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Mexico prohibits the import of electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products
e-cigarettes II

On 19 February 2020 Mexico banned the importation of electronic cigarettes, with or without nicotine, and heated tobacco products through a Presidential Decree.

The Decree, published in the Federal Official Gazette (DOF), covers a need for harmonization in the regulatory framework in order to prevent illegal trade of these products, according to the official press release.

The Ministry of Health said the measure was part of actions taken by the Government "to protect the health of Mexicans... and to protect the population, especially young people, from irreversible damage".

Since May 2008, the sale of electronic cigarettes is forbidden in Mexico, through the General Law for Tobacco Control.

The full text of the new regulation can be found here (in Spanish).

For more information, please, contact Dr Evalinda Barrón Velázquez, WHO FCTC Focal Point and Director General of the National Commission Against Addictions (CONADIC) (


On 16 July 2021 a decree modified the banning provisions for alternative nicotine delivery systems, in order to allow import and export of heated tobacco products (HTPs).

On 22 October 2021, a new Presidential Decree revoked the decree from July 2021, restoring the ban to import and export of HTPs, and maintaining the ban on electronic nicotine delivery systems and electronic non-nicotine delivery systems.

This new decree includes as well the ban to import and export liquids, blends, cartridges and detachable units.

The main arguments are to privilege the right to health, the right to a healthy environment and protecting the best interests of the child over any other vested or commercial interests.

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