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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR يحظر تعاطي التبغ في الاماكن العامة والوزارات و اماكن العمل ويعاقب من يخالف القانون يحظر تعاطي التبغ في الاماكن العامة والوزارات و اماكن العمل ويعاقب من يخالف القانون يمنع منعا باتا التدخين بوزارات الصحة والمؤسسات التعليمية ولكن لا يمنع التمباك
Suriname AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Tobacco Law SB no 39 2013
Sweden EUR Employers are responsible to assure that employees do not become exposed to tobacco smoke in the workplace (or at a similar place where the employee is active) against his or her will. Employers are responsible to assure that employees do not become exposed to tobacco smoke in the workplace (or at a similar place where the employee is active) against his or her will. Employers are responsible to assure that employees do not become exposed to tobacco smoke in the workplace (or at a similar place where the employee is active) against his or her will.
Syrian Arab Republic EMR تدابير جزئية : يسمح بوجود حيز للمدخنين في المباني الحكومية وأماكن العمل الخاصة تدابير جزئية : سمح بود حيز للمدخنين في المباني الحكومية وأماكن العمل الخاصة تدابير جزئية : سمح بود حيز للمدخنين في المباني الحكومية وأماكن العمل الخاصة
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA Smoking is prohibited in the following indoor workplaces: government buildings/health-care facilities/educational facilities/universities/private workplaces Notification of the Ministry of Public Health 2018 (B.E. 2561) identified indoor workplaces as non-smoking areas. The Notification of Ministrial of Public Health No.19 B.E.2553 (A.D.2010) states that all public building and indoor workplace shall be designated as non-smoking areas.
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided There is a circulated on banning tobacco smoking in workplace specifically at government building, public transport and public places.
Tonga WPR Complete ban as stated in the Tobacco Control (Amendment) Act 2014 (TCA) Complete ban as stated in the Tobacco Control (Amendment) Act 2014 (TCA) Complete ban as stated in the Tobacco Control (Amendment) Act 2014 (TCA)
Trinidad and Tobago AMR There is a complete ban on smoking in indoor workplaces. Complete ban on smoking in indoor workplaces. Complete ban on smoking in indoor workplaces.
Tunisia EMR Les espaces communs seulement (couloirs, bureaux communs, salle de réunion) Les espaces communs seulement (couloirs, bureaux communs, salle de réunion) Les espaces communs seulement (couloirs, bureaux communs, salle de réunion)
Turkmenistan EUR Полный запрет табакокурения на рабочих местах внутри помещений Полный запрет табакокурения на рабочих местах внутри помещений Answer not provided
Tuvalu WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR Answer not provided Private workplaces can have designated smoking places, but such places should cover less than 10% of total area Private workplaces can have designated smoking places, but such places should cover less than 10% of total area
United Arab Emirates EMR There is complete banning of smoking in all indoor work places Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR Legislation is in place throughout the United Kingdom prohibiting smoking in enclosed parts of workplaces and public places. Throughout the UK, virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces must be smoke-free, including all pubs, members clubs, cafes and restaurants, as of 1 July 2007. In England, the relevant legislation is within the Health Act 2006, the Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations (set out what is meant by enclosed and substantially enclosed and bodies responsible for enforcing smoke-free), the Smoke-free (Penalties and Discounted Amounts) Regulations (set out the levels of penalties for offences under smoke-free legislation, and the Smoke-free (Signs) Regulations (set out the requirements for no-smoking signs required under smoke-free legislation). Legislation is in place throughout the United Kingdom prohibiting smoking in enclosed parts of workplaces and public places. Throughout the UK, virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces must be smoke-free, including all pubs, members clubs, cafes and restaurants, as of 1 July 2007. In England, the relevant legislation is within the Health Act 2006, the Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations (set out what is meant by enclosed and substantially enclosed and bodies responsible for enforcing smoke-free), the Smoke-free (Penalties and Discounted Amounts) Regulations (set out the levels of penalties for offences under smoke-free legislation, and the Smoke-free (Signs) Regulations (set out the requirements for no-smoking signs required under smoke-free legislation). Legislation is in place throughout the United Kingdom prohibiting smoking in enclosed parts of workplaces and public places. Throughout the UK, virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces must be smoke-free, including all pubs, members clubs, cafes and restaurants, as of 1 July 2007. In England, the relevant legislation is within the Health Act 2006, the Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations (set out what is meant by enclosed and substantially enclosed and bodies responsible for enforcing smoke-free), the Smoke-free (Penalties and Discounted Amounts) Regulations (set out the levels of penalties for offences under smoke-free legislation, and the Smoke-free (Signs) Regulations (set out the requirements for no-smoking signs required under smoke-free legislation).
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided NONE Answer not provided
Uzbekistan EUR В статье 26 нового Закона установлено, что лица, ответственные за обеспечение реализации мер по ограничению употребления табачной продукции в общественных местах, обязаны: обеспечить соблюдение в общественных местах требований законодательства об ограничении распространения и употребления табачной продукции; предупреждать лиц, употребляющих табачную продукцию, о недопущении употребления алкогольной и табачной продукции в общественных местах, предусмотренных в части первой статьи 24 настоящего Закона, а в случае продолжения правонарушения – сообщать в органы внутренних дел; размещать на видном месте, в том числе при входе в здания (помещения), транспортные средства и иные объекты таблички (знаки), предупреждающие о недопущении употребления табачной продукции в общественных местах. Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR Full ban for all indoors including workplaces, restaurants and bars, public transport, health care facilities, transport and education facilities ( Amendment regulations of 2016 to the Tobacco Control Act of 2008). Full ban for all indoors including workplaces, restaurants and bars, public transport, health care facilities, transport and education facilities ( Amendment regulations of 2016 to the Tobacco Control Act of 2008). Report not provided
Venezuela AMR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided 1. Public Health Tobacco Regulations SI No. 163 of 1992, Section 5 (1) Prohibits smoking in some places as specified in first schedule (regulation 5) as follows: a.Hospital b.Health Centre c.Nursing Home d.Kindergarten e.Cinema Hall f.Theatre g.Elevator (lift) h.Public Transport i.Schools for adolescents up to 21 years of age 2.
Russian Federation EUR Пунктом 9 части 1 Федерального закона № 15-ФЗ введен запрет на курение и потребление никотинсодержащей продукции, использование кальянов на рабочих местах и в рабочих зонах. Согласно статье 209 Трудового кодекса Российской Федерации «рабочее место − место, где работник должен находиться или куда ему необходимо прибыть в связи с его работой и которое прямо или косвенно находится под контролем работодателя». Согласно ГОСТ 12.1.005-88 «Межгосударственный стандарт. Система стандартов безопасности труда. Общие санитарно-гигиенические требования к воздуху рабочей зоны» (утв. и введен в действие постановлением Госстандарта СССР от 29.09.1988 n 3388) (ред. от 20.06.2000): «рабочая зона − пространство, ограниченное по высоте 2 м над уровнем пола или площадки, на которых находятся места постоянного или непостоянного (временного) пребывания работающих». Опираясь на данные определения, необходимо сказать, что рабочие места и рабочие зоны являются местами, используемыми людьми во время и в процессе их трудовой деятельности (в том числе коридоры, лифты, лестницы, туалеты и другие подобные помещения), что в полной мере соответствует рекомендациям, изложенным в Руководящих принципах осуществления статьи 8 РКБТ (Руководящие принципы ВОЗ по защите от воздействия табачного дыма). Таким образом, организация изолированных помещений для курения табака в указанных местах является нарушением Федерального закона № 15-ФЗ. Пунктом 9 части 1 Федерального закона № 15-ФЗ введен запрет на курение на рабочих местах и в рабочих зонах. Согласно статье 209 Трудового кодекса Российской Федерации «рабочее место − место, где работник должен находиться или куда ему необходимо прибыть в связи с его работой и которое прямо или косвенно находится под контролем работодателя». Согласно ГОСТ 12.1.005-88 «Межгосударственный стандарт. Система стандартов безопасности труда. Общие санитарно-гигиенические требования к воздуху рабочей зоны» (утв. и введен в действие постановлением Госстандарта СССР от 29.09.1988 n 3388) (ред. от 20.06.2000): «рабочая зона − пространство, ограниченное по высоте 2 м над уровнем пола или площадки, на которых находятся места постоянного или непостоянного (временного) пребывания работающих». Опираясь на данные определения, необходимо сказать, что рабочие места и рабочие зоны являются местами, используемыми людьми во время и в процессе их трудовой деятельности (в том числе коридоры, лифты, лестницы, туалеты и другие подобные помещения), что в полной мере соответствует рекомендациям, изложенным в Руководящих принципах осуществления статьи 8 РКБТ (Руководящие принципы ВОЗ по защите от воздействия табачного дыма). Таким образом, организация изолированных помещений для курения табака в указанных местах является нарушением Федерального закона № 15-ФЗ. Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided The 2013 Rwanda tobacco control law is under implementation
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR International civil aviation and port laws apply in Saint Lucia regarding no smoking on planes and other such forms of commercial transport. There is no smoking on ambulances in compliance with the Cabinet Conclusions. Schools comply with the Education Act which bans smoking in schools. Additionally Smoking Control Legislation was enacted in Saint Lucia in 2019 to protect the population from exposure to tobacco smoke and emissions in public and work places and all transport conveyances. The Public Health Act was amended and now includes the Public Health (smoking Control) Act, 2019 and Regulations 2020. International civil aviation and port laws apply in Saint Lucia regarding no smoking on planes and other such forms of commercial transport. There is no smoking on ambulances in compliance with the Cabinet Conclusions. (No trains nor ferries in Saint Lucia.) Schools comply with the Education Act which bans smoking in schools. .Smoking Control Legislation was enacted in Saint Lucia in 2019 to protect the population from exposure to tobacco smoke and emissions in public and work places and conveyances. The Public Health Act was amended and now includes the Public Health (smoking Control) Act, 2019. The Regulations that provide the details of this legislation are in draft. International civil aviation and port laws apply in Saint Lucia regarding no smoking on planes and other such forms of commercial transport. There is no smoking on ambulances in compliance with the Cabinet Conclusions. (No trains nor ferries in Saint Lucia.) Schools comply with the Education Act which bans smoking in schools.
Samoa WPR Complete ban, signs to be displayed. Complete ban, signs to be displayed. Complete ban, signs to be displayed.
Sao Tome and Principe AFR Como se mencionó anteriormente Artículo 4 Prohibición de fumar en determinados lugares 1-No se permite fumar: a) en las unidades en que se preste atención de salud, en particular hospitales, clínicas, centros y casas de salud, consultorios médicos, incluidas las respectivas salas de espera, ambulancias, puestos de socorro y otros similares y farmacias; b) en los centros de enseñanza, incluidas las aulas, el estudio, la lectura o las reuniones, las bibliotecas, los gimnasios y los comedores; c) en los locales destinados a menores de 16 años, en particular establecimientos de asistencia infantil, centros de ocupación de tiempo libre y demás unidades congéneres; d) en los recintos de espectáculos y otros recintos cerrados congéneres; e) en los recintos deportivos cerrados, f) En los locales de atención pública, en los ascensores, en los museos y bibliotecas; g) en los autobuses, taxis u otros vehículos dedicados al servicio público, en todos sus accesos y establecimientos o instalaciones contiguas. 2- En los lugares mencionados podrá ser permitido el uso del tabaco en áreas expresamente destinadas a los fumadores, que no deberán incluir zonas a las que tengan acceso frecuente personas enfermas, menores de 16 años, mujeres embarazadas o que amamantan y deportistas. 3- Se permite establecer la prohibición de fumar: a) en los restaurantes, en los Bares que, por determinación de la gestión, estén reservados a los no fumadores, señalizados de conformidad con el artículo 6; b) en los lugares de trabajo, en la medida en que la exigencia de defensa de los no fumadores haga viable la prohibición de fumar, en particular, por la existencia de espacios alternativos disponibles. Como se mencionó anteriormente Artículo 4 Prohibición de fumar en determinados lugares 1-No se permite fumar: a) en las unidades en que se preste atención de salud, en particular hospitales, clínicas, centros y casas de salud, consultorios médicos, incluidas las respectivas salas de espera, ambulancias, puestos de socorro y otros similares y farmacias; b) en los centros de enseñanza, incluidas las aulas, el estudio, la lectura o las reuniones, las bibliotecas, los gimnasios y los comedores; c) en los locales destinados a menores de 16 años, en particular establecimientos de asistencia infantil, centros de ocupación de tiempo libre y demás unidades congéneres; d) en los recintos de espectáculos y otros recintos cerrados congéneres; e) en los recintos deportivos cerrados, f) En los locales de atención pública, en los ascensores, en los museos y bibliotecas; g) en los autobuses, taxis u otros vehículos dedicados al servicio público, en todos sus accesos y establecimientos o instalaciones contiguas. 2- En los lugares mencionados podrá ser permitido el uso del tabaco en áreas expresamente destinadas a los fumadores, que no deberán incluir zonas a las que tengan acceso frecuente personas enfermas, menores de 16 años, mujeres embarazadas o que amamantan y deportistas. 3- Se permite establecer la prohibición de fumar: a) en los restaurantes, en los Bares que, por determinación de la gestión, estén reservados a los no fumadores, señalizados de conformidad con el artículo 6; b) en los lugares de trabajo, en la medida en que la exigencia de defensa de los no fumadores haga viable la prohibición de fumar, en particular, por la existencia de espacios alternativos disponibles. Como se mencionó anteriormente Artículo 4 Prohibición de fumar en determinados lugares 1-No se permite fumar: a) en las unidades en que se preste atención de salud, en particular hospitales, clínicas, centros y casas de salud, consultorios médicos, incluidas las respectivas salas de espera, ambulancias, puestos de socorro y otros similares y farmacias; b) en los centros de enseñanza, incluidas las aulas, el estudio, la lectura o las reuniones, las bibliotecas, los gimnasios y los comedores; c) en los locales destinados a menores de 16 años, en particular establecimientos de asistencia infantil, centros de ocupación de tiempo libre y demás unidades congéneres; d) en los recintos de espectáculos y otros recintos cerrados congéneres; e) en los recintos deportivos cerrados, f) En los locales de atención pública, en los ascensores, en los museos y bibliotecas; g) en los autobuses, taxis u otros vehículos dedicados al servicio público, en todos sus accesos y establecimientos o instalaciones contiguas. 2- En los lugares mencionados podrá ser permitido el uso del tabaco en áreas expresamente destinadas a los fumadores, que no deberán incluir zonas a las que tengan acceso frecuente personas enfermas, menores de 16 años, mujeres embarazadas o que amamantan y deportistas. 3- Se permite establecer la prohibición de fumar: a) en los restaurantes, en los Bares que, por determinación de la gestión, estén reservados a los no fumadores, señalizados de conformidad con el artículo 6; b) en los lugares de trabajo, en la medida en que la exigencia de defensa de los no fumadores haga viable la prohibición de fumar, en particular, por la existencia de espacios alternativos disponibles.
Saudi Arabia EMR مرفق لائحة نظام مكافحة التدخين يمنع تماما يمنع بقرارت وزارية سابقه
Serbia EUR Smoking is banned in all enclosed public and workplaces. However, employers may provide designated smoking rooms at the premises where the employer’s business is not conducted that are enclosed, with separated ventilation, under very strict rules. Exception for introduction of designated smoking areas are premises where the following activities are performed: in government and local authority administration, health care, education (all levels), child care, social care, culture, sport, recreation, production, control and sale of drugs, production, storage and sale of food, communal catering, media and areas designated for recording and public broadcasting, conferences and public meetings. These requirements apply for private and public/state owned work and public places. There are exemptions for the special institutions such as institutions of social care for immobile patients, psychiatric departments and hospitals, departments for palliative care, and prisons. These institutions should have designated smoking rooms with strict requirements. Total smoking ban applies for employees of these institutions. Another exemption is hospitality sector which is public place for customers but workplace for the staff. The exemption is as follows for restaurants/cafes/bars/pubs: - smoking can be completely banned regardless of the size of the premises; - if the size of the hospitality premises is less than 80 m2 the owner can choose to be completely smoke-free or smoking can be allowed; - if the size is over 80 m2 non-smoking area should occupy at least 50% of the area; - regardless of the size, all hospitality premises can have separate designated smoking rooms that need to fulfill strict standards. Smoking is banned in all enclosed public and workplaces. However, employers may provide designated smoking rooms at the premises where the employer’s business is not conducted that are enclosed, with separated ventilation, under very strict rules. Exception for introduction of designated smoking areas are premises where the following activities are performed: in government and local authority administration, health care, education (all levels), child care, social care, culture, sport, recreation, production, control and sale of drugs, production, storage and sale of food, communal catering, media and areas designated for recording and public broadcasting, conferences and public meetings. These requirements apply for private and public/state owned work and public places. There are exemptions for the special institutions such as institutions of social care for immobile patients, psychiatric departments and hospitals, departments for palliative care, and prisons. These institutions should have designated smoking rooms with strict requirements. Total smoking ban applies for employees of these institutions. Another exemption is hospitality sector which is public place for customers but workplace for the staff. The exemption is as follows for restaurants/cafes/bars/pubs: - smoking can be completely banned regardless of the size of the premises; - if the size of the hospitality premises is less than 80 m2 the owner can choose to be completely smoke-free or smoking can be allowed; - if the size is over 80 m2 non-smoking area should occupy at least 50% of the area; - regardless of the size, all hospitality premises can have separate designated smoking rooms that need to fulfill strict standards. Smoking is banned in all enclosed public and workplaces. However, employers may provide designated smoking rooms at the premises where the employer’s business is not conducted that are enclosed, with separated ventilation, under very strict rules. Exception for introduction of designated smoking areas are premises where the following activities are performed: in government and local authority administration, health care, education (all levels), child care, social care, culture, sport, recreation, production, control and sale of drugs, production, storage and sale of food, communal catering, media and areas designated for recording and public broadcasting, conferences and public meetings. These requirements apply for private and public/state owned work and public places. There are exemptions for the special institutions such as institutions of social care for immobile patients, psychiatric departments and hospitals, departments for palliative care, and prisons. These institutions should have designated smoking rooms with strict requirements. Total smoking ban applies for employees of these institutions. Another exemption is hospitality sector which is public place for customers but workplace for the staff. The exemption is as follows for restaurants/cafes/bars/pubs: - smoking can be completely banned regardless of the size of the premises; - if the size of the hospitality premises is less than 80 m2 the owner can choose to be completely smoke-free or smoking can be allowed; - if the size is over 80 m2 non-smoking area should occupy at least 50% of the area; - regardless of the size, all hospitality premises can have separate designated smoking rooms that need to fulfill strict standards.
