eCatalogue of indicators for micronutrient programmes

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The quantity of premix procured in line with the quantity of flour milled and fortified
This indicator examines whether the amount of premix procured was adequate, given the amount of flour milled and fortified over a given period of time in large-scale flour fortification.
Premix is a mixture of vitamins and minerals formulated to fortify wheat or maize flour. The amount of premix procured should be in line with the amount of flour to be fortified. If it is not, this could be due to several reasons, including the mill not fortifying correctly (either intentionally to save costs or unintentionally because of faulty procedures), or because of errors in monitoring and timely reordering of premix stock. Lack of premix will limit the ability to fortify the flour adequately.
The quantity of premix procured in the country or specified area in relation to the amount of wheat or maize flour produced Numerator: the amount of premix (kg) procured for a given period of time (e.g. the last 12 months) Denominator: the amount of premix (kg) needed to adequately fortify the amount of flour that was produced and fortified in the same period of time • Divide the numerator by the denominator. Multiply the result by 100 to convert the number into a percentage. Considerations for the calculations: • This indicator can be collected and aggregated at different levels: at the individual mill, among a group of mills (such as those belonging to a milling association, or those who purchase their premix as a group), or for all large-scale mills participating in the fortification programme at a national level. • It is common for only some types of flours to be fortified at a given mill; the calculation should be carried out only for the quantity of flour destined for fortification. • The premix amount (e.g. kg or metric tons) and the time frame (e.g. for the last 12-month period) in the numerator and denominator should be the same.
premix, procurement, production
Food fortification
Production and supply
School age children, 12-23 months, 24-35 months, 36-47 months, 48-59 months, 6-11 months, Adolescents, Men, Other (not any of the above, post-menopausal women, elderly), Women of reproductive age
Copper, Folate, Iron, Niacin, Selenium, Vitamin A, Thiamine (vitamin B1), Vitamin B12, Riboflavin (vitamin B2), Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Zinc
Various factors might influence the expected amount of flour to be fortified or the need to order premix. For example, unexpected losses in premix (e.g. owing to poor storage or theft) or unexpected increases in production of wheat or maize flour (e.g. owing to a robust harvest) might influence the need for premix and the timeline for ordering.
This information may be readily available and easy to calculate.
In a country, premix is procured four times per year by the Ministry of Health, to distribute to the large-scale mills fortifying wheat flour. Based on monthly reports from the mills detailing the amount of premix used and the amount of wheat flour produced, the Ministry adjusts the amount of premix that it purchases. Inspectors review the premix procurement orders and verify that the correct amounts were procured and that they were adequate for the amount of flour to be fortified. For example, on average, the mills produce a total of 43 200 metric tons of wheat flour per quarter of the year. The national regulations established the target addition rate of 250 g of premix/metric ton. For the expected level of production, 10 800 kg of premix was needed (43 200 metric tons * 250 g/metric ton = 10 800 000 g of premix = 10 800 kg) and that amount was purchased for each quarter during one year. Numerator: 10 800 kg of premix However, for quarter two, extensive drought conditions reduced wheat production and only 35 000 metric tons of wheat flour were produced domestically. For this level of production, only 8750 kg of premix was needed for the quarter (35 000 metric tons * 250 g/metric ton = 8 750 000 g of premix = 8750 kg). Denominator: 8750 kg premix The quantity of premix procured relative to the quantity of wheat flour milled and fortified in the second quarter of the year = (10 800 kg/8750 kg) * 100 = 123.4% In this case, more premix was ordered than was needed.
Allen L, de Benoist B, Dary O, Hurrell R, editors. Guidelines on food fortification with micronutrients. Geneva: World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; 2006 (, accessed 30 October 2015).
© World Health Organization