WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

European Region: Disability Strategies and Plans

This section contains disability strategies and plans from countries.

67 items in this collection.

National Disability Program 2015-2025

Government of Hungary (2014)


Aktionsplan für die Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen (Action plan for the inclusion of people with disabilities)

Government of Germany; Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (2013)


Estrategia Espanola sobre Discapacidad 2012-2020 (Spanish Strategy for Disability 2012-2020)

Ministry of Health and Social Policy, Government of Spain (2012)


Estrategia Española sobre Discapacidad 2012-2020 (Spanish Strategy on Disability 2012-2020)

Ministry of Health and Social Policy, Government of Spain (2012)


Equality strategy

Home Office, United Kingdom (2011)

United Kingdom

National Disability Strategy (ENDEF) 2011 – 2013

Portugal; Council of Ministers (2011)


Bundesweites arbeitsmarktpolitisches Behindertenprogramm BABE (Nationwide labor market programme for people with disabilities)

Government of Austria; Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection (2011)


A Strategy for the Implementation of Disability Policy, 2011-2016

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Government of Sweden (2011)


Plan 2010-2012 en direction des personnes sourdes ou malentendantes (Plan 2010-2012 for the deaf or hard of hearing)

Ministry of Employment, Social Relations, Family, Solidarity and the City; France (2010)


Националната стратегија за изедначување на правата на лицата со инвалидност (ревидирана) 2010-2018 (National Strategy for Equal Rights of Persons with disability (Revised) 2010-2018)

Министерството за здравство Македонија (Ministry of Health); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) (2010)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Roadmap 2025 (2005 – 2025)

Government of United Kingdom: Achieving disability equality by 2025 (2009)

United Kingdom

Norway Universally Designed by 2025

Government of Norway; Government of Norway (2009)


Independent Living Strategy (2008)

Office for Disability Issues (2008)

United Kingdom

National Program of Disability Affairs 2007-2013

Minister for Youth, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (2007)


Action Program for the Disabled 2007-2013

Government of Slovenia; Republic of Slovenia (2007)


Stratejik Plan 2008 - 2012 (Strategic Plan)

The Prime Ministers Office: Turkish Administration for Disabled People; Turkey (2007)


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