WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Germany: Substance Abuse Strategies and Plans

7 items in this collection.

Aktionsplan Alkohol der DHS 2008 (Alcohol Action Plan of the DHS 2008)

Government of Germany; Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e.V. (German Centre for Addiction Issues e.V.) (2008)


Aktionsplan Drogen und Sucht (Action plan on drugs and addiction)

Government of Germany; The Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government of Germany (2003)


Landesprogramm gegen Sucht Teil 1 - Illegale Drogen, Alkohol, Medikamente (State programme against addiction Part 1 - Illegal drugs, alcohol, drugs)

Government of North Rhine-Westphalia; Ministry of women, youth, family and health of North Rhine-Westphalia (1999)

North Rhine-Westphalia

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