Seychelles AFR Following the National Tobacco Control Act 2009, total ban in enclosed work place came in to force and well implemented in Seychelles Following the National Tobacco Control Act 2009, total ban in enclosed work place came in to force and well implemented in Seychelles Following the National Tobacco Control Act 2009, total ban in enclosed work place came in to force and well implemented in Seychelles
Sierra Leone AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Singapore WPR Places where smoking is prohibited under the Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act is given in the website: Places where smoking is prohibited under the Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act is given in the website: Places where smoking is prohibited under the Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act is given in the website:
Slovakia EUR Pubs and bars have not designated any non smokers area. In restaurant there must be designated the area for non-smokers. Pubs and bars have not designated any non smokers area. In restaurant there must be designated the area for non-smokers. Pubs and bars have not designated any non smokers area. In restaurant there must be designated the area for non-smokers.
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided See: Restriction on the Use of Tobacco and Related Products Act (Official Gazette of RS, Nos. 9/17 and 29/17) and Rules on the Requirements to be met by the smoking room (Official Gazette of RS, no. 52/17) in slovene available on: It shall be prohibited to smoke or use tobacco, tobacco products and related products (Related products are: electronic cigarettes with and without nicotine, herbal products for smoking and novel tobacco products), apart from chewing tobacco and nasal tobacco, in any enclosed public places or work places, as well as in all vehicles (also private cars) in the presence of persons younger than 18. Furthermore, smoking or using tobacco, tobacco products and related products, apart from chewing tobacco and nasal tobacco, shall be prohibited in spaces that are not considered enclosed spaces under this Act if they form part of associated appertaining land of premises where child-care or educational services are performed. Smoking or the use of tobacco, tobacco products and related products shall be allowed: - in areas specially designated for smokers in accommodation facilities and other providers of overnight stays, - in senior citizens’ homes and prisons in areas not intended for common use, if only smokers reside there, - in areas specially designated for smokers in psychiatric hospitals and in areas specially designated for smokers at other treatment providers for mental patients, - in designated smoking rooms. Designated smoking rooms shall not be allowed in areas where health care, child care or education are provided. Owners, tenants or managers of spaces where smoking is prohibited shall be responsible for upholding the prohibition on smoking and the use of tobacco, tobacco products and related products. Designated smoking rooms must meet the following conditions: - the space must be regulated so that air contaminated with tobacco smoke cannot flow freely from it into other spaces; - the space may not be designed for passage into other areas, and may not exceed more than 20% of the total surface area of a public space and/or work premises; - the space must be designed exclusively for smoking, with the service of food and beverages not allowed in the space; - food and beverages may not be brought into the space. Work place shall be any space, including business vehicles, under the control of an employer in which works or services are provided for the employer for payment or otherwise. Work premises include not only areas in which work is done, but also all related spaces used by workers during work, including e.g. hallways, elevators, stairwells, foyers, common areas, cafés, toilets, salons, canteens and extensions such as sheds and shacks. Enclosed space shall be a space covered by a roof, with more than a half of the surface of associated walls or sides being enclosed, regardless of the material used for the roof, walls and sides, and regardless of whether the building is permanent or temporary. Windows and doors shall be regarded as a part of the enclosed surface. If the roof surface is greater than half the surface of the space delimited by associated walls, and more than half of the surface of these walls is completely enclosed, the space is regarded as enclosed public space. A wall or side of a building shall be any part of a space or any surface that borders the space at its sides, regardless of the type of material used and regardless of whether this surface is permanent or temporary. Associated walls of a space shall be all walls that are located under the roof, regardless of whether they touch the roof directly or not. If the walls are located at a distance from the roof (to the left, right, front, back), the closest wall shall be regarded as the associated wall. The roof or ceiling shall be any part of a space or any surface that borders or encloses a space at the top, regardless of the type of material used and regardless of whether this surface is permanent or temporary.
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided Complete indoor ban with designated area provisions Complete indoor ban with designated area provisions
Sri Lanka SEA Prohibited in all enclosed public places, Prohibited in all enclosed public places, Prohibited in all enclosed public places,
Nigeria AFR Complete ban Complete ban Complete ban
Norway EUR Smoking is forbidden in indoor workplaces, including meeting rooms and bars/restaurants. Designated smoking rooms are forbidden everywhere except in certain institutions and on oil/gas platforms offshore. Smoking may also be allowed in up to 50% of the rooms in hotels etc. Smoking is forbidden in indoor workplaces, including meeting rooms and bars/restaurants. Designated smoking rooms are forbidden everywhere except in certain institutions and on oil/gas platforms offshore. Smoking may also be allowed in up to 50% of the rooms in hotels etc. Smoking is forbidden in indoor workplaces, including meeting rooms and bars/restaurants. Designated smoking rooms are forbidden everywhere except in certain institutions and on oil/gas platforms offshore. Smoking may also be allowed in up to 50% of the rooms in hotels etc.
Oman EMR تحظر القرارت الادارية التدخين في جميع الاماكن العامة المغلقة الا ان هناك موضوعين وهما: 1- يسمح القانون بتحصيص اماكن معزولة للمدحنين ضمن الاماكن المقفلة الا انه لم يتقدم الكثير لهذا الطلب بتخصيص امكاكن للمدخنين ضمن الاماكن العامة المغلقة 2-مقاهي الشيشة لا يطبق بها القانون رغم ان القانون يشملها باعتبارها اماكن عامة مغلقة يحظرالقانون التدخين في جميع الاماكن العامة المغلقة الا ان هناك موضوعين وهما: 1- يسمح القانون بتحصيص اماكن معزولة للمدحنين ضمن الاماكن المقفلة الا انه لم يتقدم الكثير لهذا الطلب بتخصيص امكاكن للمدخنين ضمن الاماكن العامة المغلقة 2-مقاهي الشيشة لا يطبق بها القانون رغم ان القانون يشملها باعتبارها اماكن عامة مغلقة يحظرالقانون التدخين في جميع الاماكن العامة المغلقة الا ان هناك موضوعين وهما: 1- يسمح القانون بتحصيص اماكن معزولة للمدحنين ضمن الاماكن المقفلة الا انه لم يتقدم الكثير لهذا الطلب بتخصيص امكاكن للمدخنين ضمن الاماكن العامة المغلقة 2-مقاهي الشيشة لا يطبق بها القانون رغم ان القانون يشملها باعتبارها اماكن عامة مغلقة
Pakistan EMR Report not provided Under Section-5 of the “Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-Smokers Health Ordinance, 2002”, use of tobacco products at any place of public work or use is prohibited. Under S.R.O 51 (KE)/2009), designated smoking areas have been declared illegal and all places of public work or use have been declared completely smoke-free. Tobacco Control Cell is coordinating with provincial and district governments to ensure enforcement of the law. Under Section-5 of the “Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-Smokers Health Ordinance, 2002”, use of tobacco products at any place of public work or use is prohibited. Under S.R.O 51 (KE)/2009), designated smoking areas have been declared illegal and all places of public work or use have been declared completely smoke-free. Tobacco Control Cell is coordinating with provincial and district governments to ensure enforcement of the law.
Paraguay AMR Mediante el decreto 4624/2020 se ha logrado ampliar los espacios libres de humo de productos de tabaco pero siempre existen puntos débiles que mejorar Existe prohibición por la ley 5538/15 pero el decreto 7605/17 habilita espacios cerrados para fumar, vaporear, vapear o fumar electrónicamente en pubs, restaurantes, discotecas, bares, casinos, casa de juegos y similares. La Ley Nº 5538/15, en su Capitulo III Articulo 9, prohíbe el consumo de tabaco en espacios interiores.
Peru AMR Establece la prohibición de fumar en todo lugar de trabajo, entendido como todo lugar utilizado por las personas durante su empleo o trabajo, sea este remunerado o voluntario. Incluye lugares donde se realiza el trabajo y otro que las personas utilizan en el desempeño de su empleo: pasillos, ascensores, tragaluz de escalera, vestíbulos, instalaciones conjuntas, cafeterías, servicios higiénicos, salones, comedores y edificaciones anexas tales como cobertizos, entre otros. Los vehículos de trabajo se consideran lugares de trabajo y deben identificarse de forma específica como tales. Los interiores de los lugares de trabajo incluyen todos los espacios que se encuentren dentro del perímetro de los mismos Ley que modifica la Ley Nº 28705, Ley General para la prevención y control de los riesgos del consumo del tabaco, para adecuarse al convenio marco de la organización mundial de la salud (OMS) para el control del tabaco. “Artículo 3º.- De la protección contra la exposición al humo del tabaco 3.1. Prohíbase fumar en los establecimientos dedicados a la salud o a la educación, en las dependencias públicas, en los interiores de los lugares de trabajo, en los espacios públicos cerrados y en cualquier medio de transporte público, los que son ambientes ciento por ciento libres de humo de tabaco. Ley que modifica la Ley Nº 28705, Ley General para la prevención y control de los riesgos del consumo del tabaco, para adecuarse al convenio marco de la organización mundial de la salud (OMS) para el control del tabaco. “Artículo 3º.- De la protección contra la exposición al humo del tabaco 3.1. Prohíbase fumar en los establecimientos dedicados a la salud o a la educación, en las dependencias públicas, en los interiores de los lugares de trabajo, en los espacios públicos cerrados y en cualquier medio de transporte público, los que son ambientes ciento por ciento libres de humo de tabaco. Ley que modifica la Ley Nº 28705, Ley General para la prevención y control de los riesgos del consumo del tabaco, para adecuarse al convenio marco de la organización mundial de la salud (OMS) para el control del tabaco. “Artículo 3º.- De la protección contra la exposición al humo del tabaco 3.1. Prohíbase fumar en los establecimientos dedicados a la salud o a la educación, en las dependencias públicas, en los interiores de los lugares de trabajo, en los espacios públicos cerrados y en cualquier medio de transporte público, los que son ambientes ciento por ciento libres de humo de tabaco.
Poland EUR Answer not provided The owner or manager of a catering and entertainment facility with at least two rooms used for consumption, may exclude from the prohibition a closed room for consumption, equipped with ventilation guaranteeing that tobacco smoke, substances released with the use of novel tobacco products or vapour from electronic cigarettes do not penetrate other rooms. No changes from last report. The owner or manager of a catering and entertainment facility with at least two rooms used for consumption, may exclude from the prohibition a closed room for consumption, equipped with ventilation guaranteeing that tobacco smoke, substances released with the use of novel tobacco products or vapour from electronic cigarettes do not penetrate other rooms
Portugal EUR Complete ban in indoor workplaces. Complete ban in bars, restaurants, discos, bingos, betting rooms with less than 100 square meters. In establishements with more than 100 square meters smoking is only allowed in closed and ventiladed smoking rooms. Since January 1, 2023, the smoking rooms must have negative pressure, Its area shoud be less than 20% of the area for the public. Serviçies inside are not allowed. Minors inside are not allowed. Complete ban in indoor workplaces.However, the smoking areas in workplaces created under the tobacco law 37/2007), can be maintained until 31 december 2020. Complete ban in indoor workplaces.However, the smoking areas created under the tobacco law 37/2007), can be maintained until 31 december 2020.
Qatar EMR LAW NO. 10 OF 2016 ON THE CONTROL OF TOBACCO AND ITS DERIVATIVES defines Public place: a place prepared or designated for receiving the public or any special category of people for any purpose. and closed public place: any public place that has fixed or movable space, walls and a partial or complete ceiling. It states: Article 12: Smoking shall be prohibited in the closed public places set forth by a decision of the Minister. it covers all the 8 places defined by WHO including workplaces, government bodies, public corporations and organization LAW NO. 10 OF 2016 ON THE CONTROL OF TOBACCO AND ITS DERIVATIVES defines Public place: a place prepared or designated for receiving the public or any special category of people for any purpose. and closed public place: any public place that has fixed or movable space, walls and a partial or complete ceiling. It states: Article 12: Smoking shall be prohibited in the closed public places set forth by a decision of the Minister. it covers all the 8 places defined by WHO including workplaces, government bodies, public corporations and organization LAW NO. 10 OF 2016 ON THE CONTROL OF TOBACCO AND ITS DERIVATIVES defines Public place: a place prepared or designated for receiving the public or any special category of people for any purpose. and closed public place: any public place that has fixed or movable space, walls and a partial or complete ceiling. It states: Article 12: Smoking shall be prohibited in the closed public places set forth by a decision of the Minister. it covers all the 8 places defined by WHO including workplaces, government bodies, public corporations and organization
Republic of Korea WPR The whole of the following facilities are designated as non-smoking area. -Government offices, public institutions, schools, health-care facilities, child nursing facilities, private teaching institutes, and office buildings, factories and complex buildings with a total floor area of at least 1,000 square meters. The whole of the following facilities are designated as non-smoking area. -Government offices, public institutions, schools, health-care facilities, child nursing facilities, private teaching institutes, and office buildings, factories and complex buildings with a total floor area of at least 1,000 square meters. The whole of the following facilities are designated as non-smoking area. -Government offices, public institutions, schools, health-care facilities, child nursing facilities, private teaching institutes, and office buildings, factories and complex buildings with a total floor area of at least 1,000 square meters.
New Zealand WPR The Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 requires all indoor workplaces to be smoke-free. The Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 requires all indoor workplaces to be smoke-free. There is a partial exemption for hospital care (mental health institutions) and for rest homes where residents may be permitted to smoke in a dedicated smoking room which must be mechanically ventilated and from which the escape of smoke is minimised (see section 6 of the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990). Prisons have been smoke-free since 2011. The Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 requires all indoor workplaces to be smoke-free. There is a partial exemption for hospital care (mental health institutions) and for rest homes where residents may be permitted to smoke in a dedicated smoking room which must be mechanically ventilated and from which the escape of smoke is minimised (see section 6 of the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990). Prisons have been smoke-free since 2011.
Nicaragua AMR En el caso de vehículos de motor utilizados como lugares de trabajo como lo son las ambulancias. la prohibición de no fumar es estricta tanto para los trabajadores, como para los usuarios de este servicio. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Niger AFR Report not provided Dans les bureaux des services de santé linterdiction de fumer est complète. Report not provided
Netherlands EUR a complete ban A smoking room is allowed in all indoor places. A smoking room is allowed in all indoor places.
Madagascar AFR Report not provided vulgarisation du texte dans tous les départements Ministériels mise en place des signalétiques interdisant de fumer dans les lieux de travail sensibilisation par le comité consultatif de la lutte antitabac dans les départements ministériels vulgarisation du texte dans tous les départements Ministériels mise en place des signalétiques interdisant de fumer dans les lieux de travail sensibilisation par mass media
Malaysia WPR Under Regulation 11, Control of Tobacco Product Regulation, 2004, complete ban of smoking activities in • Regulation 11(h) any area of government premise • Regulation 11(u) in air conditioned place of work with a centralized air conditioned system Under Regulation 11, Control of Tobacco Product Regulation, 2004, complete ban of smoking activities in • Regulation 11(h) any area of government premise • Regulation 11(u) in air conditioned place of work with a centralized air conditioned system Under Regulation 11, Control of Tobacco Product Regulation, 2004, complete ban of smoking activities in • Regulation 11(h) any area of government premise • Regulation 11(u) in air conditioned place of work with a centralized air conditioned system
Maldives SEA Whereas Government Office Buildings, and office buildings and offices of companies or entities where the state has a shareholding, are fully covered under the law, private work places are limited to the office area or the work place, rather than the whole building. Whereas Government Office Buildings, and office buildings and offices of companies or entities where the state has a shareholding, are fully covered under the law, private work places are limited to the office area or the work place, rather than the whole building. Whereas Government Office Buildings, and office buildings and offices of companies or entities where the state has a shareholding, are fully covered under the law, private work places are limited to the office area or the work place, rather than the whole building.
