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African regional meeting on implementation of the Convention

The African regional meeting on implementation of the WHO FCTC held on 9-12 October 2012 brought together 38 countries from the African Region, including 36 Parties and 2 non-Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). The meeting was organized by the Convention Secretariat in cooperation with and hosted by the Government of Senegal.

The Parties presented an overview of the general status of and recent developments in implementation of the Convention in the Region (32 countries participated in the general discussion, sharing views and developments). This section of the meeting was followed by presentations and discussion on achievements and challenges in implementing time-bound provisions of the Convention, namely those under Articles 11 and 13 as well as the provisions for which the guidelines on Article 8 recommend a deadline, and in implementing some other provisions, such as those under Article 5 (covering general obligations) and Article12.

Resources and mechanisms of assistance to promote implementation of the Convention were also presented and discussed. Representatives of development partners from UNDP, UNCTAD, the World Bank and UN Women shared their perspectives on relevant development assistance mechanisms, in particular the integration of implementation of the Convention within the United Nations Development Assistance Framework at country level. Several civil society organizations also participated in the debate, such as the World Lung Foundation, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease and the Framework Convention Alliance.

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