WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

European Region: Child and Youth General Health Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards

This section covers policies, plans, legislation, and service standards which outline the provision of general health services, and promotion of health and prevention strategies for children and youth.

22 items in this collection.

Children's Health Act 2018

Government of Ireland (2018)


Promoting the health and well-being of looked-after children

Department of Health and Social Care; UK Government; Department for Education (2015)

England and Wales, United Kingdom

Kindergesundheitsstratgie 2011 (Child Health Strategy 2011)

Government of Austria; Ministry of Health (2011)


Plani i Veprimit për fëmijën dhe Shëndetin e Adoleshentëve (Action Plan for Child and Adolescent Health)

Ministeris E Shendetesise (Ministry of Health); Rebublic of Albania (2009)


Plan "Santé des jeunes" (Plan "Youth Health")

Ministry of Health, Youth and Sports; France (2008)


Politika Zdravlja Mladih U Republici Srpskoj 2008 - 2012 (Youth Health Policy in the Republic of Srpska 2008 - 2012)

Ministarstvo Zdravstva I Socijalne Skrbi (Ministry of Health and Social Welfare); Republika Srpska (Republic of Srpska) (2008)

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Srpski

Kinder-Umwelt-Gesundheits-Aktionsplan (Children’s Environment and Health Action Plan)

Government of Austria; Federal Ministry for Health, Family and Youth and Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water management (2007)


Стратегија развоја здравља младих у Републици Србији (Youth Health Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia)

Министарство здравља Србије (Ministry of Health); Република Србија (Republic of Serbia) (2006)


Educație pentru sănătate (Health Education)

Ministry of Education; Romania (2004)


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