Mali AFR Report not provided La législation malienne interdit de fumer dans de travail publics La législation malienne interdit de fumer dans de travail publics
Mauritania AFR Report not provided - -
Mauritius AFR The Public Health (Restrictions on Tobacco Products) Regulations 2008 bans smoking in indoor workplaces except in demarcated areas. However during the drafting stage of the current legislation, trade unionists stressed on the fact that the relevant provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act enforced by the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations do provide for the employees to decide as one of the rights. The Public Health (Restrictions on Tobacco Products) Regulations 2008 bans smoking in indoor workplaces except in demarcated areas. However during the drafting stage of the current legislation, trade unionists stressed on the fact that the relevant provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act enforced by the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations do provide for the employees to decide as one of the rights. The Public Health ( Restrictions on Tobacco Products) Regulations 2008 bans smoking in indoor workplaces except in demarcated areas as per the relevant provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2003 which is governed by the Ministry of Labour which stressed on the fact that workers have the right to decide.
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR The complete ban on smoking in indoor places are mostly the government places. Partial measures are the private restaurants that have partial open walls and ceilings. The complete ban on smoking in indoor places are mostly the government places. Partial measures are the private restaurants that have partial open walls and ceilings. The complete ban on smoking in indoor places are mostly the government places. Partial measures are the private restaurants that have partial open walls and ceilings.
Mongolia WPR Report not provided Mongolia restricted smoking in all places before 2015, however, by the amendment for the Law in 2015 (Article 9.1.5 and 9.1.6) smoking room is permitted in transport station, hotel halls, bar and night clubs. Mongolia restricted smoking in all places before 2015, however, by the amendment for the Law in 2015 (Article 9.1.5 and 9.1.6) smoking room is permitted in transport station, hotel halls, bar and night clubs.
Mozambique AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Myanmar SEA The Article 6 in Chapter IV of “The Control of smoking and consumption of tobacco product law” defines non-smoking areas which includes indoor workplaces such as hospitals, medical treatment centres and clinics, teaching buildings, classrooms and offices of schools including private tuition classes and training schools, universities, colleges and institutes, marts, department stores and market sheds. But, the Article 7 of that Chapter mentions the non-smoking areas with designated smoking places. Those include: buildings of offices and departments, factories and workshops, hotels, motels, guest houses, lodging houses and restaurants. In 2011, the President’s office made the direction that the government offices’ buildings and compounds must be tobacco-free. According to notification released by the MoHS in 2014, all indoor places become smoke-free as the designated smoking area is to be defined outside at least 10 meters away from main entrance and windows. The Article 6 in Chapter IV of “The Control of smoking and consumption of tobacco product law” defines non-smoking areas which includes indoor workplaces such as hospitals, medical treatment centres and clinics, teaching buildings, classrooms and offices of schools including private tuition classes and training schools, universities, colleges and institutes, marts, department stores and market sheds. But, the Article 7 of that Chapter mentions the non-smoking areas with designated smoking places. Those include: buildings of offices and departments, factories and workshops, hotels, motels, guest houses, lodging houses and restaurants. In 2011, the President’s office made the direction that the government offices’ buildings and compounds must be tobacco-free. According to notification released by the MoHS in 2014, all indoor places become smoke-free as the designated smoking area is to be defined outside at least 10 meters away from main entrance and windows. The Article 6 in Chapter IV of “The Control of smoking and consumption of tobacco product law” defines non-smoking areas which includes indoor workplaces such as hospitals, medical treatment centres and clinics, teaching buildings, classrooms and offices of schools including private tuition classes and training schools, universities, colleges and institutes, marts, department stores and market sheds. But, the Article 7 of that Chapter mentions the non-smoking areas with designated smoking places. Those include: buildings of offices and departments, factories and workshops, hotels, motels, guest houses, lodging houses and restaurants. In 2011, the President’s office made the direction that the government offices’ buildings and compounds must be tobacco-free. According to notification released by the MoHS in 2014, all indoor places become smoke-free as the designated smoking area is to be defined outside at least 10 meters away from main entrance and windows.
Namibia AFR Report not provided The smoking ban applies to all public places. Public places are defined in Article 1 (Definitions) of the law. (See Annex 3.) This definition applies to all work places. Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Jamaica AMR Tobacco smoking is banned in all enclosed workplace whether private or public. This does not include private residences. Tobacco smoking is banned in all enclosed workplace whether private or public. This does not include private residences. Tobacco smoking is banned in all enclosed workplace whether private or public. This does not include residential homes/apartments.
Jordan EMR In relation to Policy: A) §. (52) of the Public Health Law defines public places as: "A place that is designed to receive all people or a certain category of them such as hospitals, health centers, schools, Cinema, theaters, public libraries, museums, public and non-governmental public buildings, and passenger transport Arrivals and departures at airports, border points (crossings), stadiums and closed sports facilities, Lecture halls, restaurants, hotels, Internet cafes, places, tourist establishments, and association offices, associations, clan gathering places, and any other place shall be decided by the Minister as a public place and shall be published in the Official Gazette. B) §. (53) (a) of the Public Health Law states that: “It is forbidden to smoke any tobacco products in public places, although it is permissible by a decision of the Minister upon the recommendation of the competent health director to specify a special place in which smoking is permitted in the public place provided that the public’s health and safety are taken into account and that this place is clearly declared in a prominent place using signs written in the Arabic language.” C) On the 25th of June 2020 the Minister of Health issued a decision No. (T U/35/211) that was circulated to other government officials to ban smoking in all indoor public places. Based on all forms of indoor smoking, which includes workplaces, is banned. In relation to Implementation: A)There are issues with implementing the legislation due to high fines in the Public Health Law. B) The Ministry of Health is the one that is tasked with enforcing and inspecting the Public Health Law but due to the extensive task, the MInistry is facing issues with fully implementing the FCTC. Therefore, there is an issue with the implementation of the total ban of all forms of indoor public smoking in public places. C)The Ministry of Health needs support in relation to resources to carry out inspections. The Ministry of Health is also communicating with other governmental agencies to coordinate and possibly delegate tasks in relation to areas that govern the ban of all forms of indoor smoking in public places. In relation to Policy: A) §. (52) of the Public Health Law defines public places as: "A place that is designed to receive all people or a certain category of them such as hospitals, health centers, schools, Cinema, theaters, public libraries, museums, public and non-governmental public buildings, and passenger transport Arrivals and departures at airports, border points (crossings), stadiums and closed sports facilities, Lecture halls, restaurants, hotels, Internet cafes, places, tourist establishments, and association offices, associations, clan gathering places, and any other place shall be decided by the Minister as a public place and shall be published in the Official Gazette. B) §. (53) (a) of the Public Health Law states that: “It is forbidden to smoke any tobacco products in public places, although it is permissible by a decision of the Minister upon the recommendation of the competent health director to specify a special place in which smoking is permitted in the public place provided that the public’s health and safety are taken into account and that this place is clearly declared in a prominent place using signs written in the Arabic language.” C) On the 25th of June 2020 the Minister of Health issued a decision No. (T U/35/211) that was circulated to other government officials to ban smoking in all indoor public places. Based on all forms of indoor smoking, which includes workplaces, is banned. In relation to Implementation: A)There are issues with implementing the legislation due to high fines in the Public Health Law. B) The Ministry of Health is the one that is tasked with enforcing and inspecting the Public Health Law but due to the extensive task, the MInistry is facing issues with fully implementing the FCTC. Therefore, there is an issue with the implementation of the total ban of all forms of indoor public smoking in public places. C)The Ministry of Health needs support in relation to resources to carry out inspections. The Ministry of Health is also communicating with other governmental agencies to coordinate and possibly delegate tasks in relation to areas that govern the ban of all forms of indoor smoking in public places. قانون الصحة العامة رقم 47 لسنة 2008 الذي يمنع التدخين في الاماكن العامة مع جواز تخصيص اماكن للمدخنين ضمن شروط معينة بموافقة معالي وزير الصحة ويتم الان تخصيص اماكن للمدخنين وغير المدخنين وبفصل تام وضمن شروط تحافظ على الصحة العامة للمدخنين وغير المدخنين والتي صدرت عام 2013 ونص عليها قانون الصحة العامة المعدل لعام 2017 قانون مراقبة سلوك الاحداث والذي يمنع البيع للاقل من 18 عام قانون السير والذي يمنع التدخين ويعاقب المدخن في المركبة العامة والسائق
Kazakhstan EUR Полный запрет, при выявлении нарушения- административный штраф Report not provided Полный запрет, при выявлении нарушения- административный штраф
Kiribati WPR Enclosed premises under the Tobacco Control Act 2014 Enclosed premises under the Tobacco Control Act 2014 Enclosed premises under the Tobacco Control Act 2014
Kuwait EMR يمنع التدخين في أماكن العمل الداخلية ولكن يمكن تخصيص أماكن خاصة للمدخنين يمنع التدخين في أماكن العمل الداخلية ولكن يمكن تخصيص أماكن خاصة للمدخنين يمنع التدخين في أماكن العمل الداخلية ولكن يمكن تخصيص أماكن خاصة للمدخنين
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided All indoor places are prohibited All indoor places are prohibited
Lebanon EMR Smoking is banned in all indoor workplaces. Smoking is banned in all indoor workplaces. Smoking is banned in all indoor workplaces.
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR نص قرار من رئاسة الوزارء 206 لسنة 2009 على الحظر الكامل أو الجزئي قرار رقم 423 لوزير العمل لسنة 2022 بشان حظر التدخين في اماكن العمل نص قرار من رئاسة الوزارء 206 لسنة 2009 على الحظر الكامل أو الجزئي نص قرار من رئاسة الوزارء 206 لسنة 2009 على الحظر الكامل أو الجزئي
Lithuania EUR Please see item no. C225 Article 19. Restriction on the Usage of Tobacco Products, Law on Tobacco control Republic of Lithuania Please see item no. C225 Article 19. Restriction on the Usage of Tobacco Products, Law on Tobacco control Republic of Lithuania Please see item no. C225 Article 19. Restriction on the Usage of Tobacco Products, Law on Tobacco control Republic of Lithuania
Luxembourg EUR L'interdiction complète de fumer ne s'applique pas aux entreprises privées, bureaux privés, qui sont soumis au règlement intérieur. Néanmoins l’Art.L312-2. (3) du Code du travail Luxembourgeois prévoit le suivant : « L’employeur doit prendre toutes les mesures pour assurer et améliorer la protection de la santé physique et psychique des salariés, notamment en assurant des conditions de travail ergonomiques suffisantes, en évitant dans la mesure du possible le travail répétitif, en organisant le travail de manière appropriée et en prenant les mesures nécessaires afin que les salariés soient protégés de manière efficace contre les émanations résultant de la consommation de tabac d’autrui. » Dans les pubs , bars et restaurants l'installation d'un fumoir reste possible, sous conditions qu'aucun repas ou boissons n'y soit servit. Sauf dans les entreprises privées, bureaux privés, qui sont soumis au règlement intérieur. Néanmoins l’Art.L312-2. (3) du Code du travail Luxembourgeois dit le suivant : « L’employeur doit prendre toutes les mesures pour assurer et améliorer la protection de la santé physique et psychique des salariés, notamment en assurant des conditions de travail ergonomiques suffisantes, en évitant dans la mesure du possible le travail répétitif, en organisant le travail de manière appropriée et en prenant les mesures nécessaires afin que les salariés soient protégés de manière efficace contre les émanations résultant de la consommation de tabac d’autrui. » Sauf dans les entreprises privées, bureaux privés, qui sont soumis au règlement intérieur.
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR At EU level, a number of occupational health and safety Directives set out requirements covering most risks to workers health and safety, general risk prevention and some specific restrictions on smoking at the workplace. In addition, the Council Recommendation on smoke-free environments 2009/C 296/02 of 30 November 2009 calls on Member States to provide effective protection from exposure to tobacco smoke in indoor workplaces. At EU level, a number of occupational health and safety Directives set out requirements covering most risks to workers health and safety, general risk prevention and some specific restrictions on smoking at the workplace. In addition, the Council Recommendation on smoke-free environments 2009/C 296/02 of 30 November 2009 calls on Member States to provide effective protection from exposure to tobacco smoke in indoor workplaces at the latest by 2012. At EU level, a number of occupational health and safety Directives set out requirements covering most risks to workers health and safety, general risk prevention and some specific restrictions on smoking at the workplace. In addition, the Council Recommendation on smoke-free environments 2009/C 296/02 of 30 November 2009 calls on Member States to provide effective protection from exposure to tobacco smoke in indoor workplaces at the latest by 2012.
Fiji WPR Report not provided Loophole for designated places although outdoor Report not provided
Finland EUR Under Section 74(1)(1) of the Tobacco Act (549/2016), smoking is prohibited in the indoor areas of buildings, vechiles or similar places that are accessible to the public or employees or accessible to customers for the purpose of providing commercial or public services. Section 76: In the indoor rooms referred to in section 74(1)(1), smoking may be allowed in a separate smoking room that has been approved for smoking purposes under the Land Use and Building Act (132/1999). In such cases, it shall be ensured that tobacco smoke can not enter areas where smoking is prohibited. Smoking rooms shall not be located in connection with indoor areas that are mainly used by persons under the age of 18. Further provisions on technical requirements concerning the structural and functional properties of smoking rooms have been given by government decree 601/2016. Under Section 77, smoking can be allowed on the indoor premises of restaurants only in a separate smoking area approved for smoking. In that can case it must, however, be seen to it that tobacco smoke does not spread to the area where smoking is prohibited. It is prohibited to serve food or drink, or to eat or drink in the smoking area. Further provisions are given by government decree 601/2016. Under Section 74(1)(1) of the Tobacco Act (549/2016), smoking is prohibited in the indoor areas of buildings, vechiles or similar places that are accessible to the public or employees or accessible to customers for the purpose of providing commercial or public services. Section 76: In the indoor rooms referred to in section 74(1)(1), smoking may be allowed in a separate smoking room that has been approved for smoking purposes under the Land Use and Building Act (132/1999). In such cases, it shall be ensured that tobacco smoke can not enter areas where smoking is prohibited. Smoking rooms shall not be located in connection with indoor areas that are mainly used by persons under the age of 18. Further provisions on technical requirements concerning the structural and functional properties of smoking rooms have been given by government decree 601/2016 (transitional provision until 20 May 2018). Under Section 77, smoking can be allowed on the indoor premises of restaurants only in a separate smoking area approved for smoking. In that can case it must, however, be seen to it that tobacco smoke does not spread to the area where smoking is prohibited. It is prohibited to serve food or drink, or to eat or drink in the smoking area. Further provisions are given by government decree 601/2016. Under Section 74(1)(1) of the Tobacco Act (549/2016), smoking is prohibited in the indoor areas of buildings, vechiles or similar places that are accessible to the public or employees or accessible to customers for the purpose of providing commercial or public services. Section 76: In the indoor rooms referred to in section 74(1)(1), smoking may be allowed in a separate smoking room that has been approved for smoking purposes under the Land Use and Building Act (132/1999). In such cases, it shall be ensured that tobacco smoke can not enter areas where smoking is prohibited. Smoking rooms shall not be located in connection with indoor areas that are mainly used by persons under the age of 18. Further provisions on technical requirements concerning the structural and functional properties of smoking rooms have been given by government decree 601/2016 (transitional provision until 20 May 2018). Under Section 77, smoking can be allowed on the indoor premises of restaurants only in a separate smoking area approved for smoking. In that can case it must, however, be seen to it that tobacco smoke does not spread to the area where smoking is prohibited. It is prohibited to serve food or drink, or to eat or drink in the smoking area. Further provisions are given by government decree 601/2016.
Gambia AFR Smoking is ban completely in all indoor work places in the country including both public and private work places. Smoking is ban completely in all indoor work places in the country including both public and private work places. Smoking is ban completely in all indoor work places in the country including both public and private work places.
