WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

European Region: General Health Strategies and Plans

This section contains general health strategies and plans of countries. This includes strategies and plans that cover health generally, but not policies on a specific disease, disorder or vulnerable groups.  The exception to this is that this section does include broad Non Communicable Disease strategies and plans (ie. we do include broad NCD strategies and plans covering many areas, but do not include strategies and plans which focus on one specific NCD area).

95 items in this collection.

Pojecte Pla Nacional de Salud 2020 (National Health Plan 2020 Project)

Ministry of Health, Well-being, Family and Housing; Principality of Andorra (2015)


'Think Autism': an update to the government adult autism strategy

HM Government; UK Department of Health; Social Care; Local Government and Care Partnership Directorate (2014)

England and Wales, United Kingdom, Autism Spectrum Disorder

Gesundheitsförderungsstrategie (Health promotion strategy)

Austrian Government; Austrian Health Ministry (2014)


A National Health Systems Strategy For Malta 2014-2020

Department For Policy in Health, Ministry of Health, Malta (2014)


Strategie Nationale de Santé (National Health Strategy)

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health; France (2013)


Здравје за сите Програма 2013 (Health for All Program 2013)

Министерство за здравство (Ministry of Health); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Government) (2013)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Јавно здравство програма 2013 (Public Health Program 2013)

Министерство за здравство (Ministry of Health); Програма fof здравствена заштита на ментално болни Персона 2013 (The Former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia) (2013)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

NCD Strategy 2013-2017

Norwegian Ministry of Health; The Government of Norway (2013)


Health in All Policies- Seizing opportunities, implementing policies

Government of Finland; Ministry of Social A!airs and Health (2013)


Service Public Fédéral Santé Publique Plan Pluriannuel 2013-2017 (Federal Public Service Public Health Multi-Year Plan 2013-2017)

Federal Service on Public Health, Safety in Food Chain and Environment (Kingdom of Belgium) (2013)


Nationale Strategie öffentliche Gesundheit (National Public Health Strategy)

Austrian Government; Austrian Health Ministry (2013)


NCD Strategi 2013-2017 (Norwegian)

Norwegian Ministry of Health; The Government of Norway (2013)


Strategie zur Bewältigung des demographischen Wandels (Strategy for coping with the demographic change)

Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein; Principality of Liechtenstein (2012)

Principality of Liechtenstein

Health Targets for Austria Relevance – Options – Contexts

Federal Ministry of Health; Austria (2012)


Livre des plans de sante public (Book of plans for publc health)

Ministry of Labour, Employment and Health (2011)


Talking therapies: A four-year plan of action

UK Government; UK Department of Health (2011)

United Kingdom

Socially Sustainable Finland 2020: Strategy for Social and Health Policy

Finland Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (2011)


The Icelandic National Health Plan to the year 2010

The Ministry of Health and Social Security (2010)


Health Promotion – achieving good health for all

Norwegian Directorate of Health (2010)


A Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Disease in Malta

Department of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care, Malta (2010)


Plani I Integruar i Ministrisë (Ministry Integrated Plan)

Ministria e Shëndetësisë (Ministry of health); Republic of Albania (2010)


Србија Стратегија јавног здравља и Акциони план 2009-2013 (Serbia Public Health Strategy and Action Plan 2009-2013)

Министарство здравља Србије (Ministry of Health); Република Србија (Republic of Serbia) (2009)


Националната стратегија за NCDs (National Strategy on NCDs)

Министерството за здравство Македонија (Ministry of Health Macedonia); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) (2009)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Note Stratégique sur la Sécurité des Patients (Strategy Note on Patient Safety)

Federal Service on Public Health, Safety of the Food Chain and the Environment (Kingdom of Belgium) (2008)


Εθνικό Σχέδιο Δράσης για τη Δημόσια Υγεία 2008-2012 (Public Health Action Plan 2008-2012)

Ministry of Health & Social Solidarity - Unit of Strategy and Health Policies (2008)


Well Bermuda: A National Health Promotion Strategy--2008

Ministry of Health; Government of Bermuda (2008)

Bermuda, United Kingdom

National Action Plan to Reduce Health Inequalities 2008 - 2011

Finland Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (2008)


Ministry of Health and Community Services Business Plan 2008

Ministry of Health; Government of Montserrat (2008)

Montserrat, United Kingdom

Pla Estratègic de Salut – Resum Executiu (Strategic Health Plan - Executive Summary)

Ministry of Health, Well-being, Family and Housing; Principality of Andorra (2008)


Националната стратегија за деинституционализација 2008-2018 (National Strategy for Deinstitutionalization 2008-2018)

Министерството за труд и социјална политика (Ministry of Labor and Social Policy); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) (2008)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Македонија Министерството за здравство стратешки план 2008-2010 (Macedonia Ministry of Health Strategic Plan 2008-2010)

Министерството за здравство (Ministry of Health); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Government) (2008)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Estrategia de Salud de la Cooperación Española (Health Strategy of the Spanish Cooperation)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Government of Spain (2007)


National Health Plan for Norway (2007-2010)

Ministry of Health and Care Services (2007)


Policy, Vision and Action Plan

The Public Health Institute of Iceland (2007)

Iceland, General Health Policies

Care Plan 2015 : Long-term Care - Future Challenges

Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services (2007)


National Strategy to Reduce Social Inequalities in Health

Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services (2007)


Здравствена стратегија на Република Македонија 2007 - 2020 )(Health Strategy for the Republic of Macedonia 2007 - 2020)

Министерството за здравство Македонија (Ministry of Health Macedonia); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) (2007)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Plan de Calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud 2006 (Quality Plan for the NHS 2006)

Ministry of Health and Social Policy; General Secretariat of Health; SNS (National Health System) Quality Agency (2006)

Spain, Mental Health Strategies and Plans

Strategija primarne zdravstvene zaštite (The Primary Health Care Strategy)

Ministarstvo Zdravstva I Socijalne Skrbi (Ministry of Health and Social Welfare); Republika Srpska (Republic of Srpska) (2004)

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Srpski

Стратегија развоја здравствене заштите у Црној Гори 2003 - 2020 (Strategy for Health Care Development in Montenegro 2003-2020)

Министарство здравља (Ministry of Health); Република Црна Гора (Republic of Montenegro) (2003)


Government Resolution on the Health 2015 Public Health Programme

Finland Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (2001)


National Health Care Strategy 2012-2020

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia; Government of the Republic of Croatia


Ma santé 2022 : un engagement collectif

Ministry of Health and Solidarity, Government of France


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