eCatalogue of indicators for micronutrient programmes

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Certificate of Conformity for imported fortified flour
Imported fortified flour must have a phyto-sanitary documentation that certifies the nutrient content. Often called a "Certificate of Conformity", this document, provided by a competent authority, certifies that imported flour follows the specifications within the (national) regulations of the importing country. Inspectors at importation sites are authorized to approve or refuse imported fortified flour.
The product composition influences the effectiveness and safety of the intervention. The Certificate of Conformity indicates that the quality and the composition of the fortified flour meets the regulations of the importing country and allows direct follow-up with importers if consistencies are identified.
The percentage of imported flour that have a Certificate of Conformity declaring they meet fortification specifications in the importing country. Numerator: Total number of shipments of imported fortified flour with a Certificate of Conformity during a specified period of time (e.g. last 12 months). Denominator: Total number of shipments of imported flour that is purportedly fortified or assessed during the same period of time. • Divide the numerator by the denominator. Multiply the result by 100 to convert the number into a percentage. Considerations for the calculation: • The terminology used for the certification process in the country should be verified. For example, some countries give a Certificate of Conformance, Certificate of Compliance, or Certificate of Analysis. • Data may be disaggregated by brand, producer, or supplier of imported fortified flour.
approval, Certificate of Analysis, Certificate of Compliance, Certificate of Conformance, Certificate of Conformity, COC, composition, documentation, formulation, legislation, premix,regulation,requirement,standard,import,phyto-sanitary documents
Food fortification
Products meets standards
School age children, 12-23 months, 24-35 months, 36-47 months, 48-59 months, 6-11 months, Adolescents, All, Men, Women of reproductive age
Importers (producers/suppliers) will need to assess the composition or quality of fortified flour to receive government approval to import the product(s) into the country. This requires analytical verification from an independent laboratory or government source. The product will need to be categorized by product type, flour brand, flour type and/or producer.
• Provides a level of assurance that imported flour and foods made with flour are fortified. • Provides evidence to the local milling industry that imported flour follows the same standards that the local mills are required to follow.
• Without laboratory testing, a Certificate of Conformity might not guarantee the composition of the fortified flour or foods made with fortified flour.
A country has decided to implement a wheat flour fortification programme. During the first year of the programme, the country aims to obtain a Certificate of Conformity for every shipment of fortified flour that is imported to ensure that the appropriate micronutrients are included. In the first year of the programme, 3725 shipments arrived at the port of entry and all 3725 had Certificates of Conformity. Numerator: 3725 Denominator: 3725 Calculation: 3725/3725 * 100 = 100% of shipments arriving at the port of entry had Certificates of Conformity.
1. Manual for inspection of fortified foods at importation sites. Arusha: Eastern, Central and Southern African Health Community (ECSA-HC); 2007 (, accessed 14 April 2021). 2. FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). Silver Spring: US Food & Drug Administration; 2011 (, accessed 14 April 2021). 3. WHO, FAO, UNICEF, GAIN, MI, FFI. Recommendations on wheat and maize flour fortification. Meeting Report: Interim Consensus Statement. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009 (, accessed 14 April 2021). 4. WHO, FAO. Guidelines on food fortification with micronutrients. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2006 (, accessed 14 April 2021).
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