WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

European Region: Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards

This section contains general policies, plans, laws and service standards around children and youth.  By general we mean a policies, plans, law or service standards which cover more than two or three big areas or domains, for example a child policy, plan or law that covers education, health, protection, human rights etc.
This section does not include child or youth policies, plans and laws which are focused on one specific area/domain (eg. education, child justice, on violence against children, on sexual exploitation of children etc.).
This section does however include child or youth policies, plans and laws related to child protection.

100 items in this collection.

Children (Amendment) Act 2015

Government of Ireland (2015)


Children First Act 2015

Government of Ireland (2015)


Children Amendment Act 2014

Government of Bermuda (2015)

Bermuda, United Kingdom

Barn som lever i fattigdom - Regjeringens strategi mot barnefattigdom 2015 – 2017 (Children who live in poverty – The government’s strategy against child poverty 2015-2017)

Government of Norway; Barne-, Likestillings- og Inkluderingsdepartementet (Ministry of Children, Equality and Inclusion) (2015)


Working Together to Safeguard Children

UK Government; Department of Education (2015)

England and Wales, United Kingdom

Σχέδιο Δράσης για τα Δικαιώματα του Παιδιού (Action Plan for the Rights of the Child)

Υπουργείο Δικαιοσύνης, Γενική Γραμματεία Διαφάνειας και Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων (Ministry of Justice, General Secretariat for Transparency and Human Rights) (2014)


Quality Recommendation for Child Welfare

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (2014)


Child Protection Act, 2014

Government of Malta (2014)


Jugendstrategie, Strategische Ziele 2013-2020 (Austrian Youth strategy, Strategic Goals 2012-2020)

Government of Austria; Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth (2013)


Plan Priorite Jeunesse (Plan Priority: Youth)

French Government; French Cross-ministerial Committee for Youth (2013)


Jugendstrategie - Ziele, Erfolge, Pläne 2012/2013 (Youth strategy - Goals, Achievement, Plans)

Government of Austria; Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth (2013)


National Standards for the Protection and Welfare of Children

Government of Ireland; Health Information and Quality Authority (2012)


Pacte pour la jeunesse 2012-2014 (Youth Pact 2012-2014)

Government of Luxembourg; Ministry of Family and Integration (2012)


Child and Youth Policy Programme 2012–2015

Government of Finland; Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö (Ministry of Education and Culture) (2012)


Ley Foral 11/2011 de Juventud (Youth Act 11/2011)

Autonomous Community of Navarra; Spain (2011)


Kind 2011 (Child 2011)

Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein (2011)

Principality of Liechtenstein

Strategy to Strengthen the Rights of the Child in Sweden

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Government of Sweden (2010)


II Pla Jove 2010-2012 (Second Youth Plan 2010-2012)

Government of the Balearic Islands; Spain (2010)


2010-2020 National Youth Plan of Catalonia

Generality of Catalonia; Spain (2010)


Youth Law of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

House of Peoples of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; House of Representatives of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2010)

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnian Federation

The Swedish Government's Youth Policy

Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality, Government of Sweden (2009)


The Child Welfare Act

Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion (2009)


Kinder- und Jugendgesetz (Children and Youth Act)

Government of the Principality of Leichtenstein; Principality of Leichtenstein (2009)

Principality of Liechtenstein

III Plan Joven 2009-2012 (III Youth Plan 2009-2012)

Youth Institute of Castilla la Mancha; Spain (2009)


National Youth Strategy 2009-2024

Government of Hungary (2008)


Ley 6/2007 de Juventud de la Region de Murcia (Youth Act 6/2007 of the Region of Murcia)

Presidency of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia; Spain (2007)


Ley de Juventud de Aragon (Youth Act of Aragon)

Government of Aragon; Spain (2007)


National Youth Action Plan

Republic of Montenegro (2007)


Child Welfare Act

Government of Finland (2007)


Youth Act No 70/2007

Iceland (2007)


Il Piano Nazionale Giovani (National Youth Plan)

Italy; Il Ministero per le Politiche Giovanili e le Attività Sportive (The Ministry for Youth and Sports) (2007)


Ley 10/2006 Integral de la Juventud (Law 10/2006 Integrated Youth Act)

Presidency of the Balearic Islands; Spain (2006)


Finland’s Family Policy

Government of Finland; Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (2006)


Ley 7/2005 de Juventud de La Rioja (Law 7/2005 of Youth in La Rioja)

President of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja; Spain (2005)


Polish Youth Strategy 2003-2012

The Government of Poland; Ministry of Education & Sport (2003)


Children Act 2001

Government of Ireland (2001)


Pla Jove 2001-2004 (Youth Plan 2001-2004)

Government of the Balearic Islands; Spain (2001)


Children Act 1998

Government of Bermuda (1998)

Bermuda, United Kingdom

Child Care Act 1991

Government of Ireland (1991)


The Children Act 1981

Government of Norway; Government of Norway (1981)

Norway, Child Rights Legislation

National Youth Policy 2011

National Youth Commission; Ministry of Health, Environment, Youth, Sports & Culture; Cayman Islands Government

Cayman Islands, United Kingdom

National Youth Plan - Young People 2010

Generality of Catalonia; Spain


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