Article 21 of the Convention calls upon Parties to submit to the Conference of the Parties, through the Secretariat, periodic reports on implementation of the Convention.
In the initial implementation period, each Party reported within two years (two-year report) and five years (five-year report) of the entry into force of the Convention for that Party. In November 2010, at its fourth session, the Conference of the Parties decided to synchronize the cycle of Parties' implementation reports with the biennial cycle of the regular sessions of the COP. Since 2012, Parties report at intervals of two years and not later than six months before each regular session of the Conference of the Parties.
Further details on reporting can be found at https://fctc.who.int/who-fctc/reporting

Party reports
This web-based database can be searched by individual Parties and by treaty articles and measures. When searching for full reports by Parties, please note that the searchable list contains all Parties that have reported at least once. Within treaty articles, searches can be carried out by individual measures and/or questions of the reporting instrument.

This section contains the implementation reports submitted by the Parties and other information about the Parties. Through the drop-down list below, you can access the pages of individual Parties. Alternatively, click here to see all countries in one page. The countries in grey do not have a page yet as they are not yet Parties to the treaty.
- States non-Parties
- Parties

Treaty provisions
This section contains information about the implementation of the treaty by its provisions. Within treaty articles, searches can be carried out by treaty provisions represented by indicators that reflect the questions of the reporting instrument. Through the drop-down list below, you can access the pages of individual articles and treaty provisions. Alternatively, click here to see all articles and treaty provisions on one page.