WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

European Region: Older Persons General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans and service standards

This section contains general policies, plans, laws and service standards around older persons.  By general we mean a policies, plans, law or service standards which cover more than two or three big areas or domains, for example eg. a older person policy, plan or law that covers health, housing, pensions, human rights etc. 
This section does not include older person policies, plans and laws which are focused on just one specific area/domain, such as pensions or housing for example.

55 items in this collection.

Act on the Affairs of the Elderly, No. 125/1999

Government of Iceland; Ministry of Health (2018)


Plan national d'Action de prévention de la perte d’autonomie

Government of France; Le ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé (2015)


Proteção Social das Pessoas Idosas (Social Protection of Older Persons)

Portugal; Directorate General of Social Security (2014)


National Strategic Policy for Active Ageing 2014-2020

National Commission for Active Ageing, Parliamentary Secretariat for Rights of Persons with Disability and Active Ageing, Malta (2014)


Altern und Zukunft. Bundesplan für Seniorinnen und Senioren (Aging and future. Federal Plan for elderly)

Government of Austria; Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection (2013)


National Positive Ageing Strategy

Government of Ireland (2013)


Hope, Confidence and Certainty for Older People 2013-2015

Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland (2013)

Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Guidelines for All Types of Facilities for Older Persons 2012

Ministry of Health and Social Development; Anguilla (2012)

Anguilla, United Kingdom

Guide pratique pour seniors/Practical Guide for Seniors

Ministry of Family and Integration, Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (2012)


Envejecimiento Activo - Libro Blanco (Active Aging - White Paper)

Ministry for Health, Social Policy and Equality; Spain (2011)


Vlaams ouderenbeleid plan 2010-2014 (The Flemish Policy Plan for Older Persons 2010-2014)

Flemish Ministry for Public Health, Welfare and Family (Flemish Government) (2010)


National Policy for Older Persons

Government of Anguilla, Ministry of Social Development (2009)

Anguilla, United Kingdom

National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland

Government of Ireland; Health Information and Quality Authority (2008)


Long term care – Future Challenges. Care plan 2015

Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services; Government of Norway (2005)

Norway, Mental Health Strategies and Plans

Decreto-Lei no. 391/91 (Decree-Law no. 391/91)

Portugal; Ministry of Employment and Social Security (1991)

Portugal, Disability Legislation

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