eCatalogue of indicators for micronutrient programmes

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Percentage of fortified wheat or maize flour available on the national market
This indicator describes the availability of fortified wheat or maize flour in the country destined for the national market, including that which is imported and produced domestically in large and small mills, and excluding that destined for export.
This indicator estimates the availability of fortified flour in the country as compared to the total flour on the market, giving information about the market competition between unfortified and fortified flour in the country.
The percentage of imported and domestically produced wheat or maize flour available that is fortified Numerator: (total amount of fortified flour produced in the country for the domestic market) + (total amount of imported fortified flour) for a given period of time (e.g. the last 12 months) Denominator: (total amount of flour produced in the country for the domestic market) + (total amount of imported flour) for the same period of time • Divide the numerator by the denominator. Multiply the result by 100 to convert the number into a percentage. Considerations for the calculations: • The numerator excludes imported or nationally produced fortified flour that does not meet the minimum nutrient levels assessed as part of quality control. Imported samples that do not meet the minimum levels are typically returned and do not enter the national market. • The numerator excludes fortified flour produced exclusively for export. • This indicator describes the national availability of fortified flour; in some countries it might be possible to calculate this indicator for geographic regions within the country as well.
accessibility, availability, fortified, market, production
Food fortification
Availability of product
School age children, 12-23 months, 24-35 months, 36-47 months, 48-59 months, 6-11 months, Adolescents, All, Men, Women of reproductive age
Copper, Folate, Iron, Niacin, Selenium, Vitamin A, Thiamine (vitamin B1), Vitamin B12, Riboflavin (vitamin B2), Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Zinc
This information is probably collected from each mill and inspection site at different time points, so it is important to define the time frame.
It should be relatively easy and feasible to collect the denominator data from mills and importation sites.
It may be difficult to get the information needed for the numerator. It may also be difficult to acquire information from all the mills and inspection sites within a short time period, if there are a large number of mills or importation sites in the country. Fortified flour available on the market does not mean all the flour is consumed. Further, the availability of fortified flour at the national level does not provide information related to variability in the geographic availability of fortified flour in the country, or characteristics of those who consume the flour.
Fortified flour available on the market does not mean all the flour is consumed. Further, the availability of fortified flour at the national level does not provide information related to variability in the geographic availability of fortified flour in the country, or characteristics of those who consume the flour. A country wants to calculate the percentage of total market wheat flour that has been fortified over the previous 12 months (year). The country has three mills with capacity to produce at least 20 metric tons per day. One mill fortified all the 110 metric tons of wheat flour it produced daily. A second mill fortified 80 metric tons per day of the 100 metric tons per day that it produced. The third mill fortified none of the 20 metric tons per day of the flour it produced. Small mills ( less than 20 metric tons per day) produced an estimated 100 metric tons per day of unfortified wheat flour. The country imported 36 400 metric tons of fortified flour in the previous 12-month period and imported no unfortified flour. Numerator Fortified flour produced in large mills = 110 + 80 + 0 = 190 metric tons/day * 365 days = 69 350 metric tons/year69,350 metric tons/year + Fortified flour produced in small mills = 0 = 0 metric tons/day * 365 days = 0 metric tons/year + Total amount of imported fortified flour = 36 400 metric tons/year Numerator = 69 350 metric tons from large mills + 0 metric tons from small mills + 36 400 metric tons from imports = 105 750 metric tons fortified flour/year Denominator Total flour (fortified and unfortified) produced in large mills = 110 + 100 + 20 = 230 metric tons/day * 365 days = 83 950 metric tons/year + Total flour (fortified and unfortified) produced in small mills = 100 metric tons/day * 365 days = 36,500 metric tons/year + Total amount of imported (fortified and unfortified) flour = 36 400 metric tons/year Denominator = 83 950 metric tons/year from large mills + 36 500 metric tons/year from small mills + 36 400 metric tons/year from imports = 156 850 metric tons/year Calculation: 105 750 metric tons/year divided by 156 850 metric tons/year = 0.674 0.674 * 100 = 67.4% of the total wheat flour marketed in the country is fortified.
1. WHO/FAO. Guidelines on food fortification with micronutrients. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2006.
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