Ghana AFR Complete means "No smoking". Complete means "No smoking". Complete means "No smoking". Partial means "Designated Smoking Area" is provided for smoking
Greece EUR Answer not provided Report not provided There is a comprehensive ban but not adequately enforced. Regarding the private sector the law is implemented to a satisfactory degree in banks, multinational companies department stores but an complete violation takes place in almost all hospitality venues like bars, clubs and restaurants
Grenada AMR Report not provided Persons are not allowed to smoke inside the building Persons are not allowed to smoke inside the building
Guatemala AMR Prohibición, obligación de señalización, obligación de velar por el cumplimiento, vigilancia, sanción Prohibición, obligación de señalización, obligación de velar por el cumplimiento, vigilancia, sanción Prohibición, obligación de señalización, obligación de velar por el cumplimiento, vigilancia, sanción
Guinea-Bissau AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guyana AMR As mandated by the Health Facilities Licensing Act and the Ministerial Decree from the Ministry of Education, All Health Facilities and Education Facilities must be 100% smoke free. The Ministry of Health also has a Smoke Free Environments Program. At the moment it is a voluntary program and participants enter into it by choice. A declaration that is certified by the Minister of Health is presented to them along with Smoke Free Environments Signs. Assistance is also given in developing enforcement strategies and penalties strategies that are suitable. When they are declared smoke free, the media is present and it is reported nationally. This serves to support the awareness program for prevention. 1) No person shall smoke in the following places – (a) in any part of any indoor workplace; (b) in any part of any indoor public place, including by way of illustration but in no way limited to those places listed in the First Schedule; (Tobacco Control Act, Guyana) As mandated by the Health Facilities Licensing Act and the Ministerial Decree from the Ministry of Education, All Health Facilities and Education Facilities must be 100% smoke free. The Ministry of Health also has a Smoke Free Environments Program. At the moment it is a voluntary program and participants enter into it by choice. A declaration that is certified by the Minister of Health is presented to them along with Smoke Free Environments Signs. Assistance is also given in developing enforcement strategies and penalties strategies that are suitable. When they are declared smoke free, the media is present and it is reported nationally. This serves to support the awareness program for prevention. 1) No person shall smoke in the following places – (a) in any part of any indoor workplace; (b) in any part of any indoor public place, including by way of illustration but in no way limited to those places listed in the First Schedule; (Tobacco Control Act, Guyana) As mandated by the Health Facilities Licensing Act and the Ministerial Decree from the Ministry of Education, All Health Facilities and Education Facilities must be 100% smoke free. The Ministry of Health also has a Smoke Free Environments Program. At the moment it is a voluntary program and participants enter into it by choice. A declaration that is certified by the Minister of Health is presented to them along with Smoke Free Environments Signs. Assistance is also given in developing enforcement strategies and penalties strategies that are suitable. When they are declared smoke free, the media is present and it is reported nationally. This serves to support the awareness program for prevention. 1) No person shall smoke in the following places – (a) in any part of any indoor workplace; (b) in any part of any indoor public place, including by way of illustration but in no way limited to those places listed in the First Schedule; (Tobacco Control Act, Guyana)
Honduras AMR Report not provided El IHADFA con el apoyo de las Alcaldías Municipales, organizaciones o instituciones del Estado y la Sociedad Civil como la Alianza Hondureña Antitabaco vigilan constantemente el cumplimiento de que en los lugares de trabajo interiores no se consuma productos derivados de tabaco. El IHADFA con el apoyo de las Alcaldías Municipales, organizaciones o instituciones del Estado y la Sociedad Civil como la Alianza Hondureña Antitabaco vigilan constantemente el cumplimiento de que en los lugares de trabajo interiores no se consuma productos derivados de tabaco.
Hungary EUR Under Legislation, the smoking in enclosed workplaces is forbidden, regarding the following exceptions. Act XLII of 1999: „2. § (5) According to the provisions of Subsections (7)-(9) indoor smoking areas may be designated: a) in the cases described in Section 9; b) in penal institutions, police detention facilities, lockups and compounds of restricted access for the inmates and detainees, including those suffering in some form of mental disorder; c) in the psychiatric institutions referred to in Paragraph a) of Section 188 of the HCA, for psychiatric patients; d) for workers, where the adjusted effective temperature - defined in specific other legislation - in indoor workplaces is higher than 24 °C; e) for workers working in places rated extremely or highly flammable or in workplaces and facilities of moderate fire risk where areas may not be designated outdoors for smoking: ea) in harmony with break-times provided under the Labor Code, eb) in compliance with fire regulations, and ec) in accord with the nature of the activity pursued, or may be designated only at the expense of causing serious danger to safety of life or property, or to the national economy.” (Section 9 (1)10 10 Amended: by paragraph f) Section 13 of Act XLI of 2011. In force: as of 1. 01. 2012. Any enclosed smoking area existing at the time of Amending Act entering into force in a public institutions that is recognized as accommodation under the Trade Act, and operated as a hotel in accordance with the relevant legislation, and that is authorized according to Subsections (3) and (4) may be retained and operated as a cigar room. Such continued operation shall be authorized by the government body in charge of the healthcare system. (2) In the cigar rooms described in Subsection (1) no other service may be provided as of 1 January 2012, specifically, food and beverages may not be served, and employees may not be compelled to perform that function of their job that may require them to enter the cigar room in the presence of any guest to whom the service is supplied. (3)-(4)11 11 Repealed by Point 5 of Section 172 of Act LXVII of 2016, effective as of 1 January 2017. (5)-(6)12 9 Enacted: by Section 12 of Act XLI of 2011. In force: as of 9. 05. 2011.) Under Legislation, the smoking in enclosed workplaces is forbidden, regarding the following exceptions. Act XLII of 1999: „2. § (5) According to the provisions of Subsections (7)-(9) indoor smoking areas may be designated: a) in the cases described in Section 9; b) in penal institutions, police detention facilities, lockups and compounds of restricted access for the inmates and detainees, including those suffering in some form of mental disorder; c) in the psychiatric institutions referred to in Paragraph a) of Section 188 of the HCA, for psychiatric patients; d) for workers, where the adjusted effective temperature - defined in specific other legislation - in indoor workplaces is higher than 24 °C; e) for workers working in places rated extremely or highly flammable or in workplaces and facilities of moderate fire risk where areas may not be designated outdoors for smoking: ea) in harmony with break-times provided under the Labor Code, eb) in compliance with fire regulations, and ec) in accord with the nature of the activity pursued, or may be designated only at the expense of causing serious danger to safety of life or property, or to the national economy.” (Section 9 (1)10 10 Amended: by paragraph f) Section 13 of Act XLI of 2011. In force: as of 1. 01. 2012. Any enclosed smoking area existing at the time of Amending Act entering into force in a public institutions that is recognized as accommodation under the Trade Act, and operated as a hotel in accordance with the relevant legislation, and that is authorized according to Subsections (3) and (4) may be retained and operated as a cigar room. Such continued operation shall be authorized by the government body in charge of the healthcare system. (2) In the cigar rooms described in Subsection (1) no other service may be provided as of 1 January 2012, specifically, food and beverages may not be served, and employees may not be compelled to perform that function of their job that may require them to enter the cigar room in the presence of any guest to whom the service is supplied. (3)-(4)11 11 Repealed by Point 5 of Section 172 of Act LXVII of 2016, effective as of 1 January 2017. (5)-(6)12 9 Enacted: by Section 12 of Act XLI of 2011. In force: as of 9. 05. 2011.) Under Legislation, the smoking in enclosed workplaces is forbidden, regarding the following exceptions. Act XLII of 1999: „2. § (5) According to the provisions of Subsections (7)-(9) indoor smoking areas may be designated: a) in the cases described in Section 9; b) in penal institutions, police detention facilities, lockups and compounds of restricted access for the inmates and detainees, including those suffering in some form of mental disorder; c) in the psychiatric institutions referred to in Paragraph a) of Section 188 of the HCA, for psychiatric patients; d) for workers, where the adjusted effective temperature - defined in specific other legislation - in indoor workplaces is higher than 24 °C; e) for workers working in places rated extremely or highly flammable or in workplaces and facilities of moderate fire risk where areas may not be designated outdoors for smoking: ea) in harmony with break-times provided under the Labor Code, eb) in compliance with fire regulations, and ec) in accord with the nature of the activity pursued, or may be designated only at the expense of causing serious danger to safety of life or property, or to the national economy.”
Costa Rica AMR A partir de la implementación de la 'Ley General de Control de Tabaco y sus Efectos Nocivos en la Salud, 9028' y su Reglamento, las únicas excepciones son: las casas destinadas exclusivamente a la habitación familiar, los espacios abiertos delimitados por la Dirección General de Adaptación Social en los Centros Penitenciarios (solo para las personas privadas de libertad). A partir de la implementación de la Ley General de Control de Tabaco y sus Efectos Nocivos en la Salud y su Reglamento, las únicas excepciones son: las casas destinadas exclusivamente a la habitación familiar, los espacios abiertos delimitados por la Dirección General de Adaptación Social en los Centros Penitenciarios (solo para las personas privadas de libertad) y los espacios físicos ocupados por las embajadas. A partir de la implementación de la Ley General y el Reglamento de control del tabaco y sus efectos nocivos en la salud N° 9028, del año 2012, las únicas excepciones son: las casas destinadas exclusivamente a la habitación familiar, los espacios abiertos delimitados por la Dirección General de Adaptación Social en los Centros Penitenciarios (solo para las personas privadas de libertad) y los espacios físicos ocupados por las embajadas.
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Il est interdit de fumer dans les lieux utilisés par des personnes dans le cadre d'un emploi rémunéré ou d'un travail bénévole. Il est interdit de fumer dans les lieux utilisés par des personnes dans le cadre dun emploi rémunéré ou dun travail bénévole. Il est interdit de fumer dans les lieux utilisés par des personnes dans le cadre dun emploi rémunéré ou dun travail bénévole
Croatia EUR The Act on Safety at Work (Official Gazette No. 71/14, 118/14, 154/14). According to the Act on the Restriction of the Use of Tobacco Products (OG 125/2008,55/2009,119/2009 and 94/2009) smoking is prohibited in all closed public areas including indoor working places The Act on Safety at Work (Official Gazette No. 71/14, 118/14, 154/14). According to the Act on the Restriction of the Use of Tobacco Products (OG 125/2008,55/2009,119/2009 and 94/2009) smoking is prohibited in all closed public areas including indoor working places The Act on Safety at Work (Official Gazette No. 71/14, 118/14, 154/14). According to the Act on the Restriction of the Use of Tobacco Products (OG 125/2008,55/2009,119/2009 and 94/2009) smoking is prohibited in all closed public areas including indoor working places
Cyprus EUR The new tobacco control legislation provides for a total ban in an all indoor workplaces including the private sector. The new tobacco control legislation provides for a total ban in an all indoor workplaces including the private sector. The new tobacco control legislation provides for a total ban in an all indoor workplaces including the private sector.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided There are no private sector vehicles and nightclubs and they are not applicable. Tobacco Control Law designates indoor offices and workplaces as smoke-free. Tobacco Control Law designates indoor offices and workplaces as smoke-free.
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR Partiellement observée car la population est sous informée du fait de manque de moyens de sensibilisation. Partiellement observée car la population est sous informée du fait de manque de moyens de sensibilisation. La sensibilisation est programmée à loccasion de la JMST 2018.
Denmark EUR Smoking is prohibited. Exceptions: - The employer may allow smoking in vehicles that solely serve as a workplace for one person at a time. - The employer may allow smoking in designated smoking rooms and smoking cabins. If so, it is a requirement to place visible signs informing that the air outside the smoking room or cabin can be damaging to health. Smoking is prohibited. Exceptions: - The employer may allow smoking in vehicles that solely serve as a workplace for one person at a time. - The employer may allow smoking in designated smoking rooms and smoking cabins. If so, it is a requirement to place visible signs informing that the air outside the smoking room or cabin can be damaging to health. The employer can allow smoking in designated smoking rooms and smoking cabins.
Djibouti EMR Report not provided la notion de partielle est liée à la définition de lespace. Si fermé ou en plein air. la notion de partielle est liée à la définition de lespace. Si fermé ou en plein air.
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR منع التدخين في بعض اماكن العمل الخاصة وبعض اماكن العمل التي تقدم خدمات للجمهور منع التدخين في بعض اماكن العمل الخاصة وبعض اماكن العمل التي تقدم خدمات للجمهور منع التدخين في بعض اماكن العمل الخاصة وبعض اماكن العمل التي تقدم خدمات للجمهور
El Salvador AMR Las Unidades de Alcohol y Tabaco (UDAT) del Ministerio de Salud, financiadas por Fosalud, son las encargadas de hacer cumplir las disposiciones legales en los territorios sobre los cuales tienen competencia a lo largo del país. Según el Art. 6 de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco ´´Ninguna persona fumará tabaco ni mantendrá tabaco encendido en áreas interiores de cualquier lugar público o privado que se contemple en esta Ley. Para los fines de esta Ley, se entenderá como espacios públicos o privados libres de humo, los siguientes: a- Los centros de trabajo públicos y privados. b- Los establecimientos de salud.´´ Además, la Ley para el Control del Tabaco, en su Art. 7.- Los responsables o propietarios de los lugares establecidos en el artículo anterior, colocarán letreros visibles que indiquen claramente que se prohíbe el consumo de tabaco. Este letrero tendrá las características establecidas en el Reglamento de la presente Ley. Asimismo, con relación a lo anterior, fumar en lugares no permitidos se considera una infracción grave, para lo cual se establecen multas a las personas que incumplan la Ley para el Control del Tabaco, según lo dispuesto en su Art.24. inciso b y c. Art. 24.- Las infracciones graves se sancionarán con multa de uno a diez salarios mínimos mensuales, más el decomiso del producto y suspensión por seis meses del permiso conferido para la venta de productos de tabaco. Se consideran infracciones graves las siguientes: b) Fumar tabaco o mantener tabaco encendido en centros de trabajo públicos y privados. c) Fumar en lugares no permitidos. Las Unidades de Alcohol y Tabaco (UDAT) del Ministerio de Salud, financiadas por Fosalud, son las encargadas de hacer cumplir las disposiciones legales en los territorios sobre los cuales tienen competencia a lo largo del país. Según el Art. 6 de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco ´´Ninguna persona fumará tabaco ni mantendrá tabaco encendido en áreas interiores de cualquier lugar público o privado que se contemple en esta Ley. Para los fines de esta Ley, se entenderá como espacios públicos o privados libres de humo, los siguientes: a- Los centros de trabajo públicos y privados. b- Los establecimientos de salud.´´ Además, la Ley para el Control del Tabaco, en su Art. 7.- Los responsables o propietarios de los lugares establecidos en el artículo anterior, colocarán letreros visibles que indiquen claramente que se prohíbe el consumo de tabaco. Este letrero tendrá las características establecidas en el Reglamento de la presente Ley. Asimismo, con relación a lo anterior, fumar en lugares no permitidos se considera una infracción grave, para lo cual se establecen multas a las personas que incumplan la Ley para el Control del Tabaco, según lo dispuesto en su Art.24. inciso b y c. Art. 24.- Las infracciones graves se sancionarán con multa de uno a diez salarios mínimos mensuales, más el decomiso del producto y suspensión por seis meses del permiso conferido para la venta de productos de tabaco. Se consideran infracciones graves las siguientes: b) Fumar tabaco o mantener tabaco encendido en centros de trabajo públicos y privados. c) Fumar en lugares no permitidos. Ley para el Control del Tabaco. Art. 7.- Los responsables o propietarios de los lugares establecidos en el artículo anterior, colocarán letreros visibles que indiquen claramente que se prohíbe el consumo de tabaco. Este letrero tendrá las características establecidas en el Reglamento de la presente Ley.
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided SON MEDIDAS PARCIALES
Estonia EUR Smoking is allowed in indoor smoking rooms only. Smoking is allowed in indoor smoking rooms only. Smoking is allowed in indoor smoking rooms or smoking areas (in 2017 the smoking areas will be banned).
Brunei Darussalam WPR Complete ban – according to the Tobacco (Prohibition in Certain Places) (Amendment) Notification 2012. It is an offence under Section 14 (2) Tobacco Order 2005 and liable to a fine not exceeding BND$1,000, or a compound of BND$300 for first offence, and BND$500 for subsequent offences. Complete ban – according to the Tobacco (Prohibition in Certain Places) (Amendment) Notification 2012. It is an offence under Section 14 (2) Tobacco Order 2005 and liable to a fine not exceeding BND$1,000, or a compound of BND$300 for first offence, and BND$500 for subsequent offences. Complete ban – according to the Tobacco (Prohibition in Certain Places) (Amendment) Notification 2012. It is an offence under Section 14 (2) Tobacco Order 2005 and liable to a fine of BND$300.
Bulgaria EUR Please note that the information above was provided during the previous reporting. Health Law Article 56 (2) Smoking shall be also prohibited in premises with separate work places where work is done, as well as the premises ancillary and servicing thereto. Health Law Article 56 (2) Smoking shall be also prohibioted in premises with separate work places where work is done, as well as the premises ancillary and servicing thereto.
