WHO MiNDbank: More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development

A database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development

Country Resources: Eastern Mediterranean Region

321 items in this collection.

National Policy to empower People of Determination

Government of the United Arab Emirates; Ministry of Community Development, United Arab Emirate (2021)

United Arab Emirates, Disability Policies

Strategic Plan 2021 - 2025

Government of Bahrain; National Health Regulatory Authority, Bahrain (2021)

Bahrain, General Health Strategies and Plans

Somalia National Development Plan 2020 to 2024

Government of Somalia; Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development (2020)

Somalia, Development and Poverty Strategies

Healthcare Capacity Master Plan

Department of Health, Abu Dhabi; Department of Health, Abu Dhabi (2020)

United Arab Emirates, General Health Strategies and Plans

Handbook of the Rights of People of Determination

Government of Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Government of Dubai, United Arab Emirates (2020)

United Arab Emirates, Disability Policies

The Economic Vision 2030 for Bahrain

Government of Bahrain; Government of Bahrain (2020)

Bahrain, Development and Poverty Strategies

Somalia Social Protection Policy

Government of Somalia; Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (2019)

Somalia, Development and Poverty Strategies

Jordan: Concluding observations on the initial report of Jordan

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; United Nations (2017)

Jordan, CRPD Committee concluding observations

List of Issues in relation to the initial report of Morocco

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; United Nations (2017)

Morocco, CRPD Committee Lists of Issues

National Development Plan 2017-2018

Government of Somalia; Ministry of Planning & International Cooperation (2017)

Somalia, Development and Poverty Strategies

List of Issues in relation to the initial report of Jordan

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; United Nations (2016)

Jordan, CRPD Committee Lists of Issues

National Health Strategy 2016‒2020

Ministry of Public Health; Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (2016)

Afghanistan, General Health Strategies and Plans

Qatar: Concluding observations on the initial report of Qatar

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; United Nations (2015)

Qatar, CRPD Committee concluding observations

List of Issues in relation to the initial report of Qatar

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; United Nations (2015)

Qatar, CRPD Committee Lists of Issues

WHO AIMS Report 2015

Ministry of Health, Lebanon; WHO (2015)

Lebanon, WHO-AIMS Country Reports

National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs)

Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Ministry of Public Health Afghanistan; General Directorate of Preventive Medicine; Noncommunicable Diseases Control Directorate (2015)

Afghanistan, General Health Strategies and Plans

Guidelines on Physical Rehabilitation Services 1392-1395 (2014 - 2017): Basic Package of Health Service (BPHS) Implementers

Disability and Rehabilitation Department, MoPH and The Technical Working Groups for Physical Rehabilitation; Republic of Afghanistan (2014)

Afghanistan, Disability Strategies and Plans

Afghanistan National Youth Policy (2014)

Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Ministry of Information and Culture; Office of the Deputy Ministry of Youth Affairs (2014)

Afghanistan, Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards

Health Financing Strategy 2014-2018

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Ministry of Health (2014)

Afghanistan, General Health Strategies and Plans

Sindh Mental Health Ordinance 2013

Provincial Assembly of Sindh; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (2013)

Pakistan, Mental Health Legislation, Regulations and Implementation Guides

Afghanistan National Youth Policy

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Ministry of Information and Culture, Office of the Deputy Ministry of Youth Affairs (2013)

Afghanistan, Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards

National Mental Health Programme

Ministry of Health; Republic of Afghanistan (2013)

Afghanistan, Mental Health Strategies and Plans

Policy Framework 2013-2016

Ministry of Health, Republic of South Sudan (2013)

South Sudan, General Health Policies

Strategy for Disability and Rehabilitation 2013-2016

Ministry of Public Health Disability and Rehabilitation Department; Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (2013)

Afghanistan, Disability Strategies and Plans

Disability and Rehabilitation Strategy: 1390-1393 (2012-2015)

Ministry of Public Health Disability and Rehabilitation Department; Republic of Afghanistan (2012)

Afghanistan, Disability Strategies and Plans

Drug Abuse Control Master Plan 2012 -2014

Minsitry of Narcotics Control/ Anti Narcotics Force; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (2012)

Pakistan, Substance Abuse Strategies and Plans

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Child Protection and Welfare Act 2010

Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (2012)

Pakistan, Child Rights Legislation

The Punjab Health Care Commission Act 2010

Provincial Assembly of Punjab; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (2012)

Pakistan, General Health Legislation

Somali Constitution 2012

Government of Somalia (2012)

Somalia, Constitutions

Health for all Afghans

Ministry of Public Health; Republic of Afghanistan (2012)

Afghanistan, General Health Strategies and Plans

WHO-AIMS Report on Mental Health System in Jordan

World Health Organization; Ministry of Health Jordan (2011)

Jordan, WHO-AIMS Country Reports

الخطة الخليجية التنفيذية لتطوير الصحة النفسية 2011-2016 (Gulf Executive Plan for Mental Health)

اللجنة الخليجية للصحة النفسية (GCC Committee for Mental Health); اللجنة الخليجية للصحة النفسية (GCC Committee for Mental Health); اللجنة الخليجية للصحة النفسية (GCC Committee for Mental Health); اللجنة الخليجية للصحة النفسية (GCC Committee for Mental Health); اللجنة الخليجية للصحة النفسية (GCC Committee for Mental Health); اللجنة الخليجية للصحة النفسية (GCC Committee for Mental Health); اللجنة الخليجية للصحة النفسية (GCC Committee for Mental Health) (2011)

Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Mental Health Policies, Mental Health Strategies and Plans

Constitution of Morocco

Government of Morocco (2011)

Morocco, Constitutions

The Sindh Protection of Human Rights Act 2011

Provincial Assembly of Sindh; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (2011)

Pakistan, Human Rights Legislation

Tunisia: Concluding observations on the initial report of Tunisia

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; United Nations; United Nations (2011)

Tunisia, CRPD Committee concluding observations

The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Government of Pakistan; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (2010)

Pakistan, Constitutions

National Anti Narcotics Policy

Ministry of Narcotics Control/Anti Narcotics Force; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (2010)

Pakistan, Substance Abuse Strategies and Plans

National Mental Health Strategy 2011-2015

Ministry of Public Health; General Directorate of Preventive Medicines; Mental health and DDR Department (2010)

Afghanistan, Mental Health Strategies and Plans

List of Issues in relation to the initial report of Tunisia

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; United Nations (2010)

Tunisia, CRPD Committee Lists of Issues

قانون حقوق معلولین و امتیازات (Law on Disability Rights and Privileges )

وزارت بهداشت و درمان افغانستان (Ministry of Health Afghanistan); جمهوری افغانستان (Republic of Afghanistan) (2010)

Afghanistan, Disability Legislation

A Basic Package of Health Services for Afghanistan 2010/1389

Ministry of Public Health; Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (2010)

Afghanistan, General Health Service Standards

WHO-AIMS Report on Mental Health System in Kingdom of Bahrain

WHO and Ministry of Health, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain (2010)

Bahrain, WHO-AIMS Country Reports

WHO-AIMS Report on Mental Health System in Sudan

WHO and Ministry of Health, Khartoum, Sudan (2009)

Sudan, WHO-AIMS Country Reports

The Child Act, 2008

Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan; Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (2009)

South Sudan, Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards

WHO-AIMS Report on Mental Health System in Tunisia

WHO and Ministry of Health, Tunis, Tunisia (2008)

Tunisia, WHO-AIMS Country Reports

Social Protection Sector Strategy 2008-2013

Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Martyrs and the disabled; Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority; Afghanistan National Development Strategy Secretariat (2008)

Afghanistan, Development and Poverty Strategies

Strategy Paper for the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Ministry of Public Health Afghanistan; Drug Demand Reduction Department (2007)

Afghanistan, Substance Abuse Strategies and Plans

WHO-AIMS Report on Mental Health System In The Islamic Republic of Iran

Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran; World Health Organization; World Health Organization (2006)

Iran (Islamic Republic of), WHO-AIMS Country Reports

WHO-AIMS Report Morocco

World Health Organization (2006)

Morocco, WHO-AIMS Country Reports

Somaliland WHO AIMS Report

Ministry of Health, Somalia; Ministry of Health, Somliland; WHO (2006)

Somalia, Somaliland region of Somalia, WHO-AIMS Country Reports

Counter Narcotics Drug Law

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (2005)

Afghanistan, Substance Abuse Legislation

دستور جمهورية العراق 2005 (Iraqi Constitution)

لجنة تعديل الدستورـ الحكومة العراقية (Constitution Amendment Committee- Iraqi Government) (2005)

Iraq, Constitutions

A Basic Package of Health Services for Afghanistan 2005/1384

Ministry of Public Health; Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (2005)

Afghanistan, General Health Service Standards

Mental Health Policy

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2004)


National Strategy for Children ‘at- risk’

Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs Martyrs and Disabled (2004)

Afghanistan, Child and Youth General Policies, Laws, Strategies & Plans, Service Standards

The Moroccan Family Code (Moudawana) - Book 4 of Legal Capacity and Representation

Kingdom of Morocco; Chamber of Counselors; House of Representatives (2004)

Morocco, Capacity related legislation

The Constitution of Afghanistan

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (2004)

Afghanistan, Constitutions

Non-Communicable Disease Plan Pakistan

Government of Pakistan; Government of Pakistan (2004)

Pakistan, General Health Strategies and Plans

The Comprehensive National Disability Policy in Afghanistan

Government of Afganistan and Italian Cooperation (2003)

Afghanistan, Disability Policies

The Punjab Court of Wards Act 1903

Provincial Assembly of Punjab; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (2003)

Pakistan, General Health Legislation

Constitution of the Kingdom of Bahrain

Government of Bahrain; Bahrain (2002)

Bahrain, Constitutions

قانون حقوق المعاقين 1999 (Lebanese Disability Law)

الحكومة اللبنانية (Lebanese Government) (2000)

Lebanon, Disability Legislation

Constitution of Djibouti

National Assembly; Republic of Djibouti (1992)

Djibouti, Constitutions

The Disabled Persons Ordinance 1981

Government of Punjab; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (1981)

Pakistan, Disability Legislation

الدستور الكويتي (Constitution of Kuwait)

Council of Ministers; Government of Kuwait (1963)

Kuwait, Constitutions

The Sindh Children Act 1955

Provincial Assembly of Punjab; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (1955)

Pakistan, Child Rights Legislation

The Punjab Borstal Act 1926  

Provincial Assembly of Punjab; Islamic Republic of Pakistan (1926)

Pakistan, Child Rights Legislation

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