WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Country Resources: European Region

1,413 items in this collection.

Закон о заштитнику људских права и слобода (Law on the Protection of Human Rights and Freedom)

Влада Црне Горе (Government of Montenegro); Република Црна Гора (Republic of Montenegro) (2003)

Montenegro, Human Rights Legislation

Policy for Mental Health Services Development in Albania

Ministria e Shëndetësisë (Ministry of health); The republic of Albania (2003)

Albania, Mental Health Policies

The Constitution

The Swedish Parliament (2003)

Sweden, Constitutions


Министарство здравља Србије (Ministry of Health); Републис Србије (Republic of Serbia) (2003)

Serbia, Mental Health Strategies and Plans

Програма fof здравствена заштита на ментално болни Персона 2013 (Program of Health Protection of Mentally Ill Persons 2013)

Министерство за здравство (Ministry of Health); Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) (2003)

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Mental Health Strategies and Plans

Aktionsplan Drogen und Sucht (Action plan on drugs and addiction)

Government of Germany; The Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government of Germany (2003)

Germany, Substance Abuse Strategies and Plans

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