Burkina Faso AFR Le Burkina Faso a prévu dans son plan stratégique 2016-2020, des actions en rapport avec lapplication de la loi antitabac et ses décrets dapplication. Il est prévu des mesures dissuasives à lencontre des éventuels contrevenants au décret sur linterdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics. Des contrôles sont menés par la police nationale dans les centres urbains et des sanctions sont infligées aux contrevenants. Le Burkina Faso a prévu dans son plan stratégique 2016-2020, des actions en rapport avec lapplication de la loi antitabac et ses décrets dapplication. Il est prévu des mesures dissuasives à lencontre des éventuels contrevenants au décret sur linterdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics. Des contrôles sont menés par la police nationale dans les centres urbains et des sanctions sont infligées aux contrevenants. Le Burkina Faso a prévu dans son plan stratégique 2016-2020, des actions en rapport avec lapplication de la loi antitabac et ses décrets dapplication. Il est prévu des mesures dissuasives à lencontre des éventuels contrevenants au décret sur linterdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics
Burundi AFR Report not provided pour les mesures completes ;linterdiction de fumer sapplique sans exception aucune pour les mesures partielles,seules les instructions ministerielles ont été mises en place , les ateliers de sensibilisation ont été organisés et les signaux dinterdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics ont été distribués avec une délogation de fumer dans un espace reservé Report not provided
Cabo Verde AFR Lei nº 8/X/2022 de 16 de maio de 2022 Interdiction de fumer dans les établissements de soins publics Il peut être défini pour ces zones et zones fumeurs La loi n °. 119 / IV / 95 du 13 Mars 1995, Interdiction de fumer dans les établissements de soins publics Il peut être défini pour ces zones et zones fumeurs La loi n °. 119 / IV / 95 du 13 Mars 1995, Interdiction de fumer dans les établissements de soins publics Il peut être défini pour ces zones et zones fumeurs
Cambodia WPR Report not provided Yes, Answer not provided
Canada AMR MB - No smoking in enclosed places 2(1) no person shall smoke in (a) an enclosed public place; (b) an indoor workplace; (c) a group living facility; (d) a public vehicle; or (e) a vehicle used in the course of employment, while carrying two or more employees. PEI – Yes BC - No tobacco or vapour product use in or near certain places TOBACCO AND VAPOUR PRODUCTS CONTROL ACT 2.3 (1)Subject to subsection (2), a person must not smoke tobacco, hold lighted tobacco, use an e-cigarette, or hold an activated e-cigarette: (a)in any building, structure, vehicle or any other place that is fully or substantially enclosed and (ii)is a workplace MB - "indoor workplace" means an enclosed area of a building, structure, mine or other premises in which an employee engages in work, including any eating area, washroom, corridor, lounge, reception area, lobby, elevator, escalator, stairway, amenity area, storage area, closet, laundry room and parking garage used by employees, and any other enclosed area frequented by employees during the course of their employment, but does not include a private residence; (« lieu de travail intérieur ») SK - Occupational Health and Safety legislation includes prohibitions on ON - SFOA, 2017 prohibits smoking in all indoor workplaces. and public spaces. With minor exceptions described in C223. NL – Complete for all workplaces Canada has comprehensive smoke-free legislation in public workplaces, primarily governed through sub-national jurisdictions. Recognizing that over 98% of indoor workplaces in Canada are smoke-free, there do exist, in a limited number of jurisdictions, provisions for tightly regulated designated smoking rooms in indoor workplaces. In the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, there are exemptions for a workplace that is a remote work site, underground mining operations and marine installations, where the employer may provide a DSR. An operator of a facility that provides long-term care or a psychiatric facility or unit may allow smoking in a DSR; however, Regional Health Authority Smoke-free policy prevents DSRS in these locations. Canada has comprehensive smoke-free legislation in public workplaces, primarily governed through sub-national jurisdictions. Recognizing that over 98% of indoor workplaces in Canada are smoke-free, there do exist, in a limited number of jurisdictions, provisions for tightly regulated designated smoking rooms in indoor workplaces.
Chad AFR référence faites au Décret 1522 référence faites au Décret 1522 Un projet de décret portant interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics a été élaboré et en cours dadoption
Chile AMR Existe una prohibición de consumo de tabaco en lugares cerrados de uso público. Esto se establece en la ley 19.419 en su articulo 11. Existe una prohibición de consumo de tabaco en lugares cerrados de uso público. Esto se establece en la ley 19.419 en su articulo 11. Existe una prohibición de consumo de tabaco en lugares cerrados de uso público. Esto se establece en la ley 19.419 en su articulo 11.
Colombia AMR Socialización de la ruta de denuncia para la protección de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco en los lugares establecidos en el artículo 19 de la Ley 1335 de 2009. Señalización como ambiente 100% libre de humo de tabaco y sus derivados. Inclusión en los programas de salud y seguridad en el trabajo del componente de ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco como parte de los lineamientos de estilos de vida saludable. Creación y socialización de la ruta de denuncia para la protección de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco en los lugares establecidos en el artículo 19 de la Ley 1335 de 2009. Señalización como ambiente 100% libre de humo de tabaco y sus derivados. Inclusión en los programas de salud y seguridad en el trabajo del componente de ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco como parte de los lineamientos de estilos de vida saludable. Ver: Anexo 13 Creación y socialización de la ruta de denuncia para la protección de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco en los lugares establecidos en el artículo 19 de la Ley 1335 de 2009. Señalización como ambiente 100% libre de humo de tabaco y sus derivados. Inclusión en los programas de salud y seguridad en el trabajo del componente de ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco como parte de los lineamientos de estilos de vida saludable. Ver:
Comoros AFR Depuis deux ans, les maires des villes et les chefs communautaires travaillent ensemble sur la lutte antitabac dans les milieux publique . Answer not provided Answer not provided
Congo AFR La loi existe, les textes dapplication de la loi existent mais l'applicabilité de cette réglementation nest pas effective. La loi existe, les textes dapplication de la loi existent mais lapplicabilité de cette réglementation nest pas effective. Report not provided
Australia WPR In Australia, protection from exposure to tobacco smoke is primarily the responsibility of sub national governments. Each sub national government has implemented tobacco control laws that ban smoking in indoor workplaces. This can be seen below: (1) In Victoria, smoking and vaping are prohibited in enclosed workplaces. ‘Enclosed’ means an area, room or premises that is substantially enclosed by a roof and walls, regardless of whether the roof or walls or any part of them are permanent, temporary, open or closed. (2) In New South Wales (NSW), smoking and e-cigarette use are banned in all enclosed public places, with the exception of a private gaming room within a casino. (3) In Western Australia (WA): The Crown Perth Casino’s International Room indoor gaming facility had a historical special exemption under the Tobacco Products Control Regulations 2006 that allowed patrons to smoke. This exemption was removed on 31 December 2021, and smoking is no longer permitted in any indoor workplaces in WA. (4) In Tasmania: Smoking is banned in all enclosed areas of workplaces, including private workplaces, under the Public Health Act 1997. (5) In the Australian Capital Territory (ACT): Under the ACTs Smoke-Free Public Places Act 2003 smoking and vaping is banned in all enclosed public places, including business premises Complete In Australia, protection from exposure to tobacco smoke is primarily the responsibility of state and territory governments. Each state and territory government has implemented tobacco control laws which ban tobacco smoking in indoor workplaces.
Austria EUR Non-smokers must - in as far as the type of Company Permits this - be protected from the effects of tobacco smoke. If non-smokers are working in indoor workplaces, smoking is prohibited. Separate rooms can be made available for smokers. In this case, the smoke must not escape to the outside. Smoking is prohibited in first-aid rooms and changing rooms. Whereas there is a total smoking ban for guests in the hospitality sector (bars, restaurants, night clubs etc.), a strictly seperated smoking room could be provided only for employees (without any possibility for guests to join in). New: The protection of non-smoking employees in agriculture and forestry was newly regulated with the LAG 2021, Federal Law Gazette I No. 78/2021, in § 215. Accordingly, as of July 1, 2021, there is a general ban on smoking in workplaces in buildings. Smoking rooms may be set up, but work rooms, as well as other rooms that are to be set up according to the agricultural and forestry occupational health and safety regulations (such as recreation rooms, stand-by rooms, sanitary rooms and changing rooms) may not be provided as smoking rooms; smoking cabins may also be smoking rooms. Non-smokers must - in as far as the type of Company Permits this - be protected from the effects of tobacco smoke. If non-smokers are working in indoor workplaces, smoking is prohibited. Separate rooms can be made available for smokers. In this case, the smoke must not escape to the outside. Smoking is prohibited in first-aid rooms and changing rooms. Whereas there is a total smoking ban for guests in the hospitality sector (bars, restaurants, night clubs etc.), a strictly seperated smoking room could be provided only for employees (without any possibility for guests to join in). According to article 30 of the Austrian law on health and safety at work act as well as article 30 OSH regulations for public servants and article 88h farm labour act to the extent permitted by the type of operation, non-smokers must be protected against the effects of tobacco smoke. Smoking is banned if smokers and non-smokers have to work in the same office-rooms or similar work rooms. Smoking is banned in sanitary or changing rooms. In common- and standby rooms non-smokers must be protected by technical or organized measures against the effects of tobacco smoke.
Azerbaijan EUR Legislation is in place throughout Azerbaijan prohibiting smoking indoors in public workplaces (Article 21 of the Law on Tobacco and Tobacco Product), however, smoking is allowed in designated places Legislation is in place throughout Azerbaijan prohibiting smoking indoors in public workplaces (Article 21 of the Law on Tobacco and Tobacco Product), however, smoking is allowed in designated places Legislation is in place throughout Azerbaijan prohibiting smoking indoors in public workplaces (Article 21 of the Law on Tobacco and Tobacco Product), however, smoking is allowed in designated places
Bangladesh SEA 100% smoke free: Education Institutes, Inside libraries, elevators, hospitals and clinic buildings, inside exhibition center, inside covered showing place, inside of theater hall, restaurants (covered and closed), children park, single room/compartment public transport, single room restaurants (covered and closed), covered sports and practice ground etc. Partial smoke free: Government, Semi-Government and non-government offices, officers of autonomous body, indoor workplaces,court buildings, airport buildings, sea-port buildings, river-port buildings, railway station buildings, terminal buildings, ferry, cinema hall, shopping buildings, restaurants (covered and closed), public toilet, fair and festivals or queue to get in the public transports, any other public places used by public or any or all places by the general or special order on time to time, by the Government, or local government. ; 100% smoke free: Education Institutes, Inside libraries, elevators, hospitals and clinic buildings, inside exhibition center, inside covered showing place, inside of theater hall, restaurants (covered and closed), children park, single room/compartment public transport, single room restaurants (covered and closed), covered sports and practice ground etc. Partial smoke free: Government, Semi-Government and non-government offices, officers of autonomous body, indoor workplaces,court buildings, airport buildings, sea-port buildings, river-port buildings, railway station buildings, terminal buildings, ferry, cinema hall, shopping buildings, restaurants (covered and closed), public toilet, fair and festivals or queue to get in the public transports, any other public places used by public or any or all places by the general or special order on time to time, by the Government, or local government. {2(cha), Definition of Public Places}; Indoor workplaces are included as public place in the existing law
Barbados AMR no smoking is allowed in indoor workplaces Report not provided no smoking is allowed in indoor workplaces
Belize AMR Complete Banning:- Display of "No Smoking" sign and provide awareness and education activities to promote the initiative. Complete Banning:- Display of "No Smoking" sign and provide awareness and education activities to promote the initiative. Report not provided
Benin AFR le décret et les arrêtés d'application prévoient que les logos d'interdiction de fumer soient placés dans les hall des restaurants, bars et établissements assimilés et lieux de travail et l'amende à payer en cas de non respect le décret et les arrêtés dapplication prévoient que les logos dinterdiction de fumer soient placés dans les hall des lieux travail et lamende à payer en cas de non respect le décret et les arrêtés dapplication prévoient que les logos dinterdiction de fumer soient placés dans les hall des lieux travail et lamende à payer en cas de non respect
Bhutan SEA The 2010 Bhutan's Tobacco Control Act has defined indoor workplaces and has banned smoking in those areas. Until now this provision has not been amended. Report not provided Chapter 2, section 3C of Tobacco Control Act 2010 entails non-smoking at institutions
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR Quizas estos espacios son lo que presentan mayores avances. En casi la totalidad de oficinas publicas, esta prohibido fumar. En el caso de las oficinas privadas, los avances son menos prometedores. Quizas estos espacios son lo que presentan mayores avances. En casi la totalidad de oficinas publicas, esta prohibido fumar. En el caso de las oficinas privadas, los avances son menos prometedores. Quizas estos espacios son lo que presentan mayores avances. En casi la totalidad de oficinas publicas, esta prohibido fumar. En el caso de las oficinas privadas, los avances son menos prometedores.
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR Answers provided to question C226c refer to the Federation of BIH only. For the Republic of Srpska: COMPLETE ban - cultural facilities. PARTIAL ban - shopping malls; pubs and bars; nightclubs; restaurants. For Brčko District of BiH: COMPLETE ban - cultural facilities. PARTIAL ban - shopping malls; pubs and bars; nightclubs; restaurants. Answer to question C227: For the Federation of BIH: For pubs and bars, nightclubs and restaurants allowed a particular smoking area/room in line with technical requirement defined by Federal Ministry of Health. In specially designated rooms or enclosed areas for smoking, non-smokers must be protected from exposure to tobacco smoke, by ensuring complete physical separation of the smoking area and with adequate ventilation systems. The surface area of the smoking room in relation to the size of the facility is determined by the regulations of the Federal Ministry of Health. It is forbidden to serve food in these premises. In rooms and areas for smoking, clearly visible warnings must be placed, consisting of a graphic sign of a smoking permit and the text that reads: "Smoking area. Smoking is bad for your health." The Federal Minister of Health issues a by-law that prescribes the conditions for special smoking areas. For Brčko District of BiH: COMPLETE ban (There is no possibility for smoking in indoor workplaces). Partial - possibility for smoking area in case where there is applicable separate room. Partial - Possibility for smoking area in case where there is applicable separate room.
Botswana AFR Smoking is prohibited in public places including bars, pubs, restaurants, recreational places including clubs, however there is provision for separation of smokers from non-smokers area. Smoking is prohited in public places including bars, pubs, restaurants, recreational places including clubs. Smoking is prohited in public places including bars, pubs, restaurants, recreational places including clubs.
Brazil AMR - Since 1996 smoking is prohibited in the workplace. Law 9.294 / 96, regulated by Decree 2.018 / 96, prohibits the use of cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, pipes or any other tobacco product, in a collective, private or public space. - Since 1996 smoking is prohibited in the workplace. Law 9.294 / 96, regulated by Decree 2.018 / 96, prohibits the use of cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, pipes or any other fumigant product, whether or not derived from tobacco, in a collective, private or public enclosure, except in an area intended exclusively to this end, properly insulated and with suitable ventilation. - The Global Adult Tobacco Survey of 2013 showed that 13,5 of adults (18 years old or more) who work indoors were exposed to tobacco smoke at work. - Since 1996 smoking is prohibited in the workplace. Law 9.294 / 96, regulated by Decree 2.018 / 96, prohibits the use of cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, pipes or any other fumigant product, whether or not derived from tobacco, in a collective, private or public enclosure, except in an area intended exclusively to this end, properly insulated and with suitable ventilation. - The Global Adult Tobacco Survey of 2013 showed that 13,5 of adults (18 years old or more) who work indoors were exposed to tobacco smoke at work.
Algeria AFR Renforcement de l'interdiction de fumer dans les lieux de travail par la sensibilisation des travailleurs par les medecins de travail des entreprises Renforcement de linterdiction de fumer dans les lieux de travail par laffichage des autocollants portant interdiction de fumer. Renforcement de linterdiction de fumer dans les lieux de travail par laffichage des autocollants portant interdiction de fumer.
