Switzerland: Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards
This section contains general policies,
plans, laws and service standards around children and youth.
By general we mean a policies, plans, law or service
standards which cover more than two or three big areas or domains,
for example a child policy, plan or law that covers education,
health, protection, human rights etc.
This section does not include child or youth
policies, plans and laws which are focused on one specific
area/domain (eg. education, child justice, on violence against
children, on sexual exploitation of children etc.).
This section does however include child or youth policies,
plans and laws related to child protection.
4 items in this collection.
Swiss Confederation (2012)
Swiss Confederation (2011)
Swiss Confederation; Federal Department of Home Affairs, Federal Social Insurance Office (2010)
Swiss Confederation; Federal Department of Home Affairs, Federal Social Insurance Office (2010)