8.069 (Act No. 8.069)

Presidency of the Republic; Brazil (1990)


Status of Children Act

Government of Antigua and Barbuda (1987)

Antigua and Barbuda

Children's Services Act 1985

Parliament Of South Australia (1985)

Australia » South Australia

Lois sur les enfants (Children Act)

Government of Seychelles (1982)


Child Care Board Act

Government of Barbados; The Parliament of Barbados (1981)


The Children Act 1981

Government of Norway; Government of Norway (1981)

Norway, Child Rights Legislation

National Policy for Children 1974

Government of India (1974)


Minors Act

Government of Barbados (1974)


The Children and Young Persons Act (Cap. 26:03)

The National Assembly of the Republic of Malawi (1969)

Malawi, Child Rights Legislation

The Children Act 1960

Government of India (1960)


児童福祉法(Child Welfare Act)

Government of Japan (1947)


Infants Act 1908

Government of the Cook Islands (1908)

Cook Islands

Charter of Rights for children and young people in care in the Northern Territory

Northern Territory Government; Department of Children and Families Child Protection

Australia » Northern Territory

Politique Nationale de la Jeunesse (National Youth Policy)

Government of Benin; Ministry of Youth, Sports and Leisure


Palau Youth Policy

Government of Palau


CIDA's Children and Youth Strategy: Securing the Future of Children and Youth

Government of Canada; Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)


National Youth Policy 2011

National Youth Commission; Ministry of Health, Environment, Youth, Sports & Culture; Cayman Islands Government

United Kingdom » Cayman Islands, United Kingdom

National Youth Plan - Young People 2010

Generality of Catalonia; Spain


National Youth Policy

Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago


Government of British Columbia; Queen's Printer

Canada » British Columbia

Code of Virginia Title 63.2. Welfare (Social Services)

Government of Virginia; Government of Virginia

United States » Virginia

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