Andorra EUR La prohibición es total Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR information, education and communication campaign in the media Report not provided information, education and communication campaign in the media
Antigua and Barbuda AMR No Smoking signs should be in place No Ash trays Supervision of no smoking ban by businesses No Smoking signs should be in place No Ash trays Supervision of no smoking ban by businesses Report not provided
France EUR L’article R3512-3 code de la santé publique prévoit que L'interdiction de fumer ne s'applique pas dans les emplacements qui sont mis à la disposition des fumeurs, au sein des lieux mentionnés à l'article R. 3512-2. Ces emplacements sont déterminés par la personne ou l'organisme responsable de ces lieux, en tenant compte de leur volume, disposition, condition d'utilisation, d'aération et de ventilation et de la nécessité d'assurer la protection des non-fumeurs. La création de fumoirs est facultative. La majorité d'entreprises n'ont pas de fumoirs. Ces emplacements ne peuvent pas être aménagés au sein des établissements d'enseignement publics et privés, des centres de formation des apprentis, des établissements destinés à ou régulièrement utilisés pour l'accueil, la formation, l'hébergement ou la pratique sportive des mineurs ni les établissements de santé. La création de fumoirs au sein des locaux intérieurs de l’administration publique n’est pas non plus autorisée. L’article R3512-3 code de la santé publique prévoit que Linterdiction de fumer ne sapplique pas dans les emplacements qui sont mis à la disposition des fumeurs, au sein des lieux mentionnés à larticle R. 3512-2. Ces emplacements sont déterminés par la personne ou lorganisme responsable de ces lieux, en tenant compte de leur volume, disposition, condition dutilisation, daération et de ventilation et de la nécessité dassurer la protection des non-fumeurs. La création de fumoirs est facultative. La majorité dentreprises nont pas de fumoirs. Ces emplacements ne peuvent être aménagés au sein des établissements denseignement publics et privés, des centres de formation des apprentis, des établissements destinés à ou régulièrement utilisés pour laccueil, la formation, lhébergement ou la pratique sportive des mineurs et des établissements de santé. La création de fumoirs au sein des locaux intérieurs de l’administration publique n’est pas autorisée. Article R3511-2 du code de la santé publique : Linterdiction de fumer ne sapplique pas dans les emplacements qui sont mis à la disposition des fumeurs, au sein des lieux mentionnés à larticle R. 3511-1. Ces emplacements sont déterminés par la personne ou lorganisme responsable de ces lieux, en tenant compte de leur volume, disposition, condition dutilisation, daération et de ventilation et de la nécessité dassurer la protection des non-fumeurs. La création de fumoirs est facultative. La majorité dentreprises nont pas de fumoirs. Ces emplacements ne peuvent être aménagés au sein des établissements denseignement publics et privés, des centres de formation des apprentis, des établissements destinés à ou régulièrement utilisés pour laccueil, la formation, lhébergement ou la pratique sportive des mineurs et des établissements de santé. La création de fumoirs au sein des locaux intérieurs de l’administration publique n’est pas autorisée
Ecuador AMR En el Artículo 21, en el inciso b. de la Ley Orgánica para la Regulación y Control del Tabaco establece que se debe declarar espacios cien por ciento (100%) libres de humo de tabaco y se prohíbe fumar o mantener encendidos productos de tabaco en todos los espacios cerrados que sean lugares de trabajo y atención y acceso al público. Adicionalmente, existe la posibilidad de denunciar en caso de que se quiera o sea necesario al correo electrónico Además, se realizan monitoreos aleatorios para verificar el cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la Ley. En el Artículo 21, en el inciso b. de la Ley Orgánica para la Regulación y Control del Tabaco establece que se debe declarar espacios cien por ciento (100%) libres de humo de tabaco y se prohíbe fumar o mantener encendidos productos de tabaco en todos los espacios cerrados que sean lugares de trabajo y atención y acceso al público. Adicionalmente, existe la posibilidad de denunciar en caso de que se quiera o sea necesario al correo electrónico Además, se realizan monitoreos aleatorios para verificar el cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la Ley. En el Artículo 21, en el inciso b. de la Ley Orgánica para la Regulación y Control del Tabaco establece que se debe declarar espacios cien por ciento (100%) libres de humo de tabaco y se prohíbe fumar o mantener encendidos productos de tabaco en todos los espacios cerrados que sean lugares de trabajo y atención y acceso al público. Adicionalmente, existe la posibilidad de denunciar en caso de que se quiera o sea necesario al correo electrónico Además, se realizan monitoreos aleatorios para verificar el cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la Ley.
Cook Islands WPR Complete – smoking is prohibited. Complete – smoking is prohibited. Complete – smoking is prohibited.
China WPR 部分地方性法规规定室内工作场所部分或全面禁烟。 部分地方性控烟法规规定室内工作场所全面或部分禁烟。 《公共场所卫生管理条例实施细则》《关于2011年起全国医疗卫生系统全面禁烟的决定》《教育部关于在全国各级各类学校禁烟有关事项的通知》等以上制度文件对医疗卫生、教育系统及其他行业人员工作场所禁烟进行了规定;另外在地方性无烟法规中,对禁止在室内工作场所吸烟也进行了相关规定。
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Belgium EUR L’interdiction est totale. Possible de prévoir un fumoir dans les entreprises, après avis préalable du Comité pour la prévention et la protection au travail et sous certaines conditions très strictes (exclusivement destiné aux fumeurs, fermé, pas utilisé comme zone de passage, extraction puissante) L’interdiction est totale. Possible de prévoir un fumoir dans les entreprises, après avis préalable du Comité pour la prévention et la protection au travail et sous certaines conditions très strictes (exclusivement destiné aux fumeurs, fermé, pas utilisé comme zone de passage, extraction puissante) L’interdiction est totale. possible de prévoir un fumoir dans lentreprise, après avis préalable du Comité pour la prévention et la protection au travail et sous certaines conditions très strictes (exclusivement destiné aux fumeurs, fermé, pas utilisé comme zone de passage, extraction puissante)
Belarus EUR Report not provided Декрет Президента Республики Беларусь №28 «О государственном регулировании производства, оборота и потребления табачного сырья и табачных изделий» (далее – Декрет № 28). Декретом № 28 утверждено Положение о государственном регулировании производства, оборота и потребления табачного сырья и табачных изделий, производства, оборота и использования электронных систем курения, жидкостей для электронных систем курения, систем для потребления табака. ГЛАВА 11 ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ КУРЕНИЯ (ПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ) ТАБАЧНЫХ ИЗДЕЛИЙ, ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ЭЛЕКТРОННЫХ СИСТЕМ КУРЕНИЯ, СИСТЕМ ДЛЯ ПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ ТАБАКА 35. Запрещаются курение (потребление) табачных изделий, использование электронных систем курения, систем для потребления табака (далее - курение): в лифтах и вспомогательных помещениях многоквартирных жилых домов, общежитий; на детских площадках; на рабочих местах, организованных в помещениях; на территориях и в помещениях, занимаемых спортивно-оздоровительными и иными лагерями; в помещениях и на территориях, занимаемых учреждениями образования, организациями, реализующими образовательные программы послевузовского образования; в подземных переходах, на станциях метрополитена; на остановочных пунктах на маршрутах автомобильных перевозок пассажиров и перевозок пассажиров городским электрическим транспортом, посадочных площадках, используемых для посадки и высадки пассажиров; во всех видах транспорта общего пользования, за исключением указанных в абзаце одиннадцатом части второй настоящего пункта; в автомобилях, если в них присутствуют дети в возрасте до 14 лет; в иных местах, определенных законодательными актами Республики Беларусь. Запрещается курение, за исключением специально созданных мест: в торговых объектах и объектах бытового обслуживания населения, торговых центрах и на рынках; в объектах общественного питания, на территории летних площадок (продолжений залов); в границах территорий, занятых пляжами; на территориях и в помещениях, занимаемых организациями физической культуры и спорта, физкультурно-спортивными сооружениями; в производственных зданиях (помещениях); в помещениях и на территориях, занимаемых государственными органами, организациями культуры и здравоохранения, санаторно-курортными и оздоровительными организациями, организациями, оказывающими услуги связи, социальные, банковские, страховые, гостиничные и иные услуги, а также организациями, индивидуальными предпринимателями, которым в соответствии с законодательством Республики Беларусь предоставлено право осуществлять образовательную деятельность, за исключением указанных в абзаце шестом части первой настоящего пункта; в помещениях, предназначенных для приема граждан, в том числе по вопросам осуществления административных процедур; в помещениях пассажирских терминалов автомобильного транспорта, портов и аэропортов; в помещениях и на территориях железнодорожных станций, предназначенных для обслуживания пассажиров железнодорожного транспорта общего пользования; на морских судах, судах смешанного (река - море) плавания. Юридические лица и индивидуальные предприниматели, в собственности, хозяйственном ведении, оперативном управлении либо на ином законном основании которых находятся объекты, указанные в части второй настоящего пункта, создают (выделяют) специальные места на территориях этих объектов или комнаты для курения, оборудованные в установленном порядке и обозначенные указателем "Место для курения". Организации - производители табачных изделий вправе в производственных зданиях (помещениях) осуществлять дегустацию табачных изделий и табачного сырья в порядке, установленном этими организациями-производителями. 36. На объектах, указанных в абзацах втором - девятом и одиннадцатом части первой и части второй пункта 35 настоящего Положения, юридическими лицами и индивидуальными предпринимателями, в собственности, хозяйственном ведении, оперативном управлении либо на ином законном основании которых находятся эти объекты, размещается знак о запрете курения. Образец и требования к размещению такого знака устанавливаются Министерством здравоохранения. КонсультантПлюс: примечание. Образец знака о запрете курения (потребления) табачных изделий, использования электронных систем курения, систем для потребления табака установлен постановлением Министерства здравоохранения Республики Беларусь от 19.04.2019 N 35. Декрет Президента Республики Беларусь от 17.12.2002 № 28 "О государственном регулировании производства, оборота и потребления табачного сырья и табачных изделий" Государственное регулирование потребления табачных изделий 38. Запрещается курение (потребление) табачных изделий, за исключением мест, специально предназначенных для этой цели: в учреждениях (организациях) здравоохранения, культуры, образования, спорта, на объектах торговли и бытового обслуживания населения; на объектах общественного питания, кроме объектов, реализующих табачные изделия и имеющих предназначенные для обслуживания граждан (потребителей) помещения с действующей системой вентиляции; в помещениях органов государственного управления, местных исполнительных и распорядительных органов, организаций; на всех видах вокзалов, в аэропортах, подземных переходах, на станциях метрополитена; во всех видах общественного транспорта, вагонах поездов, на судах, в самолетах, за исключением поездов дальнего следования, пассажирских судов и самолетов, в которых предусмотрены места, специально предназначенные для курения. 39. Индивидуальные предприниматели или юридические лица, иностранные юридические лица, иностранные организации, в собственности, хозяйственном ведении либо в оперативном управлении которых находятся объекты (помещения, здания, сооружения, транспорт), указанные в пункте 38 настоящего Положения, создают (выделяют) на этих объектах специально предназначенные для курения места и оборудуют их в соответствии с требованиями, установленными Министерством по чрезвычайным ситуациям и Министерством здравоохранения. (в ред. Декрета Президента Республики Беларусь от 20.02.2015 N 2)
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR According to article 4 of antismoking law, smoking is prohibited in all closed public places including workplaces; however, a designated area for smokers can be allocated provided it is compliant with specifications of smoking areas stated by Ministry of Health. According to article 4 of antismoking law, smoking is prohibited in all closed public places including workplaces, however a designated area for smokers can be allocated provided it is compliant with specifications of smoking areas stated by Ministry of Health. According to article 4 of antismoking law, smoking is prohibited in all closed public places including workplaces, however a designated area for smokers can be allocated provided it is compliant with specifications of smoking areas stated by Ministry of Health.
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR Complete ban on smoking in indoor and outdoor places is in effect in Armenia. It is envisaged that in such workplaces (with the exception health-care, educational facilities etc.) special designated closed areas aimed for smoking. It is regulated by normative acts. In case violation of the ban on smoking in indoor workplaces, fines are envisaged. Partial ban on smoking in indoor workplaces is in effect in Armenia. It is envisaged that in such workplaces (with the exception health-care, educational facilities etc.) special designated closed areas aimed for smoking. It is regulated by normative acts. In case violation of the ban on smoking in indoor workplaces, fines are envisaged. Report not provided
Albania EUR According to legislation, a total ban on smoking in indoor workplaces is in effect in Albania. In case violation of the ban on smoking in inddoor workplaces, fines are envisaged. Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided follow up with authority in capital and provincial level for implementation of tobacco control law distribution of messages to all relevant organization on tobacco harms developing check list for monitoring of public gathering places developing and adapting guidelines for implementing the law supervision plan and join monitoring of target places Campaigns to remove water-pipes from 17 district of Kabul, Herat and Nangarhar regular supervision of public gathering places follow up with authority in capital and provincial level for implementation of tobacco control law distribution of messages to all relevant organization on tobacco harms developing check list for monitoring of public gathering places developing and adapting guidelines for implementing the law supervision plan and join monitoring of target places Campaigns to remove water-pipes from 17 district of Kabul, Herat and Nangarhar regular supervision of public gathering places
Uruguay AMR Se prohíbe fumar o mantener encendido cualquier producto de tabaco, incluidos dispositivos electrónicos para fumar, en todos los espacios públicos cerrados sin excepciones, espacios cerrados o abiertos, públicos o privados, que correspondan a dependencias de establecimientos sanitarios o centros de enseñanza. Se prohibe fumar sin excepciones. Se prohibe fumar sin excepciones.
Philippines WPR Smoking is prohibited in all public places including private workplaces except for fully compliant DSAs. The CSC Memorandum Circular No. 17 s. 2009 prohibits smoking based on 100% smoke free environment policy of the WHO FCTC Article 8 and its guidelines. This applies in or on the premises, buildings, and grounds of government agencies providing health, education and or social welfare and development services such as hospitals, schools, colleges and universities and among others. Smoking is prohibited in all public places including private workplaces except for fully compliant DSAs. The CSC Memorandum Circular No. 17 s. 2009 prohibits smoking based on 100% smoke free environment policy of the WHO FCTC Article 8 and its guidelines. This applies in or on the premises, buildings, and grounds of government agencies providing health, education and or social welfare and development services such as hospitals, schools, colleges and universities and among others. For private indoor workplaces, partial ban to tobacco smoking is enforced. The enforcement of a no smoking policy is highly depended on the individual policies or health programs enforced by each company.
Papua New Guinea WPR Individual organisations and organisors take charge of implementing smoke free indoors Individual organisations and organisors take charge of implementing smoke free indoors Individual organisations and organisors take charge of implementing smoke free indoors
Panama AMR A los detalles anteriores se suman dos elementos establecidos en el reglamento. El primero establece un conjunto de definiciones requeridas para la implementación de la prohibición total de fumar que incluye: Artículo 5. Para los efectos del presente Decreto se establecen las siguientes definiciones: 1. Áreas comunes: son las áreas de terreno en que se encuentran construidos el o los edificios; los bienes necesarios para la existencia, seguridad, salubridad, conservación, apariencia y funcionamiento del edificio; que permitan a todos y a todas, el uso y goce de las instalaciones. 2. Producción: es una actividad bajo el control y responsabilidad de un establecimiento que utiliza mano de obra, capital y bienes y servicios, para producir otros bienes y servicios. 3. Ventilación Natural: es aquella que ocurre cuando se produce un flujo de aire del exterior hacia una estructura interior, que provoca una renovación natural del aire interior, sin la participación de medios mecánicos. La misma ocurre cuando se da una de las siguientes condiciones: a. Espacios a cielo abierto natural b. Espacios techados sin paredes con un diseño arquitectónico que permita el flujo del aire y su respectiva renovación por la parte superior, sin el uso de medios mecánicos de ventilación. c. Espacios que cuentan con un mínimo de 3 lados abiertos y techados a una altura que facilite la renovación natural del aire y garantice la circulación cruzada del mismo Artículo 6. Las oficinas públicas comprenden las entidades administrativas del gobierno central, de los gobiernos locales, de las instituciones autónomas y semi autónomas; misiones diplomáticas, consulados y/o embajadas del Estado Panameño. Las mismas pueden estar ubicadas en instalaciones alquiladas, arrendadas o que son propiedad del Estado Panameño, por lo que en todos sus espacios interiores está prohibido el consumo de tabaco y sus derivados. Cuando estas oficinas estén ubicadas en instalaciones que sean patrimonio del Estado panameño se incluyen como áreas de no fumar sus estacionamientos, jardines interiores y cualquier otro espacio abierto dentro del perímetro institucional. En segundo lugar el contenido del Artículo 11 que dice: Los gerentes y/o propietarios de los establecimientos que cuenten con espacios con ventilación natural, deberán garantizar la no contaminación de los ambientes laborales cerrados por humo de tabaco de segunda mano. Estos espacios no deben constituirse en el paso obligado de personas que busquen servicio o presten servicios en los ambientes laborales cerrados de dichos establecimientos o en cualquier otra área donde esté prohibido fumar. En este caso y en atención a lo dispuesto en el Artículo 12 de del Decreto Ejecutivo No. 230 de mayo de 2008, " Los propietarios, gerentes o administradores de los ambientes públicos y privados donde está prohibido fumar, en garantía de cumplir con el deber de asegurar que el público en general y sus empleados cumplan con las disposiciones del artículo 5 de la Ley 13 de 2008, por cuenta propia y en un término no mayor de 3 meses contados a partir de la promulgación de este Decreto, deberán: 1. Colocar letreros en lugares visibles con el siguiente mensaje: "PROHIBIDO FUMAR", Ley 13 de 24 de enero de 2008". Denuncias a la línea caliente del Ministerio de Salud. 2. El tamaño del letrero debe ser como mínimo 8 ½ por 14 pulgadas y estar colocado a una altura de 1.5 metros de altura del piso. Los letreros deben colocarse en todas las entradas, principales y secundarias del establecimiento; como en aquellas áreas específicas donde se establezca la prohibición de fumar. Se recomienda que dichos carteles incluyan el logo universal de no fumar. (Anexo A). 3. La advertencia "PROHIBIDO FUMAR" debe estar impresa utilizando colores contrastantes, letra arial de color negro, resaltado en negrita No. 90, en mayúscula cerrada. El fundamento legal deberá estar impreso en letra arial de color negro, resaltado en negrita No. 45, en mayúscula cerrada. El número de la línea telefónica asignada por el Ministerio de la Salud, deberá estar impreso en letra arial No. 30, resaltada en negritas y colores contrastantes. 4. Adoptar políticas y procedimientos que deberán seguir los empleados para impedir el uso del tabaco en los lugares en los que se encuentre prohibido fumar. En caso que un empleado fume, en violación de la ley, el gerente o encargado deberá tomar las medidas disciplinarias correspondientes. 5. Solicitar a toda persona que este fumando en lugares prohibidos que se abstenga de dicha acción por ser violatoria a la Ley 13 de 2008. Ante la negativa de esta solicitud, exigir al infractor que abandone las instalaciones y en caso necesario solicitar asistencia a la Policía Nacional para hacer cumplir la exigencia del desalojo. Paragrafo: Los propietarios y/o gerentes de los establecimientos indicarán a los invidentes la prohibición de no fumar anunciada en el establecimiento. El cumplimiento de esta normativa es vigilado por el cuerpo de Inspectores de Saneamiento Ambiental y del personal responsable de la protección alimentaria en el país, así como de la Sociedad Civil y la población en general. Las acciones de vigilancia se cumplen aplicando dos metodologías, las inspecciones rutinarias, programadas y operativos especiales, ambos en ambientes públicos o privados. En el caso de la prohibición de uso de los SEAN´s y de los productos de tabaco calentado en los mismos lugares donde está prohibido fumar se aplican disposiciones en espejo y se utilizan los mismos mecanismos de vigilancia y control, aunque existe una norma específica con su reglamentación respectiva. A los detalles anteriores se suman dos elementos establecidos en el reglamento. El primero establece un conjunto de definiciones requeridas para la implementación de la prohibición total de fumar que incluye: Artículo 5. Para los efectos del presente Decreto se establecen las siguientes definiciones: 1. Áreas comunes: son las áreas de terreno en que se encuentran construidos el o los edificios; los bienes necesarios para la existencia, seguridad, salubridad, conservación, apariencia y funcionamiento del edificio; que permitan a todos y a todas, el uso y goce de las instalaciones. 2. Producción: es una actividad bajo el control y responsabilidad de un establecimiento que utiliza mano de obra, capital y bienes y servicios, para producir otros bienes y servicios. 3. Ventilación Natural: es aquella que ocurre cuando se produce un flujo de aire del exterior hacia una estructura interior, que provoca una renovación natural del aire interior, sin la participación de medios mecánicos. La misma ocurre cuando se da una de las siguientes condiciones: a. Espacios a cielo abierto natural b. Espacios techados sin paredes con un diseño arquitectónico que permita el flujo del aire y su respectiva renovación por la parte superior, sin el uso de medios mecánicos de ventilación. c. Espacios que cuentan con un mínimo de 3 lados abiertos y techados a una altura que facilite la renovación natural del aire y garantice la circulación cruzada del mismo Artículo 6. Las oficinas públicas comprenden las entidades administrativas del gobierno central, de los gobiernos locales, de las instituciones autónomas y semi autónomas; misiones diplomáticas, consulados y/o embajadas del Estado Panameño. Las mismas pueden estar ubicadas en instalaciones alquiladas, arrendadas o que son propiedad del Estado Panameño, por lo que en todos sus espacios interiores está prohibido el consumo de tabaco y sus derivados. Cuando estas oficinas estén ubicadas en instalaciones que sean patrimonio del Estado panameño se incluyen como áreas de no fumar sus estacionamientos, jardines interiores y cualquier otro espacio abierto dentro del perímetro institucional. Y en segundo lugar el contenido del Artículo 11 que dice: Los gerentes y/o propietarios de los establecimientos que cuenten con espacios con ventilación natural, deberán garantizar la no contaminación de los ambientes laborales cerrados por humo de tabaco de segunda mano. Estos espacios no deben constituirse en el paso obligado de personas que busquen servicio o presten servicios en los ambientes laborales cerrados de dichos establecimientos o en cualquier otra área donde esté prohibido fumar. En este caso y en atención a lo dispuesto en el Artículo 12 de del Decreto Ejecutivo No. 230 de mayo de 2008, " Los propietarios, gerentes o administradores de los ambientes públicos y privados donde está prohibido fumar, en garantía de cumplir con el deber de asegurar que el público en general y sus empleados cumplan con las disposiciones del artículo 5 de la Ley 13 de 2008, por cuenta propia y en un término no mayor de 3 meses contados a partir de la promulgación de este Decreto, deberán: 1. Colocar letreros en lugares visibles con el siguiente mensaje: "PROHIBIDO FUMAR", Ley 13 de 24 de enero de 2008". Denuncias a la línea caliente del Ministerio de Salud. 2. El tamaño del letrero debe ser como mínimo 8 ½ por 14 pulgadas y estar colocado a una altura de 1.5 metros de altura del piso. Los letreros deben colocarse en todas las entradas, principales y secundarias del establecimiento; como en aquellas áreas específicas donde se establezca la prohibición de fumar. Se recomienda que dichos carteles incluyan el logo universal de no fumar. (Anexo A). 3. La advertencia "PROHIBIDO FUMAR" debe estar impresa utilizando colores contrastantes, letra arial de color negro, resaltado en negrita No. 90, en mayúscula cerrada. El fundamento legal deberá estar impreso en letra arial de color negro, resaltado en negrita No. 45, en mayúscula cerrada. El número de la línea telefónica asignada por el Ministerio de la Salud, deberá estar impreso en letra arial No. 30, resaltada en negritas y colores contrastantes. 4. Adoptar políticas y procedimientos que deberán seguir los empleados para impedir el uso del tabaco en los lugares en los que se encuentre prohibido fumar. En caso que un empleado fume, en violación de la ley, el gerente o encargado deberá tomar las medidas disciplinarias correspondientes. 5. Solicitar a toda persona que este fumando en lugares prohibidos que se abstenga de dicha acción por ser violatoria a la Ley 13 de 2008. Ante la negativa de esta solicitud, exigir al infractor que abandone las instalaciones y en caso necesario solicitar asistencia a la Policía Nacional para hacer cumplir la exigencia del desalojo. Parágrafo: Los propietarios y/o gerentes de los establecimientos indicarán a los invidentes la prohibición de no fumar anunciada en el establecimiento. El cumplimiento de esta normativa es vigilado por el cuerpo de Inspectores de Saneamiento Ambiental y del personal responsable de la protección alimentaria en el país, así como de la Sociedad Civil y la población en general. Las acciones de vigilancia se cumplen aplicando dos metodologías, las inspecciones rutinarias, programadas y operativos especiales, ambos en ambientes públicos o privados. A los detalles anteriores se suman dos elementos establecidos en el reglamento. El primero establece un conjunto de definiciones requeridas para la implementación de la prohibición total de fumar que incluye: Artículo 5. Para los efectos del presente Decreto se establecen las siguientes definiciones: 1. Áreas comunes: son las áreas de terreno en que se encuentran construidos el o los edificios; los bienes necesarios para la existencia, seguridad, salubridad, conservación, apariencia y funcionamiento del edificio; que permitan a todos y a todas, el uso y goce de las instalaciones. 2. Producción: es una actividad bajo el control y responsabilidad de un establecimiento que utiliza mano de obra, capital y bienes y servicios, para producir otros bienes y servicios. 3. Ventilación Natural: es aquella que ocurre cuando se produce un flujo de aire del exterior hacia una estructura interior, que provoca una renovación natural del aire interior, sin la participación de medios mecánicos. La misma ocurre cuando se da una de las siguientes condiciones: a. Espacios a cielo abierto natural b. Espacios techados sin paredes con un diseño arquitectónico que permita el flujo del aire y su respectiva renovación por la parte superior, sin el uso de medios mecánicos de ventilación. c. Espacios que cuentan con un mínimo de 3 lados abiertos y techados a una altura que facilite la renovación natural del aire y garantice la circulación cruzada del mismo Artículo 6. Las oficinas públicas comprenden las entidades administrativas del gobierno central, de los gobiernos locales, de las instituciones autónomas y semi autónomas; misiones diplomáticas, consulados y/o embajadas del Estado Panameño. Las mismas pueden estar ubicadas en instalaciones alquiladas, arrendadas o que son propiedad del Estado Panameño, por lo que en todos sus espacios interiores está prohibido el consumo de tabaco y sus derivados. Cuando estas oficinas estén ubicadas en instalaciones que sean patrimonio del Estado panameño se incluyen como áreas de no fumar sus estacionamientos, jardines interiores y cualquier otro espacio abierto dentro del perímetro institucional. Y en segundo lugar el contenido del Artículo 11 que dice: Los gerentes y/o propietarios de los establecimientos que cuenten con espacios con ventilación natural, deberán garantizar la no contaminación de los ambientes laborales cerrados por humo de tabaco de segunda mano. Estos espacios no deben constituirse en el paso obligado de personas que busquen servicio o presten servicios en los ambientes laborales cerrados de dichos establecimientos o en cualquier otra área donde esté prohibido fumar. En este caso y en atención a lo dispuesto en el Artículo 12 de del Decreto Ejecutivo No. 230 de mayo de 2008, " Los propietarios, gerentes o administradores de los ambientes públicos y privados donde está prohibido fumar, en garantía de cumplir con el deber de asegurar que el público en general y sus empleados cumplan con las disposiciones del artículo 5 de la Ley 13 de 2008, por cuenta propia y en un término no mayor de 3 meses contados a partir de la promulgación de este Decreto, deberán: 1. Colocar letreros en lugares visibles con el siguiente mensaje: "PROHIBIDO FUMAR", Ley 13 de 24 de enero de 2008". Denuncias a la línea caliente del Ministerio de Salud. 2. El tamaño del letrero debe ser como mínimo 8 ½ por 14 pulgadas y estar colocado a una altura de 1.5 metros de altura del piso. Los letreros deben colocarse en todas las entradas, principales y secundarias del establecimiento; como en aquellas áreas específicas donde se establezca la prohibición de fumar. Se recomienda que dichos carteles incluyan el logo universal de no fumar. (Anexo A). 3. La advertencia "PROHIBIDO FUMAR" debe estar impresa utilizando colores contrastantes, letra arial de color negro, resaltado en negrita No. 90, en mayúscula cerrada. El fundamento legal deberá estar impreso en letra arial de color negro, resaltado en negrita No. 45, en mayúscula cerrada. El número de la línea telefónica asignada por el Ministerio de la Salud, deberá estar impreso en letra arial No. 30, resaltada en negritas y colores contrastantes. 4. Adoptar políticas y procedimientos que deberán seguir los empleados para impedir el uso del tabaco en los lugares en los que se encuentre prohibido fumar. En caso que un empleado fume, en violación de la ley, el gerente o encargado deberá tomar las medidas disciplinarias correspondientes. 5. Solicitar a toda persona que este fumando en lugares prohibidos que se abstenga de dicha acción por ser violatoria a la Ley 13 de 2008. Ante la negativa de esta solicitud, exigir al infractor que abandone las instalaciones y en caso necesario solicitar asistencia a la Policía Nacional para hacer cumplir la exigencia del desalojo. Parágrafo: Los propietarios y/o gerentes de los establecimientos indicarán a los invidentes la prohibición de no fumar anunciada en el establecimiento. El cumplimiento de esta normativa es vigilado por el cuerpo de Inspectores de Saneamiento Ambiental y del personal responsable de la protección alimentaria en el país, así como de la Sociedad Civil y la población en general. Las acciones de vigilancia se cumplen aplicando dos metodologías, las inspecciones rutinarias, programadas y operativos especiales, ambos en ambientes públicos o privados.
Palau WPR Designated smoking areas are allowed in restaurants, clubs, bars, and hotels Designated smoking areas are allowed in restaurants, clubs, bars, and hotels Designated smoking areas are allowed in restaurants, clubs, bars, and hotels
Niue WPR Report not provided Prior to the adoption of the tobacco control bill, there was voluntary prohibition of smoking in indoor workplaces and public places such as churches, shopping malls, restaurants. Now indoor workplaces are smoke free under the new Tobacco Control Act 2018 Report not provided
Montenegro EUR Article15 It shall be prohibited to smoke in workplace and in public space and to expose other people to secondary tobacco smoke, in accordance with this Law. Article16 The workspace is any enclosed space in which an employer performs its activity or function, that is, in which the employees carry out their duties and assignments. The enclosed space is the space made of any material that has a movable or unmovable roof or ceiling, doors, windows and passages that are completely permanently or occasionally closed or the space where less than a half of the external walls area is made of openings that do not include openings for doors and windows. Article18 Smoking shall be allowed in public or in the workspace only in the room designated by owner or customer solely for smoking, which displays the label smoking permitted inside the room. In public space referred to in Article17 paragraph 2 item 3 of this Law smoking shall be permitted in rooms and suites for accommodation of guests designated by the employer, on which it displays the label that smoking is permitted in these rooms and suites. Room referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may not be designated in the workspace where activities are carried out by state authorities, state administration authorities, units of local self-governance and other legal entities exercising public authorities; space where health and educational-teaching activities are carried out; social protection; cultural activities; sports and recreation; manufacture and marketing of medicines; trade activity; manufacture, trade and storing of food; recording and public broadcasting of program or in the space where meetings and public gatherings are held. Notwithstanding the paragraph 3 of this Article, the health institution accommodating mentally ill persons and social institution for accommodation of elderly people may also designate a room for smoking. Article19 The room referred to in Article18 paragraph 1 of this Law shall be provided with the ventilation system, ashtrays and appropriate fire devices. The room referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be insulated in a way to prevent the outflow of smoke into the remaining area and surface of the area shall not be less than 10 m2, or cover more than 20%of workspace or public space and shall not be intended for passing into another rooms. In the room designated by employer as a room where smoking is permitted employer’s activities shall not be performed and food shall not be consumed. Provisions of this Article shall not refer to the smoking room referred to in Article16paragraph 4 of this Law. Article 20 Owners or users of the space have to visibly display the smoking prohibition signs in a public place and workspace where smoking is prohibited in accordance with this Law. Article 21 Control of the smoking prohibition in public and workspace stipulated by this Law, as well as taking measures and activities for space planning referred to in Articles 18and 19 of this Law shall be performed by a person managing the work or carrying out the activities. A person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may commit one or more employees in writing to control the smoking prohibition during the entire work process. Employee that does not abide to the smoking prohibition, in accordance with this Law, shall commit a violation of work discipline and a person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall initiate the procedure against him/her for the establishment of disciplinary liability, in accordance with the law and the employment contract. Article 68 Fine in the amount of EUR 30 to EUR 1.000 shall be imposed on a natural person for offence if: 1) he/she smokes in a public space or in a workspace and exposes other persons to secondary tobacco smoke, in accordance with this Law (Article13); 2) he/she smokes in a public space or a workspace which was not exclusively designated for smoking by owner or user (Article16 paragraph 1); 3) he/she smokes in the rooms and suites for accommodating guests, which were not designated by the employer for the same, where it did not specify by a sign that smoking in these rooms and suites is permitted (Article16 paragraph 2). Article15 It shall be prohibited to smoke in workplace and in public space and to expose other people to secondary tobacco smoke, in accordance with this Law. Article15 It shall be prohibited to smoke in workplace and in public space and to expose other people to secondary tobacco smoke, in accordance with this Law. Article16 The workspace is any enclosed space in which an employer performs its activity or function, that is, in which the employees carry out their duties and assignments. The enclosed space is the space made of any material that has a movable or unmovable roof or ceiling, doors, windows and passages that are completely permanently or occasionally closed or the space where less than a half of the external walls area is made of openings that do not include openings for doors and windows. Article18 Smoking shall be allowed in public or in the workspace only in the room designated by owner or customer solely for smoking, which displays the label smoking permitted inside the room. In public space referred to in Article17 paragraph 2 item 3 of this Law smoking shall be permitted in rooms and suites for accommodation of guests designated by the employer, on which it displays the label that smoking is permitted in these rooms and suites. Room referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may not be designated in the workspace where activities are carried out by state authorities, state administration authorities, units of local self-governance and other legal entities exercising public authorities; space where health and educational-teaching activities are carried out; social protection; cultural activities; sports and recreation; manufacture and marketing of medicines; trade activity; manufacture, trade and storing of food; recording and public broadcasting of program or in the space where meetings and public gatherings are held. Notwithstanding the paragraph 3 of this Article, the health institution accommodating mentally ill persons and social institution for accommodation of elderly people may also designate a room for smoking. Article19 The room referred to in Article18 paragraph 1 of this Law shall be provided with the ventilation system, ashtrays and appropriate fire devices. The room referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be insulated in a way to prevent the outflow of smoke into the remaining area and surface of the area shall not be less than 10 m2, or cover more than 20%of workspace or public space and shall not be intended for passing into another rooms. In the room designated by employer as a room where smoking is permitted employer’s activities shall not be performed and food shall not be consumed. Provisions of this Article shall not refer to the smoking room referred to in Article16paragraph 4 of this Law. Article 20 Owners or users of the space have to visibly display the smoking prohibition signs in a public place and workspace where smoking is prohibited in accordance with this Law. Article 21 Control of the smoking prohibition in public and workspace stipulated by this Law, as well as taking measures and activities for space planning referred to in Articles 18and 19 of this Law shall be performed by a person managing the work or carrying out the activities. A person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may commit one or more employees in writing to control the smoking prohibition during the entire work process. Employee that does not abide to the smoking prohibition, in accordance with this Law, shall commit a violation of work discipline and a person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall initiate the procedure against him/her for the establishment of disciplinary liability, in accordance with the law and the employment contract. Article 68 Fine in the amount of EUR 30 to EUR 1.000 shall be imposed on a natural person for offence if: 1) he/she smokes in a public space or in a workspace and exposes other persons to secondary tobacco smoke, in accordance with this Law (Article13); 2) he/she smokes in a public space or a workspace which was not exclusively designated for smoking by owner or user (Article16 paragraph 1); 3) he/she smokes in the rooms and suites for accommodating guests, which were not designated by the employer for the same, where it did not specify by a sign that smoking in these rooms and suites is permitted (Article16 paragraph 2). Article15 It shall be prohibited to smoke in workplace and in public space and to expose other people to secondary tobacco smoke, in accordance with this Law. Smoking in public places is forbidden (Article 4, paragraph 1, item 1 and paragraph 2, items 1, 2 and 5 of the Law.) Notwithstanding above paragraph 1, medical institutions providing care to psychiatric patients can allocate a space for smokers. Public space is a space intended for communal use, and includes areas in facilities where 1) the following activities are performed: teaching, health care, production, control and trade of medical devices; facilities which provide accommodation/lodging for children, students; receive, accommodate and meet social needs of elderly people; 2) places for performing cultural, entertainment, sports and other activities, events, performances and competitions, meetings and other gatherings; 3) commercial services and manufacturing, warehousing and trade in food products is provided; 4) public spaces, as defined in paragraph 1 of this Article shall also include: discos, pastry shops, bistros, pizzerias and fast food outlets; 5) restaurants where food is served
Mexico AMR Esta prohibido fumar tabaco o consumir cualquier producto de nicotina en los lugares de trabajo interiores. La enmienda a la Ley General para el Control del Tabaco y su Reglamento, vigentes desde 2022, establecen de conformidad con las recomendaciones del artículo 8 del convenio y sus directrices la prohibición absoluta de fumar en lugares de trabajo tanto interiores o cerrado como abiertos, ampliando la protección contra la exposición de cualquier tipo de emisiones de los denominados productos de tabaco y nicotina novedosos y emergentes. Existen sanciones económicas, para quien incumpla con lo dispuesto en la Ley y su Reglamento. Está prohibido, sin embargo la ley permite áreas interiores reservadas para fumar. Existen sanciones económicas, para quien incumpla con lo dispuesto en la ley y su reglamento. Está prohibido, sin embargo la ley permite áreas interiores reservadas para fumar. Existen sanciones económicas, para quien incumpla con lo dispuesto en la ley y su reglamento.
Malta EUR Total ban except in designated rooms in Casinos. Report not provided Total ban except in designated rooms in Casinos.
Latvia EUR Smoking is prohibited at working places in work and common-use premises (jidoors), except for the room specially designated for smoking Specially designated rooms for smoking are also allowed in prisons (cells). Smoking at workplaces (indoor) is prohibited, except specially designated rooms for smoking. Specially designated rooms for smoking are also allowed in prisons (cells) and in health care and social care facilities. Smoking at workplaces (indoor) is prohibited, except specially designated rooms for smoking. Specially designated rooms for smoking are also allowed in prisons (cells) and in health care and social care facilities.
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR The law prohibits smoking in all work places. Report not provided The law prohibits smoking in all work places.
Japan WPR Occupational Safety and Health Act was partially revised and enforced. From June 1, 2015, The employer shall endeavor to take necessary measures in order to prevent the passive smoking, considering the circumstances of the said employer and his/her workplace, including indoor workplace. Occupational Safety and Health Act was partially revised and enforced. From June 1, 2015, The employer shall endeavor to take necessary measures in order to prevent the passive smoking, considering the circumstances of the said employer and his/her workplace, including indoor workplace. Occupational Safety and Health Act was partially revised and enforced. From June 1, 2015, The employer shall endeavor to take necessary measures in order to prevent the passive smoking, considering the circumstances of the said employer and his/her workplace, including indoor workplace.
Iceland EUR Tobacco smoking is prohibited on premises where business is conducted. It is, however, permissible, with respect to the part of the business premises to which the public does not have access, see art. 6, to allocate a special space for tobacco smoking. Should a member of staff have a personal workspace connected to other workspace solely via a closable door, and should his/her work responsibilities not require others to enter his/her workspace, the employer/manager of the workplace may, notwithstanding para. 1, permit him/her to smoke in the workspace. Should two or more people work in the same workspace, all of whom smoke, the smoking ban may be waived, on the same conditions, if all agree. A member of staff may at any time revoke his/her agreement, and should he/she cease smoking it is automatically revoked. A workspace where smoking is permitted must not be used by others as smokers’ space. If substances which may be carcinogenic, other than tobacco smoke, are in the atmosphere of the workspace (as steam, smoke, dust or droplets) smoking shall not be permitted there. Smoking is prohibited in dormitories, bedrooms and sleeping compartments belonging to the workplace, shared by two or more people. The ban may be waived if all those who use the sleeping accommodation smoke, and if all are in agreement to permit smoking. A member of staff may at any time revoke his/her agreement, and should he/she cease smoking it is automatically revoked. The provisions of arts. 1 to 3 also apply to tents and other camp accommodation belonging to a workplace. The restrictions on tobacco smoking on business premises under paras. 1, 2 and 3 apply also to tobacco smoking in ships, aircraft, vehicles and machinery used for commercial purposes. Smoking is, however, permitted on open decks of ships. Should the public have access to a ship, aircraft or vehicle, art. 7 applies as relevant. The provisions of paras. 1 to 3 do not apply to business carried on in a private home, nor in a private vehicle, provided that the premises or vehicle in question are/is used only by individuals in the same family or members of the same household. Should the public have access to the private home or vehicle, the provisions of arts. 6 and 7 apply. Tobacco smoking is prohibited on premises where business is conducted. It is, however, permissible, with respect to the part of the business premises to which the public does not have access, see art. 6, to allocate a special space for tobacco smoking. Should a member of staff have a personal workspace connected to other workspace solely via a closable door, and should his/her work responsibilities not require others to enter his/her workspace, the employer/manager of the workplace may, notwithstanding para. 1, permit him/her to smoke in the workspace. Should two or more people work in the same workspace, all of whom smoke, the smoking ban may be waived, on the same conditions, if all agree. A member of staff may at any time revoke his/her agreement, and should he/she cease smoking it is automatically revoked. A workspace where smoking is permitted must not be used by others as smokers’ space. If substances which may be carcinogenic, other than tobacco smoke, are in the atmosphere of the workspace (as steam, smoke, dust or droplets) smoking shall not be permitted there. Smoking is prohibited in dormitories, bedrooms and sleeping compartments belonging to the workplace, shared by two or more people. The ban may be waived if all those who use the sleeping accommodation smoke, and if all are in agreement to permit smoking. A member of staff may at any time revoke his/her agreement, and should he/she cease smoking it is automatically revoked. The provisions of arts. 1 to 3 also apply to tents and other camp accommodation belonging to a workplace. The restrictions on tobacco smoking on business premises under paras. 1, 2 and 3 apply also to tobacco smoking in ships, aircraft, vehicles and machinery used for commercial purposes. Smoking is, however, permitted on open decks of ships. Should the public have access to a ship, aircraft or vehicle, art. 7 applies as relevant. The provisions of paras. 1 to 3 do not apply to business carried on in a private home, nor in a private vehicle, provided that the premises or vehicle in question are/is used only by individuals in the same family or members of the same household. Should the public have access to the private home or vehicle, the provisions of arts. 6 and 7 apply. Tobacco smoking is prohibited on premises where business is conducted. It is, however, permissible, with respect to the part of the business premises to which the public does not have access, see art. 6, to allocate a special space for tobacco smoking. Should a member of staff have a personal workspace connected to other workspace solely via a closable door, and should his/her work responsibilities not require others to enter his/her workspace, the employer/manager of the workplace may, notwithstanding para. 1, permit him/her to smoke in the workspace. Should two or more people work in the same workspace, all of whom smoke, the smoking ban may be waived, on the same conditions, if all agree. A member of staff may at any time revoke his/her agreement, and should he/she cease smoking it is automatically revoked. A workspace where smoking is permitted must not be used by others as smokers’ space. If substances which may be carcinogenic, other than tobacco smoke, are in the atmosphere of the workspace (as steam, smoke, dust or droplets) smoking shall not be permitted there. Smoking is prohibited in dormitories, bedrooms and sleeping compartments belonging to the workplace, shared by two or more people. The ban may be waived if all those who use the sleeping accommodation smoke, and if all are in agreement to permit smoking. A member of staff may at any time revoke his/her agreement, and should he/she cease smoking it is automatically revoked. The provisions of arts. 1 to 3 also apply to tents and other camp accommodation belonging to a workplace. The restrictions on tobacco smoking on business premises under paras. 1, 2 and 3 apply also to tobacco smoking in ships, aircraft, vehicles and machinery used for commercial purposes. Smoking is, however, permitted on open decks of ships. Should the public have access to a ship, aircraft or vehicle, art. 7 applies as relevant. The provisions of paras. 1 to 3 do not apply to business carried on in a private home, nor in a private vehicle, provided that the premises or vehicle in question are/is used only by individuals in the same family or members of the same household. Should the public have access to the private home or vehicle, the provisions of arts. 6 and 7 apply.
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR Employers obliged to protect non-smokers against passive smoking at federal and Länder (state) level except for workplaces accessible to the public Employers obliged to protect non-smokers against passive smoking at federal and Länder (state) level except for workplaces accessible to the public Employers obliged to protect non-smokers against passive smoking at federal and Länder (state) level except for workplaces accessible to the public
Georgia EUR According to the "New Generation Tobacco Control Legislation, which entered into force on May 1, 2018, smoking is completely banned in all workplaces except Casinos, in pre-detention facilities, and in theatres (during the performance). according to the tobacco control legislation smoking is completely banned in all workplaces. the law entered into force on May 1, 2018. The exception are Casinos where smoking is still allowed. according to the new tobacco control legislation smoking is completely banned in all workplaces. the law enters into force on May 1, 2018. The exception are Casinos where smoking is still allowed.
Gabon AFR Le Decret n° 0287 du 17 Mai 2016 stipule dans son article premier qu'il est formellement interdit de fumer du tabac dans les lieux ouverts au public. Par "lieux ouverts au public", on entend, les lieux d'accès au public à quelque titre que ce soit. Le travail de sensibilisation sur terrain na pas encore été réalisé. Answer not provided
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided See attached SI 264 OF 2002, Public Health ( Tobacco Control ) Regulations of 2002 See attached SI 264 OF 2002, Public Health ( Tobacco Control ) Regulations of 2002
Spain EUR La Ley 28/2005 prohíbe fumar en centros de trabajo públicos y privados, salvo en los espacios al aire libre. La Ley 28/2005 prohíbe fumar en centros de trabajo públicos y privados, salvo en los espacios al aire libre. La Ley 28/2005 prohíbe fumar en centros de trabajo públicos y privados, salvo en los espacios al aire libre.
South Africa AFR Legislation calls for designated smoking areas, but workplaces may opt for a total ban. Report not provided Legislation calls for designated smoking areas, but workplaces may opt for a total ban.
Czechia EUR Please see answer C223 Please see answer C223 Please see answer C223
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Türkiye EUR Smokefree Law covers all indoor places including workplaces. Smokefree Law covers all indoor places including workplaces. Smokefree Law covers all indoor places including workplaces.
Yemen EMR يوجد حظر نسبي يختلف تنفيذه من مؤسسة الى أخرى ويعتمد ذلك حسب قناعة المسئول عن الجهة بتنفيذ ذلك أم لا Report not provided يوجد حظر نسبي يختلف تنفيذه من مؤسسة الى أخرى ويعتمد ذلك حسب قناعة المسئول عن الجهة بتنفيذ ذلك أم لا
Senegal AFR Il y a une interdiction formelle dans les lieux publics ou ouverts au public( voir article 18 de la loi 2014-14 du 28 mars)2018) Il y a une interdiction formelle dans les lieux publics ou ouverts au public( voir article 18 de la loi 2014-14 du 28 mars)2018) Il y a une interdiction formelle dans les lieux publics ou ouvert au public( voir article 18 de la loi 2014-14 du 28 mars 2018)
San Marino EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR Smoking is banned in all indoor work places, either public or private. Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR developed a Guide for managers with recommendation how to apply law provisions developed a Guide for managers with recommendation how to apply law provisions developed a Guide for managers with recommendation how to apply law provisions
India SEA As per Section 4 of COTPA, 2003, there is prohibition on ban on smoking in public places, however, restaurant (more than 30 seating capacity) and airports have designated smoking areas. The definition of public placesis very comprehensive and includes all places visited by public whether as of right or not and includes auditorium, hospital buildings, railway waiting rooms, amusement centres, restaurants, public offices, court buildings, educational institutions, libraries, public conveyances, refreshment rooms, banquet halls, discotheques, canteen, coffee house, pubs, bar, airport lounge, shopping malls, cinema halls and the like. However, hotels having 30 or more rooms, restaurants having seating capacity of 30 or more persons and airports may create a separate designated smoking room as per specifications and ventilation standards provided in Rules. The definition of public placesis very comprehensive and includes all places visited by public whether as of right or not and includes auditorium, hospital buildings, railway waiting rooms, amusement centres, restaurants, public offices, court buildings, educational institutions, libraries, public conveyances, refreshment rooms, banquet halls, discotheques, canteen, coffee house, pubs, bar, airport lounge, shopping malls, cinema halls and the like. However, hotels having 30 or more rooms, restaurants having seating capacity of 30 or more persons and airports may create a separate designated smoking room as per specifications and ventilation standards provided in Rules.
Ireland EUR Smoking in most workplaces has been banned in Ireland since 2004 with the enactment of The Public Health (Tobacco) Acts 2002 and 2004. The Protection of Children's Health (Tobacco Smoke in Mechanically Propelled Vehicles) Act prohibits smoking in cars where children under 18 are present and came into effect on 1 January 2016 Smoking in all workplaces has been banned in Ireland since 2004 with the enactment of The Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2002. Smoking in all workplaces has been banned in Ireland since 2004
Italy EUR Smoking is not allowed in all enclosed place (public and private). The law allows the possibility to create rooms for smokers realized with well defined structural and ventilation criteria. There are fines for smoking rooms not compliant. Smoking is not allowed in all enclosed place (public and private). The law allows the possibility to create rooms for smokers realized with well defined structural and ventilation criteria. There are fines for smoking rooms not compliant. Smoking is not allowed in all enclosed place (public and private). The law allows the possibility to create rooms for smokers realized with well defined structural and ventilation criteria. There are fines for smoking rooms not compliant.
Nepal SEA Tobacco smoking is completely banned in indoor workplaces. Tobacco smoking is completely banned in indoor workplaces. Tobacco smoking is completely banned in indoor workplaces.
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR Smoking in all indoor work places is completely banned and enforced. Smoking in all indoor work places is completely banned and enforced. Smoking in all indoor work places is completely banned and enforced.
Iraq EMR the competent courts impose financial penalties on violators of the law (smokers) in indoor public places, including workplaces. workers prevented from carrying their cigarette packets in to the workplace. Smokers shall be fined 10000 Iraqi dinars in accordance with the smoking control law. the competent courts impose financial penalties on violators of the law (smokers) in indoor public places, including workplaces. workers prevented from carrying their cigarette packets in to the workplace.Smokers shall be fined 10000 Iraqi dinars in accordance with the smoking control law. Smokers in indoor public places, including workplaces, shall be fined 10000 Iraqi dinars in accordance with the smoking control law. prevent workers from carrying their cigarette packets in to the workplace.
Israel EUR Report not provided Smoking designated rooms are allowed in workplaces, if the management agreed to allocate a designated smoking room, after taking into consideration the workers position. Report not provided